From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first century
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From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first century
US' Legal Thought o Across DisciplinesFrom Farm to ForkPerspectives on Growing Sustainable Food Systems in the Twenty-First CenturySarah J. Morath, ed From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first centuryditor•lw- Legal Thoughtjr Across Disciplinesf Published in CoojHT.ilion withThe University of Akron School of I.3»vElizabeth Reilly, editor, infinite Hope and Finite Disappointment: The Story of the First Interpreters of the Fourteenth AmendmentKalya ni Robbins, editor. The laws of Nature: Reflectio From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first centuryns on the Evolution of Ecosystem Management Law Ắ' PolicyNeil H. Cogan, editor. Union <& Stales’Rights: A History and Interpretation of Interposition.From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first century
Nullification, and Secession ISO Years After SumterSarah Morath, editor. From Farm to Fork: Perspectives on Growing Sustainable Food Systems in the TUS' Legal Thought o Across DisciplinesFrom Farm to ForkPerspectives on Growing Sustainable Food Systems in the Twenty-First CenturySarah J. Morath, ed From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first century Akron Press Akron, OhioAll New Material Copyright © 2016 by The University of Akron PressAll rights reserved • First Edition 2016 • Manufactured in the United Stales of America. All inquiries and permission requests should be addressed to the Publisher, the University of Akron Press, Akron, Ohio 44 From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first century325-1703.20 19 18 17 1654321ISBN: 978-1-629220-10-9 (paper)ISBN: 978-1-629220-11-6 (vPDF)ISBN: 978-1-629220-12-3 (ePub)I IHKAKY OK CONGRESS < ATA I .<From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first century
><; I N G - I N - l‘ II K I I < Al I o N DATANames: Moralh, Sarah, editor.Title: From farm to fork: perspectives on growing sustainable food systems iUS' Legal Thought o Across DisciplinesFrom Farm to ForkPerspectives on Growing Sustainable Food Systems in the Twenty-First CenturySarah J. Morath, ed From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first centurys bibliographical references and index.Identifiers: l.CCN 2016025856(print) I l.CCN 2016030949 (ebook) I ISBN 9781629220109 (pbk.: alk. paper) I ISBN 97816292.20116 (cPDF) I ISBN 9781629220123 (cPilh)Subjects: I.CSII: Food supply—Environmental aspects—United Slates. I Agriculture—Environmental aspec From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first centuryts—United States. I Sustainable agriculture—United States.Classification: HD9005.F7562016(print) I LCC HD9005(ebook) I DDC338.10973—IX’23LC recorFrom farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first century
d available at■X The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of A N s I / NI s o 2 39.48-1992 (PUS' Legal Thought o Across DisciplinesFrom Farm to ForkPerspectives on Growing Sustainable Food Systems in the Twenty-First CenturySarah J. Morath, ed From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first centuryy Amy Freels. with assistance from Tyler Krusinski. The typeface. Stone Print, was designed by Sumner Stone in 1991. From Farm to Fork was printed on sixty-pound natural and bound by Bookmasters of Ashland. Ohio.Jill K. Clark. Shoshanah Inwood, and Jeffs, sharp. Ulf Social Sustainability of Family F From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first centuryarms in Local Food Systems: Issues and Policy Questions. Reprinted by permission of the Publishers from Local Food Systems: I he Birth of New FarmersFrom farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first century
and the Demise of the Family Farm?, in Local Food Systems in old Industrial Regions eds. Neil Reid. Jay D. Gatrell. and Paula s. Ross (Farnham: AshgatUS' Legal Thought o Across DisciplinesFrom Farm to ForkPerspectives on Growing Sustainable Food Systems in the Twenty-First CenturySarah J. Morath, ed From farm to fork perspectives on growing sustainable food systems in the twenty first century published in 31 Utah Envll. I.. Rev. 263 (2011).US' Legal Thought o Across DisciplinesFrom Farm to ForkPerspectives on Growing Sustainable Food Systems in the Twenty-First CenturySarah J. Morath, edGọi ngay
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