Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

Chapter 5Biological and Pharmacological Activity5.1Antibacterial ActivityAntibacterial property of ỹ spicigera oil against 25 plant pathogenic bacteri

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2ia was tested and the results exhibited a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity attributed to the high content of carvacrol and thymol in the oil.

Furthermore, it had bactericidal activity toward 14 strains of those tested bacteria. The hexane extract of the plant, which was rich in thymol and ca Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

rvacrol, demonstrated lower antibacterial activity than its oil with respect to the lack of other minor terpenic constituents presented in the oil. Mo

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

reover, s. spicigera oil was more active against some seed borne pathogens than streptomycin sulfate that was used as the positive control [115]. The

Chapter 5Biological and Pharmacological Activity5.1Antibacterial ActivityAntibacterial property of ỹ spicigera oil against 25 plant pathogenic bacteri

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2ere against B. subtilis, s. maltophilia, and c. luteola [116]. The antibacterial activity of s. cuneifola oil, as shown in Table 5.1, revealed the cap

acity of this oil for prevention of food bom bacteria. This effect can be related to the presence of carvacrol, v-terpinene and p-eymene [71]. The ess Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

ential oil of s. hortensis has stronger and broader spectrum activity against tested bacteria in comparison with nonpolar fraction of methanol extract

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

(Table 5.1). This can apparently be related to the high contents of carvacrol and thymol in the essential oil [86]. Antimicrobial activity of the met

Chapter 5Biological and Pharmacological Activity5.1Antibacterial ActivityAntibacterial property of ỹ spicigera oil against 25 plant pathogenic bacteri

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2pecies (including human and plants pathogens) were evaluated and the results indicated that the methanol extract was more potent than the hexane extra

ct of the plant. In addition, clinical isolates of Escherichia coll, Kocuria varians, and Micrococcus luteus were found to be sensitive to the methano Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

l extract of s. horiensis suggesting that this extract can be used for therapy of human infections [117], Inhibitory activity of the oils obtained fro

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

m 5. parnassica ssp. parnassica during the different stages of the plant grow th (flowering and vegetative stages) was tested toward clinical strain o

Chapter 5Biological and Pharmacological Activity5.1Antibacterial ActivityAntibacterial property of ỹ spicigera oil against 25 plant pathogenic bacteri

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2alf maximal inhibitory concentration (IC?0) of 250 and 500 pg mL, respectively. The oil of flowering stage was reach in carva-£ The Authors) 201641s.

Saeidnia et al.. Satnreja. Ethnomedicine, Phytochemical Diversity andPharmacological Activities, spnngei Briefs in Pharmacology and Toxicology.425 Bio Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

logical and Pharmacological ActivityTable 5.1 Active extracts of some Satureja species against different types of bacteriaPlant namesBacterial species

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

Referencess. hortensisJ. baumanii, B. amyloliquefaciens, B. cereus, B. macerans, B. megaterium, B subtilis, B cepacia, c michiganense, E cloacae, E. f

Chapter 5Biological and Pharmacological Activity5.1Antibacterial ActivityAntibacterial property of ỹ spicigera oil against 25 plant pathogenic bacteri

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2s. A' campestris[86]s. hortensis*B. subtil is, E.fecaiis, p aeruginosa, s. enteritidis, s. pyogenes[86]s. montanaMethicillin-resistant 5. aureus[127]E

. coh, E coh 0157 H7. L monocytogenes, p. aeruginosa, s. enteritidts, s. aureus, s. lyphimurium, L. monocytogenes, s flexneri, }' enterocolifica. B su Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

btihs. 5 cerevisiae, Acinetobacter calcoacetica, Brevibacterium linens, Broco-thrix thermosphacta, Clostridium sporogenes, Lactobacillus plantarum, Le

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

uconostoc cremoris, Micrococcus htteus. Salmonella puhorum, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Ptesiomonas shigelloides. Clostridium perfringens[85. 118, 119. 1

Chapter 5Biological and Pharmacological Activity5.1Antibacterial ActivityAntibacterial property of ỹ spicigera oil against 25 plant pathogenic bacteri

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2. faecium, L monocytogenes, s. aureus. E coh, p mirabihs, p. aeruginosa, s. typhimurium, A. hydrophìỉa, B. amylohquefaciens. B brevis, B cereus, B ỉat

erosporus, c xerosis. E faecahs, E faecium. E coh. K pneumonias. M. ỉuteus, M. smegmatis, p. vulgaris, Y. enterocohtica. methicillin-resistant s aureu Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

s. Pectobacterium carotovorum pv. carotovorum, p. corrugate, p fluorescence, p savastanoi pv. gỉycinea, p. savastanoi pv. phaseohcoha, p. savastanoi p

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

v. atrovafaciens, p viridijlava, Xantomonas campestris pv. pruni, Bifidobacterium adoìscentis, B. dentìum. B. mfantis, B. longum, B. pseudocatenuiatum

Chapter 5Biological and Pharmacological Activity5.1Antibacterial ActivityAntibacterial property of ỹ spicigera oil against 25 plant pathogenic bacteri

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2aureus, B. cereus, E. coh, H. pylori[110]5 parvifolia*E. coh, s aureus, p. aeruginosa, Shigella ssp., Streptocuccus ssp.[134]s parvifoha*Plasmodiurn f

alciparum[125]s brownefs. aureus, s pyogenes[135]s khuzistanica1s aureus, s epidermidis, E coh, p aeruginosa, s. typhi[136]s. khuzistaniccfs. aureus, Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

p. aeruginosa[137]s. sahendicas. aureus[138]s. boissieri, s. coerulea, s. pilosa, s. icaricaE. coh, s. aureus, p. aeruginosa, Enterobacter aero genes,

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

Proteus vulgaris, s. typhimurtum[77]a Methanol extractb Total extract of flavonoidsc Ethanol extractd Essential oil preparations (DentolKj5.2 Antifun

Chapter 5Biological and Pharmacological Activity5.1Antibacterial ActivityAntibacterial property of ỹ spicigera oil against 25 plant pathogenic bacteri

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2al oil of s. Montana against food bom bacteria like L. monocytogenes and E. coh makes it suitable alternative instead of synthetic chemical preservati

ves in food commodity [118].As a matter of fact, the essential oil of 5. Montana strongly inhibited the enteropathogens including E. coll. Plesiomonas Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

shigelloides. Shigellaflexneri, Salmonella enterica serov typhimurium, Yersinia enterocohtica, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus, which were isolated from

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

patients with enteric infections. The results indicated that the above mentioned oil may be effective in the enteric infections and warrants further i

Chapter 5Biological and Pharmacological Activity5.1Antibacterial ActivityAntibacterial property of ỹ spicigera oil against 25 plant pathogenic bacteri

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2A inoculated in sausages with different levels of sodium nitrite (0-200 ppm) for 30 days. In vitro assays showed that the oil caused structural damage

and cell lyses in the tested bacterium. Synergism effect was also observed between the essential oil and the synthetic additive [119]. The essential Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

oils of different ecotypes of 5. khuzestanica, possessing different amounts of carvacrol (42.5-94.8%), were evaluated for their antibacterial activity

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

against four pathogens namely s. aurous, B. cereus, E. coh, and p aeroginosa. The results showed that the oil with highest content of carvacrol inhib

Chapter 5Biological and Pharmacological Activity5.1Antibacterial ActivityAntibacterial property of ỹ spicigera oil against 25 plant pathogenic bacteri

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2ecreasing the ATP concentration in the bacteria cells as well as intracellular pH [121]. Terpenes in the essential oils are able to be penetrated or d

isrupt the lipid structures, where in cell membrane causing loose of membrane integrity and dissipation of the proton motive force. Carvacrol makes me Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

mbrane permeable to potassium ions and protons leading to acidifying the cytoplasm, and suppresses the synthesis of ATP [122-124]. Interestingly, the

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

methanol extract of s. parvifolia presented high anti-plasmodial activity with IC50 value of 3 ug mL comparable with Artemisia annua [125]. However, d

Chapter 5Biological and Pharmacological Activity5.1Antibacterial ActivityAntibacterial property of ỹ spicigera oil against 25 plant pathogenic bacteri

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 22Antifungal ActivityPrevious studies mostly concentrated on inhibitory effects of various essential oils obtained from Safureja species against fungi.

Here, we provided an overview on such studies, where the tested extracts of the plants and MIC values of those extracts have been summarized in Table Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

5.2. It is reported that the essential oil of 5. Montana with concentration of 1 % significantly inhibited the growth of both Botrytis cinerea and Pe

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

nicilhum expansum in post-harvest control of apples similar to the chemical control used, tebuconazole, after 15 days [94]. It is also reported that t

Chapter 5Biological and Pharmacological Activity5.1Antibacterial ActivityAntibacterial property of ỹ spicigera oil against 25 plant pathogenic bacteri

Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2nst Fusarium moniliform, Rhizoctonia sol an i, Sclerotinia sclerohorum, Phytophthora capsici. The above mentioned chemicals have been considered as th

e fungi-toxic compounds of44 Ebook Satureja - Ethnomedicine, phytochemical diversity and pharmacological activities (1st edition): Part 2

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