Economics through everyday life from china and chili dogs to marx and marijuana

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Nội dung chi tiết: Economics through everyday life from china and chili dogs to marx and marijuana

Economics through everyday life from china and chili dogs to marx and marijuana

ANTHONY CLARK, PhDFrom China & Chili Dogs to Marx & MarijuanaEconomics Though^ EverydayLife ANTHONY CLARK, PhDFROM CHINA & CHILI DOGS TO MARX & MARIJU

Economics through everyday life from china and chili dogs to marx and marijuanaUANAfe ZEPHYROS PRESSTo Elaine Bensavage, Boban Rakovic, & Ed EasterlingCopyright © 2016 by Anthony Clark.No part of this pubication may be reproduced

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Economics through everyday life from china and chili dogs to marx and marijuana

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ANTHONY CLARK, PhDFrom China & Chili Dogs to Marx & MarijuanaEconomics Though^ EverydayLife ANTHONY CLARK, PhDFROM CHINA & CHILI DOGS TO MARX & MARIJU

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Economics through everyday life from china and chili dogs to marx and marijuana

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ANTHONY CLARK, PhDFrom China & Chili Dogs to Marx & MarijuanaEconomics Though^ EverydayLife ANTHONY CLARK, PhDFROM CHINA & CHILI DOGS TO MARX & MARIJU

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ates at (866) 744-2665, or outside the Unted States at (510) 253-0500.Zephyros Press pubfches ts books in a variety of electronic and print formats. S

ANTHONY CLARK, PhDFrom China & Chili Dogs to Marx & MarijuanaEconomics Though^ EverydayLife ANTHONY CLARK, PhDFROM CHINA & CHILI DOGS TO MARX & MARIJU

Economics through everyday life from china and chili dogs to marx and marijuanarademarks or registered trademarks of Caisto Mede Inc. and/or ts affifetes, 11 the Unted States and other countries, and may not be used wthout writte

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his book.ISBN: Print 978-1-62315-668-81 eBook 978-1-62315-669-5CONTENTSIntroduction1WHAT IS ECONOMICS & WHY DOES IT MATTER?Economics DefinedEconomic R

Economics through everyday life from china and chili dogs to marx and marijuana

esourcesSchools and Subfields of Economics2THINKING LIKE AN ECONOMISTFundamental Economic ConceptsFundamental Economic Models and Assumptions3FREE MAR

ANTHONY CLARK, PhDFrom China & Chili Dogs to Marx & MarijuanaEconomics Though^ EverydayLife ANTHONY CLARK, PhDFROM CHINA & CHILI DOGS TO MARX & MARIJU

Economics through everyday life from china and chili dogs to marx and marijuananment Failure4COMPETITION, MONOPOLIES, & ANTITRUST LAWSCompetitive Versus Noncompetitive MarketsMonopoliesAntitrust Regulation and Enforcement5GLOBALI

ZATION & THE US ECONOMYWhat Is Globalization, and What Is Good about It?Free Trade Agreements and other Fo Integration Economics through everyday life from china and chili dogs to marx and marijuana

ANTHONY CLARK, PhDFrom China & Chili Dogs to Marx & MarijuanaEconomics Though^ EverydayLife ANTHONY CLARK, PhDFROM CHINA & CHILI DOGS TO MARX & MARIJU

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