Group rights as human rights

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Nội dung chi tiết: Group rights as human rights

Group rights as human rights

Law and Philosophy LibraryNeus Torbisco CasalsGroup Rights as Human RightsA Liberal Approach to MulticulturalismManaging Editors:Francisco Laporta, Au

Group rights as human rightsutonomous University of Madrid, Spain Aleksander Peczenikt, University of Lund, SwedenFrederick Schauer, Harvard University, U.S.A.springerLaw and Phi

losophy LibraryVOLUME 75Managing EditorsFRANCISCO J. LAPORTA. Department of Law. Autonomous University of Madrid, SpainALEKSANDER PECZEN1K*. Departmen Group rights as human rights

t of Law. University of Lund. SwedenFREDERICK SCHAUER. John E Kennedy School of Government. Harvard University, Cambridge. Mass.. U.S.A.Eormer Managin

Group rights as human rights

g EditorsAULIS AARNIO, MICHAEL D. BAYLES*. CONRAD D. JOHNSON*.ALAN MABEEditorial Advisory HoardAULIS AARNIO, Research Institute for Social Sciences. U

Law and Philosophy LibraryNeus Torbisco CasalsGroup Rights as Human RightsA Liberal Approach to MulticulturalismManaging Editors:Francisco Laporta, Au

Group rights as human rights GARZON VALDES. Insfitut fltrPolilikwissenschaft, Johannes Gutenberg Universitđl MainzJOHN KLEINIG Department of Law, Police Science and Criminal Just

ice Administration. John Jay College of Criminal Justice. City University of New YorkNEIL MacCORMlCK, European Parliament. Brussels, Belgium WOJCIECH Group rights as human rights

SADURSKI. European University Institute, Department of Law. Etorence. ItalyROBERT s. SUMMERS. School of Law. Cornell University CARL WELLMAN, Departme

Group rights as human rights

nt of Philosophy, Bashington UniversityGROUP RIGHTS AS HUMAN RIGHTSA Liberal Approach toMulticulturalismEdited byNEUS TORBISCO CASALSUniversitot Pompe

Law and Philosophy LibraryNeus Torbisco CasalsGroup Rights as Human RightsA Liberal Approach to MulticulturalismManaging Editors:Francisco Laporta, Au

Group rights as human rights4208-6 (HB)ISBN-13 978-140204208-9 (HBj

Law and Philosophy LibraryNeus Torbisco CasalsGroup Rights as Human RightsA Liberal Approach to MulticulturalismManaging Editors:Francisco Laporta, Au

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