Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

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Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

.downloadslide.comChapterCollecting primary data through observationLearning outcomesBy the end of (his chapter you should be able to:•understand the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2 role that observation may play as a data collection method in your research design;•identify two types of observation, participant observation and st

ructured observation, and their differing origins and applications;•adopt particular approaches to data collection and analysis for both participant o Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

bservation and structured observation;•identify threats Io validity and reliability faced by the two types of observation.9.1IntroductionObservation i

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

s a somewhat neglected aspect of research. Yet, it can ho rewarding and enlightening to pursue and. what is more, add considerably to the richness of

.downloadslide.comChapterCollecting primary data through observationLearning outcomesBy the end of (his chapter you should be able to:•understand the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2people do, an obvious way in which to discover this is to watch them do it. This is essentially what observation involves: the systematic observation,

recording. description, analysis and interpretation of people's behaviour.The (WO typos of observation examined in this chapter are ver)' different. Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

Participant observation (Sections 9.2-9.4) is qualitative and derives from the work of social anthropology early in the twentieth century. Its emphasi

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

s is on discovering the meanings that people attach to their actions. By contrast, structured observation (Sections 9.S-9.6) is quantitative and is mo

.downloadslide.comChapterCollecting primary data through observationLearning outcomesBy the end of (his chapter you should be able to:•understand the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2hods as the sole means you should employ In your study. This is also true of observation methods. It may meet the demands of your research question(s)

and objectives to use both participant and structured observation in your study either as the main methods of data collection or to supplement other Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

methods.288www.downloadslide.com9.2Participant observation: an introductionWhat is participant observation?If you have studied sociology or anthropolo

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

gy in the past you are certain to be familiar with participant observation. This is where 'the researcher attempts to participate fully in die lives a

.downloadslide.comChapterCollecting primary data through observationLearning outcomesBy the end of (his chapter you should be able to:•understand the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2ball spectators in England and Italy. His research method makes considerable use of photographs of football matches in both countries. Such a method i

s both innovative and based upon wider traditions of observation within soóoỉogy. The recent advent of digital camera technology has encouraged a burg Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

eoning use of visual data as evidence. Such an approach is particularly appropriate for an understanding of differences between spectators in English

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

and Italian football stadia, since both tlx? game arid spectating arc central elements within the spectacle of modern football.The data formed part of

.downloadslide.comChapterCollecting primary data through observationLearning outcomesBy the end of (his chapter you should be able to:•understand the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2presents them both as illustrative of much wider structures and. in the opinion of the author, as typical of patterns of behaviour at major football m

atches in the two countries.Penn concluded that behaviour of fans in English and Italian football stadia is radically different. Nowadays the main com Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

plaints about English football arc the price of tickets and the lack of ■atmosphere' in the new stadia rather than the behaviour of the fans. This rep

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

resents a major change since the dark days of hooliganism in the 1970$ and 1980s Atmosphere is certainly not lacking in Italian stadia but also there

.downloadslide.comChapterCollecting primary data through observationLearning outcomesBy the end of (his chapter you should be able to:•understand the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2our.Cleariy, there are major differences in the organisation of football matches between England and ItalyCrystal Palace fans at 2004 championship pla

y off finalSource: o Philip Lewis ?004which have a significant impact upon crowd behaviour. Italian football matches have a strong flavour of carnival Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

and transgression. Games in the English Premier I eague are more akin to opera or theatre. Each has its own sot of assumptions and each produces very

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

different kinds of crowd behaviour. There was considerable irony - and not a little paradox - in the reaction of the Italian sporting press to crowd

.downloadslide.comChapterCollecting primary data through observationLearning outcomesBy the end of (his chapter you should be able to:•understand the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2otball has travelled since the dark days of the 1980s.289www.downloadslide.comchapter 9 Collecting primary data through observationor community. This

enables researchers to share their experiences by not merely observing what is happening but also feeling if (Gill and Johnson 2002:144). It has been Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

used extensively in these disciplines to attempt to get to the root of ‘what is going on’ in a wide range of social settings.Participant observation h

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

as its roots in social anthropology, but it was the Chicago school of social research that encouraged its students to study by observation the constan

.downloadslide.comChapterCollecting primary data through observationLearning outcomesBy the end of (his chapter you should be able to:•understand the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2owever, this does not mean to say (hat it has limited value for management and business researchers. Indeed, it can be a very valuable tool, usually a

s the principal research method, but possibly in combination with other methods.Delbridge and Kirkpatrick (1994:37) note that participant observation Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

implies 'immersion (by the researcher! in the research setting, with the objective of sharing in peoples' lives while attempting to learn their symbol

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

ic world'. It is worth dwelling on this explanation. Whichever role you adopt as the participant observer (the choices open to you will be discussed l

.downloadslide.comChapterCollecting primary data through observationLearning outcomesBy the end of (his chapter you should be able to:•understand the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2ittle of the context in which the respondents' comments are set or the delicate nuances of meaning with which the respondents garnish their responses.

In participant observation the purpose is to discover those delicate nuances of meaning. As Delbridge and Kirkpatrick (1994:39) state: ‘in the social Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

sciences wo cannot hope to adequately explain (he behaviour of social actors unless wo at least try to understand their meanings’.This last comment g

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

ives a clue to die point that Delbridge and Kirkpatrick make about ‘attempting to learn the [respondents'! symbolic world'. Some understanding of this

.downloadslide.comChapterCollecting primary data through observationLearning outcomesBy the end of (his chapter you should be able to:•understand the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2tliin the school of sociology known as symbolic Intcractlonlsm. In symbolic intoractionism the individual derives a sense of identity from interaction

and communication with others. Through this process of inter action and communication the individual responds to odters and adjusts his or her unders Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

tandings and behaviour as a shared sense of order and reality is 'negotiated' with others. Central to this process is the notion that people continual

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

ly change in the light of the social circumstances in which they find themselves, rhe transition from full-time student to career employee is one exam

.downloadslide.comChapterCollecting primary data through observationLearning outcomesBy the end of (his chapter you should be able to:•understand the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2nstantly being constructed and reconstructed as he or she moves through differing social contexts and encounters different situations and different pe

ople.This is a necessarily brief explanation of symbolic interactionism. However, we hope that you can see why Delbridge and Kirkpatrick (1994:37) thi Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

nk that participant observa lion is about 'attempting to learn the (respondents’! symbolic world'. It is a quest for understanding the identity of the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2

individual, but, more importantly, it is about trying to got to the bottom of the processes by which the individual constantly constructs and reconst

.downloadslide.comChapterCollecting primary data through observationLearning outcomesBy the end of (his chapter you should be able to:•understand the

Ebook Research methods for business students (5th edition): Part 2uations in which participant observation has been used

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