Economics for sustainable prosperity

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Nội dung chi tiết: Economics for sustainable prosperity

Economics for sustainable prosperity

Binzagr Institute & for Sustainable ProsperityECONOMICS FOR SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITYSTEVEN HAILBinzagr Institute for Sustainable ProsperitySeries Editor

Economics for sustainable prosperityrsMathew Forstatcr Department of Economics University of Missouri Kansas CityKansas City, MO, USAFadhcl Kaboub Denison University Granville, OH, USAMi

chael J. Murray Bemidji State University Bemidji, MN, USA“Sustainable prosperity” is a holistic notion encompassing the physical, mental, environmenta Economics for sustainable prosperity

l, financial, educational, and civic wellbeing of all individuals, families, neighborhoods, and regions throughout the world. In this sense, sustainab

Economics for sustainable prosperity

le prosperity' requires the development of a multifaceted public policy framework addressing rhe root causes of global, national, and regional socioec

Binzagr Institute & for Sustainable ProsperityECONOMICS FOR SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITYSTEVEN HAILBinzagr Institute for Sustainable ProsperitySeries Editor

Economics for sustainable prosperityipatory, and just society. Sustainable prosperity means that every7 decision we make, individually or collectively, must rake into account its direct

and indirect effects on people, on the planet, and on the economy.Crafting solutions to the complex challenges that confront US in the twenty-first ce Economics for sustainable prosperity

ntury requires an interdisciplinary approach ar rhe intersection of economics, ecology, and ethics. The Binzagr Institute for Sustainable Prosperity b

Economics for sustainable prosperity

ook series seeks proposals from a broad range of fields rhar encompass and further this philosophy. We welcome authored works or edited manuscripts th

Binzagr Institute & for Sustainable ProsperityECONOMICS FOR SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITYSTEVEN HAILBinzagr Institute for Sustainable ProsperitySeries Editor

Economics for sustainable prosperityong marginalized groups. We especially' encourage proposals that build on the Job Guarantee approach to full employment, financial sovereignty (functi

onal finance), renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, environmental policies, local community’ development, local capacity building, social ecolog Economics for sustainable prosperity

y; social venture partnerships, and social entrepreneurship.More information about this series arhttp://WWW. palgrave. com/gp/se ries/15 386Steven Hai

Economics for sustainable prosperity

lEconomics for Sustainable ProsperitypalgravemacmillanSteven HailUniversity of AdelaideAldgarc, SA, AustraliaBinzagr Institute for Sustainable Prosper

Binzagr Institute & for Sustainable ProsperityECONOMICS FOR SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITYSTEVEN HAILBinzagr Institute for Sustainable ProsperitySeries Editor

Economics for sustainable prosperitye F.ditor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018Illis work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher

, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illusưations, recitation, broad Economics for sustainable prosperity

casting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, comput

Economics for sustainable prosperity

er software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademar

Binzagr Institute & for Sustainable ProsperityECONOMICS FOR SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITYSTEVEN HAILBinzagr Institute for Sustainable ProsperitySeries Editor

Economics for sustainable prosperityprotective laws and regulations and therefore free tor general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and

information in this book arc believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a Economics for sustainable prosperity

warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher rema

Economics for sustainable prosperity

ins neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published mapsand institutional affiliations.Cover image: © Manuel Brcva Colmciro/Gctty ImagesCove

Binzagr Institute & for Sustainable ProsperityECONOMICS FOR SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITYSTEVEN HAILBinzagr Institute for Sustainable ProsperitySeries Editor

Economics for sustainable prosperityhing AG part of Springer NatureThe registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, SwitzerlandPrefaceThis book has been written largely i

ll response ro comments made by Fadhcl Kaboub, the President of the Binzagr institute for Sustainable Development, and Associate Professor of Economic Economics for sustainable prosperity

s at Denison University, on a doctoral thesis I submitted in 2016. He wrote that he would recommend me publishing the dissertation as a book, but woul

Economics for sustainable prosperity

d also encourage ‘the publication of a non-iechnical version of this work to invite non-academic audiences into these very important public policy dis

Binzagr Institute & for Sustainable ProsperityECONOMICS FOR SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITYSTEVEN HAILBinzagr Institute for Sustainable ProsperitySeries Editor

Economics for sustainable prosperitytanding rhe basic implications of alternative economic policy proposals, and also lacks the ability of challenging so-called experts, then yve end up

w ith people submitting to policies that actually work against their own interest, and increase inequality and socio-economic exclusion’. Economics for sustainable prosperity

Binzagr Institute & for Sustainable ProsperityECONOMICS FOR SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITYSTEVEN HAILBinzagr Institute for Sustainable ProsperitySeries Editor

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