Leading change in multiple contexts concepts and practices in organizational, community, political, social, and global change

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Nội dung chi tiết: Leading change in multiple contexts concepts and practices in organizational, community, political, social, and global change

Leading change in multiple contexts concepts and practices in organizational, community, political, social, and global change

Gill RobinsonHICKMANConcepts and Practices in Organizational, Community, Political, Social, and Global Change SettingsLEADING CHANGE in Multiple Conte

Leading change in multiple contexts concepts and practices in organizational, community, political, social, and global changeextsLEADING CHANGE in Multiple Contexts7Ỡ my mother, lieairice M. Price, who has led change in the military, in the medical profession, and in the fiv

es of her family members and friends throughout her life.LEADING CHANGE in Multiple ContextsConcepts and Practices in Organizational, Community, Polit Leading change in multiple contexts concepts and practices in organizational, community, political, social, and global change

ical, Social, and Global Change SettingsGill RobinsonHICKMANUniversity of Richmond®SAGEIỚS AT40SỈ. I Loxtoi I Ns-wMhi S»a8|X«0 I W*5hiXJlO<1 DCCopyrig

Leading change in multiple contexts concepts and practices in organizational, community, political, social, and global change

ht ũ 2010 by SAGE Publications. Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or

Gill RobinsonHICKMANConcepts and Practices in Organizational, Community, Political, Social, and Global Change SettingsLEADING CHANGE in Multiple Conte

Leading change in multiple contexts concepts and practices in organizational, community, political, social, and global changeor information:SAGE Ihiblications, Inc. 2455 'Idler RoadThousand Oaks, California 91320E mail: order@sagepub.comSAGE Publications India IM. Ltd.B 1/1

I Mohan CooperativeIndustrial AreaMathura Road, New Delhi 110 044 IndiaSAGE I’ublications Ltd. 1 Olivers Yard 55 City RoadLondon EC1Y LSI’United Kingd Leading change in multiple contexts concepts and practices in organizational, community, political, social, and global change

omSAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd.33 Pekin Street 402 01Far East SquareSingapore 048763Printed in the United Stales of AmericaLibrary of Congr

Leading change in multiple contexts concepts and practices in organizational, community, political, social, and global change

ess Cataloging-in-l’ublication DataHickman, Gill Robinson.Leading change in multiple contexts: concepts and practices in organizational, community, po

Gill RobinsonHICKMANConcepts and Practices in Organizational, Community, Political, Social, and Global Change SettingsLEADING CHANGE in Multiple Conte

Gill RobinsonHICKMANConcepts and Practices in Organizational, Community, Political, Social, and Global Change SettingsLEADING CHANGE in Multiple Conte

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