Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2

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Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2

Chapter 47Anant Krishnan and Richard SilbergleitHistory► A 32-year-old female presents With progressive sensory myelopathy (Figures,47.3. an

Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2nd 47.4).Figure 47.1Figure 47.2Figure 47.3Figure 47.4175Chapter 47 Subacute Combined Degeneration of the Spinal CordFindingsSubacute degeneration of t

he spinal cord (SCD) from Bp defciency. Sagittal 12-weighted images (Figures 47.5 and 47.6) and axial 1 ’’-weighted images (Figures 47.7 and 47.8) of Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2

the cervical and thoracic spine demonstrate a 12 hyperintense signal (arrows) extending craniocaudally along the dorsal aspect of the spinal cord. On

Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2

the axial views, bilateral involvement of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord is seen.Figure 475Figure 47.6Figure 4/./figure 4/,8A workup was perfor

Chapter 47Anant Krishnan and Richard SilbergleitHistory► A 32-year-old female presents With progressive sensory myelopathy (Figures,47.3. an

Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2(normal range 0.4). Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) was high and red blood cell count (RBC) was decreased al 3.4 Tril I . On this basis, a diagnosis ofv

itamin Bp-delcienl SOD was made.Differential Diagnosis►Other causes of SCD such as nitrous oxide inhalation have similar imaging features. A clinical Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2

history of nitrous oxide inhalation during surgery, dental work, or from recreational reasons, and related laboratory fadings help separate this entit

Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2

y.►ĨĨTV vacuolar myelopathy can closely mimic SCD imaging, but may also be associated with cord expansion. A potential cause is viral interruption of

Chapter 47Anant Krishnan and Richard SilbergleitHistory► A 32-year-old female presents With progressive sensory myelopathy (Figures,47.3. an

Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2also helpful in HIV and other infectious etiologies.176►Copper defciency myeloneuropathy. Copper defciency isa cause of neurological dysfunction and c

an present with sensory ataxia, myelodysplastic syndrome, and anemia. Some patients demonstrate imaging fndings very similar to SCD including dorsal c Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2

olumn T2 hyperintensity in the cervical spinal cord. Causes for copper defciency include excess zinc ingestion (denture creams) or treatment, malabsor

Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2

ption, gastric bypass surgery (including bariatric), and total parenteral nutrition; in some patients there is a presumed defect in copper transport.►

Chapter 47Anant Krishnan and Richard SilbergleitHistory► A 32-year-old female presents With progressive sensory myelopathy (Figures,47.3. an

Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2than 2 vertebral lengths, and are discontinuous. Imaging fadings in the brain and clinical history are additional differentiating features. Other caus

es such as transverse myelitis and neuromyelitis optica involve a larger cross-sectional area of the cord and have additional clinical and CSF fndings Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2

.►Spinal cord ischemia. Clinical features are distinct and isolated dorsal column involvement is less likely.DiscussionDescribed in detail in 1900 by

Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2

Russell and colleagues but identi fed even earlier in the nineteenth century (Lichtheim in 1887 described it in relation to pernicious anemia), subacu

Chapter 47Anant Krishnan and Richard SilbergleitHistory► A 32-year-old female presents With progressive sensory myelopathy (Figures,47.3. an

Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2teral columns of the spinal cord. T e microscopic f ndings are of demyelination of thesespecifc tracts with initially swelling and later vacuolation o

f the myelin sheath.Bp defciency is the primary source of SCD. In the United States, dietary defciency IS only rarely the cause and the most common ca Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2

use is pernicious anemia, which IS an immune-mediated destruction of the gastric parietal cells leading to atrophic gastritis and decreased availabili

Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2

ty of intrinsic factor. Othercauses include malabsorption from intestinal infections, tropical sprue, and surgical procedures such asgastric bypass. B

Chapter 47Anant Krishnan and Richard SilbergleitHistory► A 32-year-old female presents With progressive sensory myelopathy (Figures,47.3. an

Ebook Spine imaging - A Case-Based guide to imaging and management: Part 2eDNA synthesis of Blood Cells & Oligodendrocytes

Chapter 47Anant Krishnan and Richard SilbergleitHistory► A 32-year-old female presents With progressive sensory myelopathy (Figures,47.3. an

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