Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skills
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Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skills
Education Innovation and ResearchInnovating Education and Educating for InnovationTHE POWER OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND SKILLSCentre for Educational R Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skillsResearch and Innovation®;)OECDwww.ebook3000.comEducational Research and InnovationInnovating Education and Educating for InnovationTHE POWER OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND SKILLS®;)OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESwuw.ebook3000.comThis work is published under the responsibility of the Secretaty-Gene Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skillsral of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of OECD member countries.This docuInnovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skills
ment and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to tile delimitation of international frontEducation Innovation and ResearchInnovating Education and Educating for InnovationTHE POWER OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND SKILLSCentre for Educational R Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skillsInnovation: The Pourer of Digital Technologies and Skills, OECD Publishing, Paris.hUpy/dx.duĩ.ơrg/10.1/8//9/8926426S09/ cn1SRN 97« 9? Gd %sos 0 (prim)ISBN 9/8-92-64-26b09-/ (i’Dl)series: Educational Research and innovationISSN 20/6-9660 (print)ISSN 20/6-96/9 (online)71»’ simislical <]:>!:> lor Israe Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skillsl art’ supplied by and under the responsibility of I Im' relevant Israeli uulhorilH's. The use of such data by the OEGD is without prejudice to the stInnovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skills
atus of the Golan Heights, hast Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.Iatvi:> was not an OECD memberEducation Innovation and ResearchInnovating Education and Educating for InnovationTHE POWER OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND SKILLSCentre for Educational R Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skillsomcorrigenda to OECD publications may be found on line atúng/corrýeiida.htm.<& OECD 2016This work is available under the Creative Common: Attriktmon NcciCommercal NoVerivanvc: 3.0 ICO license (cc BY NC NV 3.0 JCO) tap:Z''creaóvocc«UKon:ze»'tccnMyby IK rd.'3.U'SjO'’jo.'ii cn. you Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skills arc tree to copy and redistribute the material, pectndcd the use ã for non-enmmercial pwporaw, under the following conditions:Attribution • rfow liteInnovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skills
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obtain permission from the copyright owner Examples of components can include-, but arc not hmited to. tables, figures, or images.Requests for penniaEducation Innovation and ResearchInnovating Education and Educating for InnovationTHE POWER OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND SKILLSCentre for Educational R Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skills corn Requests for perrnitsrion to translate or distribute modified version of this work must be submitter! to oeri contoctOxnf cryFOREWORDForewordJ^’ijitai technologies have a profound impact on economies and societies and are changing the way we work, communicate, engage in social activities and e Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skillsnjoy ourselves. They also drive innovation in many different spheres of life. The innovative capacity of technology is very much conditioned by the leInnovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skills
vel of digital skills of the population. No wonder there is a very strong correlation between education and skills and the uptake and use of digital tEducation Innovation and ResearchInnovating Education and Educating for InnovationTHE POWER OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND SKILLSCentre for Educational R Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skillslisation for fostering and enhancing learning, the impact of digital technologies on education itself has been shallow. Massive investments in Id' (Information and Communication Technology) in schools have not yet resulted in the hoped for transformation of educational practices, probably because th Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skillse overriding focus on hardware and connectivity has kept bach equally powerful strategies for increasing teachers’ 1(71' shills, improving teachers’prInnovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skills
ofessional development, reforming pedagogies and producing appropriate software and courseware.Discussions about the potential of digital technologiesEducation Innovation and ResearchInnovating Education and Educating for InnovationTHE POWER OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND SKILLSCentre for Educational R Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skillsns are not averse to change in themselves, but there seem to be very powerful barriers in place that prevent digital technologies from reaching (heir potential in educational institutions and teaching and learning practices. Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skillsEducation Innovation and ResearchInnovating Education and Educating for InnovationTHE POWER OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND SKILLSCentre for Educational RGọi ngay
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