Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovation
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Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovation
Educational Research and InnovationGoverning Education in a Complex WorldEdited by Tracey Burns and Florian KosterCentre for Educational Research and Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovation Innovation® OECDwww.ebook3000.comEducational Research and InnovationGoverning Education in a Complex WorldEdited byTracey Burns and Florian KosterOECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESwww.ebook3000.comThis work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of (he OECD. Tire opinions Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovationexpressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of OECD member countries.This document and any map included hereGoverning education in a complex world educational research and innovation
in are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the Educational Research and InnovationGoverning Education in a Complex WorldEdited by Tracey Burns and Florian KosterCentre for Educational Research and Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovationducational Research and Innovation, oi:c:i) Publishing, Paris.hllp.7/dx.doi.wg/10 1787/9789264255364-enISBN 9/8-92-f/.-2b»b-/ (print! 1SRN 97« 92 G4 2r>r,v> 4 (PDF)Scries: Educational Research UIM1 InrtcivalituiISSN 20/6-9660 (print)ISSN 20/6-96/9 (online)The statistical data for Israel are supplied Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovation by and tinder the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities.The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice tn the status of the GolanGoverning education in a complex world educational research and innovation
Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.Photo credits: Cover © Juriah/123RT.COM.CorrigeEducational Research and InnovationGoverning Education in a Complex WorldEdited by Tracey Burns and Florian KosterCentre for Educational Research and Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovation fat your mm use, and you erm indude excerpt* from OIXD piiHirrrtiom, lilitttwm and multimedia product* in your own documents. preaentattoiM, blogs. websites and teaching materials, provided that suitable acknowledgement of OECD as source and copyright owner is grvcri All requests for public or comm Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovationercial use and transience* r.rfits should be subnutted to nạhtsOxcdxrị. Requests for permission to photocopy portions of tins matenal for pabbe or comGoverning education in a complex world educational research and innovation
mercial use shall bo addrewed directly to the Copyright ơearance Center (CCC| at ejidb-rpynjir oom or the Centre frarxaii d'expfoitation du droit de rEducational Research and InnovationGoverning Education in a Complex WorldEdited by Tracey Burns and Florian KosterCentre for Educational Research and Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovation and innovative education in increasingly complex education systems. A number of intersecting trends contribute to this increasing complexity: decentralisation has allowed local authorities, school boards and schools a greater degree of freedom to respond to local demands Parents in OECD countries h Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovationave become more diverse, individualistic and highly educated. With more readily available evidence about school and student achievement, stakeholdersGoverning education in a complex world educational research and innovation
have also become more demanding towards schools to cater to students’ individual needs Education systems are now characterised by multi-level governanEducational Research and InnovationGoverning Education in a Complex WorldEdited by Tracey Burns and Florian KosterCentre for Educational Research and Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovationnal Research and Innovation (CERI)’s Governing Complex Education Systems (GCES) project focuses on which models of governance are effective in complex education systems and which knowledge systems are needed to support them. Its focus on complexity is connected to a broader organisational reflection Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovation on New Approaches to Economic Challenges (NAEC). which seeks to renew and strengthen the OECD's analytical frameworks, policy instalments and tools.Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovation
A key element of this reflection is understanding the complex and interconnected nature of the global economy to allow for identifying synergies (e.g.Educational Research and InnovationGoverning Education in a Complex WorldEdited by Tracey Burns and Florian KosterCentre for Educational Research and Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovationhree themes vital for effective governance and successful reform: accountability, capacity building and strategic drinking. Accountability addresses the challenge of holding different actors at multiple levels responsible for their actions Capacity building focuses on identifying gaps, skill needs a Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovationnd dynamics of implementation on individual, institutional and system level. Strategic vision pertains to the development of a long-term plan and setGoverning education in a complex world educational research and innovation
of common goals for the educational system among a broad array of actors. It requires aligning the different perspectives and timehorizons so that eveEducational Research and InnovationGoverning Education in a Complex WorldEdited by Tracey Burns and Florian KosterCentre for Educational Research and Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovationning Education in a Complex World challenges our traditional concepts of education governance through work on complexity, change and new modes of decision-making. In doing so It sets the agenda for thinking about inclusive, adaptable, and flexible accountability and governance, necessary for governi Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovationng complex systems ill today’s world It offers examples from Austria. England (United Kingdom), the Netherlands and the United States, and ends with aGoverning education in a complex world educational research and innovation
suggestion for a way forward.This publication is the first volume in a set of two. The second volume synthesising the findings from the six case studEducational Research and InnovationGoverning Education in a Complex WorldEdited by Tracey Burns and Florian KosterCentre for Educational Research and Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovationian Koster of the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) at the OECD. Within the OECD Secretariat Célia Braga-Schich. Sophie Limoges. Leonora Lynch-Stein and Anne-Lise Prigent provided valuable editorial support. Governing education in a complex world educational research and innovationEducational Research and InnovationGoverning Education in a Complex WorldEdited by Tracey Burns and Florian KosterCentre for Educational Research andGọi ngay
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