Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

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Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

REGULATION OF POTASSIUM BALANCEOBJECTIVESupon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:1I low does the

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2e body maintain K homeostasis?2what is the distribution of K’ within the body compartments? Why is this distribution important?3What are the hormones

and factors that regulate plasma K* levels?. Why is this regulation important?4How do the various segments of the nephron transport K'. and how does t Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

he mechanism ofK' transportby these segments determine how much K* is excreted in the urine?5Why are the distal tubule and collecting duct so importan

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

t in regulating K’ excretion?6How do plasma K levels, aldosterone, vasopressin, tubular fluid flow rate, and acid-base balance influence K’ excretion?

REGULATION OF POTASSIUM BALANCEOBJECTIVESupon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:1I low does the

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2ein synthesis, growth, enzyme function, resting membrane potential, and cardiac and neuromuscular activity. Despite wide fluctuations in dietary K* in

take, I K‘Ị in cells and extracellular fluid (ECF) remains remarkably constant. Two sets of regulatory mechanisms safeguard K* homeostasis. First, sev Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

eral mechanisms regulate the IK* ] in the ECF. Second, other mechanisms maintain the amount of K* in the body constant by adjusting renal K* excretion

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

to match dietary K* intake. The kidneys regulate K+ excretion.OVERVIEW OF K+ HOMEOSTASISTotal body K' is 30 mEq/kg of body weight, or 3500 mEq for a

REGULATION OF POTASSIUM BALANCEOBJECTIVESupon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:1I low does the

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2is required for many cell functions, including cell growth and division and volume regulation. Only 2% of total body K* is located in the ECF, where i

ts normal concentration is approximately 4 mEq/L. IK ’ in the ECP that exceeds 5.0 mEq/L constitutes hyperkalemia. Conversely, IK4 ] in the ECF of les Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

s than 3.5 mEq/L constitutes hypokalemia.Hypokalemia is one of the most common electrolyte disorders in clinical practice and can be observed in as115

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

116RENAL PHYSIOLOGYFIGURE 7-1 ■ The effects of variations in plasma K* concentration on the resting membrane potential of skeletal muscle. Hyperkalemi

REGULATION OF POTASSIUM BALANCEOBJECTIVESupon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:1I low does the

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2e depolarizing phase of the action potential. Hypokalemia hyperpolarizes the membrane potential and thereby reduces excitability because a larger stim

ulus is required to depolarize the membrane potential to the threshold potential. Resting indicates the “normal” resting membrane potential. Normal th Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

reshold indi cates the membrane threshold potential.many as 20% of hospitalized patients, rhe most common causes of hypokalemia include administration

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

of diuretic drugs (see chapter IO), surreptitious vomiting (i.e., bulimia), and severe diarrhea. Gitelman syndrome (a genetic defect in the Na+ Cl- s

REGULATION OF POTASSIUM BALANCEOBJECTIVESupon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:1I low does the

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2 disorder and is seen in 1% to 10% of hospitalized patients. Hyperkalemia often is seen in patients with renal tailure, in persons taking drugs such a

s angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and K' sparing diuretics (see Chapter 10), in persons with hyperglycemia (i.e., high blood sugar), and in t Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

he elderly. Pseudohyperkalemia, a falsely high plasma 1K‘|, is caused by traumatic lysis of red blood cells while blood is being drawn. Red blood cell

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

s, like all cells, contain K', and lysis of red blood cells releases K ‘ into the plasma, artificially elevating the plasma |K'The large concentration

REGULATION OF POTASSIUM BALANCEOBJECTIVESupon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:1I low does the

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2ATPase). This K+ gradient is important in maintaining the potential difference across cell membranes. Thus K+ is criticalfor the excitability of nerve

and muscle cells and for the contractility of cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle cells (f igure 7-1).IN THE CLINICCardiac arrhythmias arc produced Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

by both hypokale mia and hyperkalemia. The electrocardiogram (ECG; Figure 7-2) monitors the electrical activity of the heart and is a quick and easy w

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

ay to determine whether changes in plasma |K I influence rhe heart and other excitable cells. In contrast, measurements of the plasma [K*] by the clin

REGULATION OF POTASSIUM BALANCEOBJECTIVESupon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:1I low does the

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2 T waves on the ECG. further increases in the plasma [K*] prolong the PR interval, depress the ST segment, and lengthen the QRS interval on the ECG. F

inally, as the plasma |K‘| approaches 10 mEq/L, the p wave disappears, rhe QRS interval broadens, the ECG appears as a sine wave, and the ventncles fi Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

bnllatc (Í.C., manifest rapid, uncoordinated contractions of muscle fibers). Hypokalemia prolongs the QT interval, inverts the T wave, and lowers the

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

ST segment on rhe ECG.REGULATION OF POIZVX5IUIVI DMƯMSUCI I zFIGURE 7-2 Electrocardiograms From persons with varying plasma K’ concentrations. Hyperka

REGULATION OF POTASSIUM BALANCEOBJECTIVESupon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:1I low does the

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2icine, cd s, Balli more, J 999, Williams Ớ Wilkins.)After a meal, the K+ absorbed by the gastrointesti nal tract enters the ECF within minutes (Figure

7 3). If the K* ingested during a normal meal (=33 mEq) were to remain in the ECF compartment (1'1 L), the plasma [K* J would increase by a potential Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

ly lethal 2.4 mEq/L (33 mEq added to 14 L of ECF):33 mEq/14 I. = 2.4 mEq/L(7-1)This rise in the plasma [K'j is prevented by the rapid uptake (within m

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

inutes) of K‘ into cells. Because the excretion of K' by the kidneys after a meal is relatively slow (within hours), the uptake of K* by cells is esse

REGULATION OF POTASSIUM BALANCEOBJECTIVESupon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:1I low does the

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2ually be excreted by the kidneys. This process requires about 6 hours.REGULATION OF PLASMA [K+]As illustrated in Figure 7 3 and Box 7 1, several hor m

ones, including epinephrine, insulin, and aldoste rone, increase K' uptake into skeletal muscle, liver, bone, and red blood cells by stimulating Na' K Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

‘-ATPase, the Na* K' 2C1 symporter, and the Na‘-C1 symporter in these cells. Acute stimulation of K‘ uptake (i.e., within minutes) is mediated by an i

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

ncreased turnover rate of existing Na'-K'-ATPase, Na'-K*-2('l , and Na*-Cl transporters, whereas the chronic increase in K* uptake (Ĩ.C., within hours

REGULATION OF POTASSIUM BALANCEOBJECTIVESupon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:1I low does the

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2tract stimulates insulin secretion from the pancreas, aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex, and epinephrine secretion from the adrenal medulla.

In118 RENAL PHYSIOLOGYFIGURE 7-3 ■ Overview of potassium homeostasis. An increase in plasma insulin, p-adrenergic agonists, or aldosterone stimulates Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

K’ movement into cells and decreases plasma K’ concentration ([K'J), whereas a decrease in the plasma concentration of these hormones moves K* into c

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2

ells and increases plasma |K'|. a-Adrenergic agonists have the opposite effect. The amount of K' in the body is determined by the kidneys. A person is

REGULATION OF POTASSIUM BALANCEOBJECTIVESupon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:1I low does the

Ebook Renal physiology (5th edition): Part 2ulated by plasma [K1], aldosterone, and arginine vasopressin.Urine90-95 mEq of K*/day

REGULATION OF POTASSIUM BALANCEOBJECTIVESupon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:1I low does the

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