Mastering risk modelling a practical guide to modelling uncertainty with microsoft excel (the mastering series)
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Mastering risk modelling a practical guide to modelling uncertainty with microsoft excel (the mastering series)
A practical guide to modelling uncertainty with Microsoft® ExcelRISK MODELLINGI I• Helps you understand and manage risk through theconfident use of mo Mastering risk modelling a practical guide to modelling uncertainty with microsoft excel (the mastering series)odels• A systematic method of developing Excel models for fast development and error checkingsecond editionFTPrentice HallFINANCIAI TIMESALASTAIR L. DAYFTPrentice HallFINANCIAL TIMESIn an increasingly competitive world, we believe it’s quality of thinking that gives you the edge - an idea that opens Mastering risk modelling a practical guide to modelling uncertainty with microsoft excel (the mastering series) new doors, a technique that solves a problem, or an insight that simply makes sense of it all. The more you know, the smarter and faster you can go.TMastering risk modelling a practical guide to modelling uncertainty with microsoft excel (the mastering series)
hat's why we work with the best minds in business and finance to bring cutting-edge thinking and best learning practice to a global market.Under a ranA practical guide to modelling uncertainty with Microsoft® ExcelRISK MODELLINGI I• Helps you understand and manage risk through theconfident use of mo Mastering risk modelling a practical guide to modelling uncertainty with microsoft excel (the mastering series)s knowledge, skills and understanding, which can be applied whether studying or at work.To find out about Pearson Education publications, or tell US about the books you’d like to find, you can visit US at Risk ModellingA practical guide to modelling uncer Mastering risk modelling a practical guide to modelling uncertainty with microsoft excel (the mastering series)tainty with Microsoft® ExcelSecond EditionALASTAIR L. DAYPrentice HallFINANCIAL TIMESAn imprint 0/Pearson Education Harlow, England • London • New YorMastering risk modelling a practical guide to modelling uncertainty with microsoft excel (the mastering series)
k • Boston • San Francisco • Toronto • Sydney • Singapore • Hong Kong Tokyo • Seoul • Taipei • New Delhi • Cape Town • Madrid ♦ Mexico City • AmsterdaA practical guide to modelling uncertainty with Microsoft® ExcelRISK MODELLINGI I• Helps you understand and manage risk through theconfident use of mo Mastering risk modelling a practical guide to modelling uncertainty with microsoft excel (the mastering series).ukFirst published 2003Second edition published in Great Britain in 2Gọi ngay
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