Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

SleepyClinical Approach to the Sleep PatientRaman K. MalhotraEditor0 SpringerRaman K. MalhotraEditorSleepy or SleeplessClinical Approach to the Sleep

Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1 Patient0 SpringerEditorRaman K. Malhotra, MDDirector. Neurology Residency Program Co-Director, SLUCare Sleep Disorders Center Director. Sleep Medicin

e Fellowship Assistant Professor of NeurologySaint Louis University School of Medicine St. Louis. MO. USAISBN 978-3-319-18053-3 ISBN 978-3-319-18054-0 Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

(eBook)DOI 10.1 OO7/978-3-319-18054-0Library of Congress Control Number: 2015942895Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht LondonÔ Springer Inter

Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

national Publishing Switzerland 2015This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the mate

SleepyClinical Approach to the Sleep PatientRaman K. MalhotraEditor0 SpringerRaman K. MalhotraEditorSleepy or SleeplessClinical Approach to the Sleep

Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1 in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimil

ar methodology now known or hereafter developed.The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this public Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

ation does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and th

Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

erefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this hook are believed t

SleepyClinical Approach to the Sleep PatientRaman K. MalhotraEditor0 SpringerRaman K. MalhotraEditorSleepy or SleeplessClinical Approach to the Sleep

Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1ect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made.Printed on acid-free paperSpringer International Publishin

g AG Sw itzerland is part of springer Science+Business MediaI w Raman K. Malhotra, an authority in sleep medicine educatio Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

n, has assembled a group of exemplary authors, who superbly summarize the major sleep disturbances in an effective, accurate, and efficient manner. Th

Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

is book consists of practical and probabilistic approaches to any patient who may present with a sleep complaint. Il is with this foresight that Dr. M

SleepyClinical Approach to the Sleep PatientRaman K. MalhotraEditor0 SpringerRaman K. MalhotraEditorSleepy or SleeplessClinical Approach to the Sleep

Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1ive in a sleep disorders clinic often complain of excessive sleepiness and insomnia, the title of the book is very appropriate indeed.It is with this

in mind that this book is strategically divided into two sections: Part I focuses on "The Sleepy Patient" and is subdivided into seven chapters addres Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

sing history and physical findings, diagnostic tools and tests, and then proceeds with a discussion of the two key clinical entities: sleep disordered

Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

breathing and central nervous system hypersomnias, which most commonly present with excessive sleepiness. The chapter on sleepiness in industry is in

SleepyClinical Approach to the Sleep PatientRaman K. MalhotraEditor0 SpringerRaman K. MalhotraEditorSleepy or SleeplessClinical Approach to the Sleep

Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1privation, a pervasive problem in today’s society as frequently demonstrated by National Sleep Foundation polls, and the sleepy child, which is an oft

en neglected problem but a recent epidemic for any number of reasons. Part II "The Sleepless or Restless Patient" mirrors Part I in its organizational Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

approach covering history, physical exam, and tests in addressing these patients. This is followed by a discussion of key causes of sleeplessness inc

Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

luding insomnia, circadian rhythm disorders, and movement disorders of sleep. Separate discussion is later provided covering the sleepless child and p

SleepyClinical Approach to the Sleep PatientRaman K. MalhotraEditor0 SpringerRaman K. MalhotraEditorSleepy or SleeplessClinical Approach to the Sleep

Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1ise. All are authorities on the various topics assigned to them through their intimate knowledge of the subject area, which they have not only researc

hed, but also have contributed to the evidence for diagnostic approaches and management strategies. The readership should be aware that the authors’ c Ebook Sleepy or sleepless - Clinical approach to the sleep patient: Part 1

redibility as writers is derived from their reputable clinical expertise, as well as serving as key opinion leaders and researchers in the field.V

SleepyClinical Approach to the Sleep PatientRaman K. MalhotraEditor0 SpringerRaman K. MalhotraEditorSleepy or SleeplessClinical Approach to the Sleep

SleepyClinical Approach to the Sleep PatientRaman K. MalhotraEditor0 SpringerRaman K. MalhotraEditorSleepy or SleeplessClinical Approach to the Sleep

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