Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

ccc bohn sbafleu ti rL van loghum P» mljn.bsl.nlTextbook of Clinical Neurologyhttps://khothuvien.cori!editors:IBM KuksJ.w

Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1w. SnoekTextbook of Clinical Neurologyccc bohn sbafleu TjulL van loghumHouten 2018ISBN 978-90- 368-2141-4ISBN 978-9O-368-2142-1 (eBook'httpsz/.'doi.or

^l 0.1007/978 90 368 2142 1© Bohn sufleu van Loghum 15 een imprint van Springer Media B.V.. onderdeel van Springer Nature 2018This work rs subject to Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

copyright. All right 1 arc resaved by I lie Publislier, wltelher the whole or part at the mataial is concerned, specifically the rights of translation

Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

, reprinting, reuse of lllusvations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or tn any other physical way, and transmission or Informatio

ccc bohn sbafleu ti rL van loghum P» mljn.bsl.nlTextbook of Clinical Neurologyhttps://khothuvien.cori!editors:IBM KuksJ.w

Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1f gixirxal dcsc riptive namex rtxjislrxrxf names, trademarks. savic c marks, etc. in this public ation docs not imply, even in the absent cot a Sfxxil

ic statement, that such names arc exempt from the1 relevant protective laws and ccgublkxisand there fore free for general use.I he publisher, the auth Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

ors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information In this bock are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. N

Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

either the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or Implied, with rvspcc I Io the material conlaitx-d herein or for any er

ccc bohn sbafleu ti rL van loghum P» mljn.bsl.nlTextbook of Clinical Neurologyhttps://khothuvien.cori!editors:IBM KuksJ.w

Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1iliations.NUR 8/6Basisontwerp omslag: studio Bassa, CutemborgAulotnalische epnuak: Scientific Publishing Scrvkes (Pl I Id., Chennai, IndiaBohn sufleu

van LoqhumWalmoien 1Post bus 2463990 GA Houtenwww.bsl.nlPreface'Illis edition of the Textbook of Clinical Neurology is a translation of the original D Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

utch textbook edited back in the day by Prof H.J.G.H. Oosterhuis. It has proved highly useful over the years and we therefore decided to produce an En

Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

glish-language edition.The textbook is intended for medical and paramedical students, clerks and registrars. Clinical neurology builds on the foundati

ccc bohn sbafleu ti rL van loghum P» mljn.bsl.nlTextbook of Clinical Neurologyhttps://khothuvien.cori!editors:IBM KuksJ.w

Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1ly. From chapter 12 onwards we deal with the various areas of clinical neurology, referring back wherever necessary to the first eleven chapters.Ihe D

utch textbook has been constantly revised to reflect new developments and in response to comments by users - both teachers and students - thus keeping Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

it up to date both neurologically and pedagogically.We are aware that the book will be many readers' first encounter with clinical neurology and have

Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

therefore ensured that neurological terms and cc cepts are introduced in such a way that, as farpossible, readers With as yet limited medical knowled

ccc bohn sbafleu ti rL van loghum P» mljn.bsl.nlTextbook of Clinical Neurologyhttps://khothuvien.cori!editors:IBM KuksJ.w

Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1f general clinical neurology and lecturers and deans of education for many years, we trust we have succeeded in this.asThe textbook is supported by a

website where test questions for each chapter are provided. It also includes some up-to-date references to reviews in the neurological literature.We h Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

ope that this book will prove useful as a reference work for both students and medical practitioners in the broadest sense.We welcome any questions an

Ebook Textbook of clinical neurology: Part 1

d comments and will endeavour to respond swiftly.J.B.M. Kuks. MD PhDJ.w. Snoek. MD PhD

ccc bohn sbafleu ti rL van loghum P» mljn.bsl.nlTextbook of Clinical Neurologyhttps://khothuvien.cori!editors:IBM KuksJ.w

ccc bohn sbafleu ti rL van loghum P» mljn.bsl.nlTextbook of Clinical Neurologyhttps://khothuvien.cori!editors:IBM KuksJ.w

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