Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

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Nội dung chi tiết: Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems(Vol. 1-15: Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics, Vol. 16-59: Lecture No

Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)otes in Operations Research and Mathematical Systems)Vol 1 H Búhlmann, H Loeffel. E Nievergelt. Erntiihrung m die Theorie und Praxis der Entscheidung

bei UnSiCherheit. 2 Auflage,IV.125 Seiten. 1969. OM 16.-Vol. 2: u N Bhal. A Study of the Queueing Systems M/G/1 and GI/M1. VIII. 78 pages 1968 DM 16-V Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

ol. 3: A Strauss, An Introduction to Optimal Control Theory. VI. 153 pages 1968 DM 16.-Vol. 4; Branch and Bound: EineEinfUhrung 2..geand«rteAuflage He

Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

rauagegeben von F Weinberg. VII, 174 Scion 1972 DM 18,-Vol. 5’ Hyvirinen. Information Theory for Systems Engineers. VIII. 205 pages 1968 DM16.-Vol. 6:

Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems(Vol. 1-15: Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics, Vol. 16-59: Lecture No

Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)Theone der Lagerha tung. VI. 173 Seiten. 1968. DM 16,-Vol. 8 J. Teghem, J. LonsTeghem. J. p Lambotte, Modules d’Attente M/G/1 e< Gi/M/1 a Arriveas et

Services en Grcupes IV. 53 pages. 1969 DM 16,-VqI 9: E. Schultze. EinfUhrung indio mathcmatischen Grundlagen dcr Information stheoric VI. 116 Seitcn 1 Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

969 DM 16,-Vol 10. 0 Hochsudter. StochastiBChe Lagerhattungsmodelle VI. 269 Seiten 1969. DM 18,-Vol 11/12: Mathematical Systems Theory and Economics.

Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

Edited by K w. Kuhn and G. p. Szcgo. VIIL IV. 486 pages 1969 DM 34.-Vol. 13. Heurrstiache Ptanungsmethoden Herausgegcben von F. Weinberg und C- A Zehn

Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems(Vol. 1-15: Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics, Vol. 16-59: Lecture No

Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)mic Models, Estimation and Risk Programming Essays in Honor of Gerhard Tintner Edited by K. A. Fox, G. V. L Narasimham and J. K. Sengupta. VIII, 461 p

ages. 1969. DM 24,-Vol. 16: H. p. Kiinzi und w. Oettli. NichUmeare optimwung Neuere Vertahren. Bibliographie. IV. 180 Se-ten 1969 DM 16,-Vol. 17' H Ba Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

uer und K Neumann. Berechnung optimaler Steue-rungen, Maiimumprinzip und dynamische Optimierung VIII. 188 Seiten. 1969. DM 16,-Vol 18: M. Wotlt. Optim

Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

ale Instandhaltungspolitiken in einfachen Syatemen. V. 143 Seiten. 1970 DM 16.-Vol. 19: L. Hyvannen Mathematical Modeling lor InduStnal Pro cesses VI.

Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems(Vol. 1-15: Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics, Vol. 16-59: Lecture No

Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)lemen am Beispiel des StãdtiSChen Straâenứenstes. IK HBSeilen. 1970. DM 16.-Vol. 22 w. Eichhorn, Theorieder homogenon Produktionsfunk-tion VIII, 119Se

iten 1970 DM 16.-Vol. 23’ A Ghosal. Some Aspects of Queueing and Storage Systems. IV. 93 pages. 1970 DM 16,-Vol. 24 Feichtinger Lernprozesse in stocha Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

stischen AutomatonV.66 Seitan 1970 DM 16,-Vol. 25 R. Henn und o Opitz. Konsum- und Produkhonstheorie. I II. i24 Seiton. 1970 DM 16,-Vol. 28: D Hochstâ

Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

dler und G Uebe, Okonometrische Mcthoden XII. 250 Seiten. 1970 DM 18-Vol. 27: L H Mufti. Computational Methods in optima/ Control Problems. IV. 45 pag

Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems(Vol. 1-15: Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics, Vol. 16-59: Lecture No

Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)Vol 29 s E. Elmaghraby, Some Network Models in Management Science III. 177 pages. 1970. DM 16.-Vol 30- H. Noltemeier, SensitivitMsanalyse bci d'8*<'c.

‘on l,near®n Optircicrungsprob’e^erv VI. 102 Seiten. 1970- DM 16,-Vol 31. M Kuhlmoyer, Die mchtzentrale t-Verteilung. Il 106 Sei-ten. 1970 DM 16.-Vot. Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

32: F. Bartholomes und G. Hotz. Homomorph, amen und Re-duktionen Imearer Sprachen XII. 143 Seiten. 1970 DM 16.-Vof 33: K Hindnrer, Foundations of Non

Introduction to the theory of matroids (lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems)

-stabonary Dynamic Programming with Discrete Time Parameter. VI. 160 pages. 1970 DM 16,-Vol. 34: H. StOrmer, Semi-Markotf-Prozeaae mit endhch »ieten Z

Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems(Vol. 1-15: Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics, Vol. 16-59: Lecture No

Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems(Vol. 1-15: Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics, Vol. 16-59: Lecture No

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