Magic, culture and the new economy

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Nội dung chi tiết: Magic, culture and the new economy

Magic, culture and the new economy

Magic, Culture and the New EconomyMagic, Culture and the New EconomyEdited byOrvar Lofgren and Robert Willim©BERGOxford • New YorkFirst published in 2

Magic, culture and the new economy2005 byBerg Editorial offices:1st Floor. Angel Court. 81 St Clements Street. Oxford. 0X4 1 AW. UK 175 Fifth Avenue. New York. NY 10010. USAOrvar Lofgr

en and Robert Willim 2005All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission Magic, culture and the new economy

of Berg.Berg is the imprint of Oxford International Publishers of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataMagic, culture and the new econo

Magic, culture and the new economy

my / edited by Orvar Lofgren and Robert Willim.p. cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 1-84520-091-8 (pbk.) ISBN I-84520-090-X (cloth

Magic, Culture and the New EconomyMagic, Culture and the New EconomyEdited byOrvar Lofgren and Robert Willim©BERGOxford • New YorkFirst published in 2

Magic, culture and the new economy Lofgren. Orvar. II. Willim. Robert.HM846.M24 2005303.48'3'09049-dc222004030875British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication DataA catalogue record for t

his book is available from the British Library.ISBN-13 978 184520 090 9 (Cloth)ISBN-10 I 84520 090 X (Cloth)ISBN-13 978 184520 091 6 (Paper)ISBN-10 I Magic, culture and the new economy

84520 091 8 (Paper)Typeset by JS Typesetting Ltd. Porthcawl. Mid Glamorgan.Printed in the United Kingdom by Biddles Ltd. King's Lynn.www.bergpublisher

Magic, culture and the new economy

s.comContentsNotes on ContributorsviiForewordxi

Magic, Culture and the New EconomyMagic, Culture and the New EconomyEdited byOrvar Lofgren and Robert Willim©BERGOxford • New YorkFirst published in 2

Magic, Culture and the New EconomyMagic, Culture and the New EconomyEdited byOrvar Lofgren and Robert Willim©BERGOxford • New YorkFirst published in 2

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