Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

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Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

390Section IIISYSTEMIC PATHOLOGYThe blood vessels are closed circuits for the transport of blood from the left heart to the metabolising cells, zuid t

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2then back to the right heart. Tire blood containing oxygen, nutrients and metabolites is routed through arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and

veins. These blood vessels differ from each other in their structure and function.ARTERIESNORMAL STRUCTUREDepending upon the calibre and certain hist Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

ologic features, arteries are divided into 3 types: large (elastic) arteries, medium-sized (muscular) arteries and the smallest arterioles. Histologic

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

ally, all the arteries ot the body have 3 layers in their walls: the tunica intima, the tunica media and the tunica adventitia. These layers progressi

390Section IIISYSTEMIC PATHOLOGYThe blood vessels are closed circuits for the transport of blood from the left heart to the metabolising cells, zuid t

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2m, subendothelial connective tissue and bounded externally by internal elastic lamina.4 Endothelium is a layer of flattened cells adjacent to the tlov

ãng blood. Narrow junctions exist between the adjoining endothelial cells through which certain materials pass. The integrity of the endothelial layer Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

is of paramount importance in maintenance of vascular functions since damage to it is the most important event in the initiation of thrombus formatio

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

n at the site♦Subendothelial tissue consists of loose meshwork of connective tissue that includes myointimal cells, collagen, proteoglycans, elastin a

390Section IIISYSTEMIC PATHOLOGYThe blood vessels are closed circuits for the transport of blood from the left heart to the metabolising cells, zuid t

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2at of the arterial wall, bounded internally by internal elastic lamina and externally by external elastic lamina. Tills layer is the thickest and cons

ists mainly of smooth muscle cells and elastic fibres. The external elastic lamina consisting of condensed elastic tissue is less well defined than th Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

e infernal elastic lamina.3Tunica adventitia. The outer coat of arteries is the tunica adventitia. It consists of loose mesh of connective tissue and

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

some elastic fibres that merge with the adjacent tissues. Tilts layer is rich in lymphatics and autonomic nerve fibres.The layers of arterial wall rec

390Section IIISYSTEMIC PATHOLOGYThe blood vessels are closed circuits for the transport of blood from the left heart to the metabolising cells, zuid t

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2umen.2Outer two-thirds of the media and the adventitia are supplied by WI$<» vasora (i.e. vessds of vessels), the nutrient vessels arising from the pa

rent artery'.As the calibre of the artery decreases, the three Livers progressively diminish. Thus, there are structural variations in the three types Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

of arteries:< Large, elastic arteries such as the aorta, innominate, common carotid, major pulmonary, and common iliac arteries have very high conten

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

t of elastic tissue in the media and thick elastic laminae and hence the name.♦Medium-sized, muscular arteries are the branches of elastic arteries. A

390Section IIISYSTEMIC PATHOLOGYThe blood vessels are closed circuits for the transport of blood from the left heart to the metabolising cells, zuid t

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2ernal elastic lamina is less prominent, file media primarily consists of smooth muscle cells and some elastic fibres (Fig. 15.1).♦Arter-Oles are the s

mallest branches with internal diameter 20-100 pm. Structurally, they consist of the three layers as in muscular arteries but are much thinner and can Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

not be distinguished. The arterioles consist of a layer of endothelial cells in the intima, one or two smooth muscle cells in the media and small amou

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

nt of collagen and elastic tissue comprising the adventitia. The elastic laminae are virtually lost.♦Capillaries are about the size of an RBC (7-8 Jim

390Section IIISYSTEMIC PATHOLOGYThe blood vessels are closed circuits for the transport of blood from the left heart to the metabolising cells, zuid t

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2n veins.In the following pages, diseases of arteries are discussed under 3 major headings: arteriosclerosis, arteritis (vasculitis) and aneurysms. Thi

s is followed by brief account of diseases of veins and lymphatics, while the vascular tumoiưs are described at the end of the chapter.Subenđothelium Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

Internal elastic laminaEndotheliumExternal elastic laminaFigure 15.1 < The structure or a medium-sized muscular aneryARTERIOSCLEROSISArteriosclerosis

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

is a genera] term used to include all conditions with thickening and hardening of the arterial walls. The following morphologic entities are included

390Section IIISYSTEMIC PATHOLOGYThe blood vessels are closed circuits for the transport of blood from the left heart to the metabolising cells, zuid t

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2osclerosisThe List-named, atherosclerosis, is the most common and most important form ot arteriosclerosis; if not specified, the two terms are used in

terchangeably’with each other.SENILE ARTERIOSCLEROSISSenile arteriosclerosis is the thickening of media and intima ot the arteries seen due to aging. Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

The changes are non-selective and affect most of the arteries. These are possibly’ induced by stress and strain on vessel wall during life.MORPHOLOGIC

Ebook Textbook of pathology (9th edition): Part 2

FEATURES. The changes are as under1Fibroelastosis: The intima and media are thickened due to increase in elastic and collagen tissue.

390Section IIISYSTEMIC PATHOLOGYThe blood vessels are closed circuits for the transport of blood from the left heart to the metabolising cells, zuid t

390Section IIISYSTEMIC PATHOLOGYThe blood vessels are closed circuits for the transport of blood from the left heart to the metabolising cells, zuid t

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