Monetizing your data a guide to turning data into profit driving strategies and solutions

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Nội dung chi tiết: Monetizing your data a guide to turning data into profit driving strategies and solutions

Monetizing your data a guide to turning data into profit driving strategies and solutions

Monetizing Your DataMonetizing Your DataA GUIDE TO TURNING DATA INTO PROFIT-DRIVING STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONSAndrew Wells and Kathy ChiangWILEYCopyrigh

Monetizing your data a guide to turning data into profit driving strategies and solutionsht © 2017 by Andrew Wells and Kathy Chiang. All rights reserved.Published by John Wiley & Sons. Inc.. Hoboken. New Jersey.Published simullaneously in

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Monetizing Your DataMonetizing Your DataA GUIDE TO TURNING DATA INTO PROFIT-DRIVING STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONSAndrew Wells and Kathy ChiangWILEYCopyrigh

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Monetizing your data a guide to turning data into profit driving strategies and solutions

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Monetizing Your DataMonetizing Your DataA GUIDE TO TURNING DATA INTO PROFIT-DRIVING STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONSAndrew Wells and Kathy ChiangWILEYCopyrigh

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Monetizing Your DataMonetizing Your DataA GUIDE TO TURNING DATA INTO PROFIT-DRIVING STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONSAndrew Wells and Kathy ChiangWILEYCopyrigh

Monetizing your data a guide to turning data into profit driving strategies and solutionsversion you purchased, you may download this material al hllp://booksup|M) For more information about Wiley products, visit

.Library of Congress Calaloging-in-Publication Data is Available:ISBN 978-1-119-35624-0 (Hardcover)ISBN 978-1-119-35626-1 (ePDF)ISBN 978-1-119-35625-7 Monetizing your data a guide to turning data into profit driving strategies and solutions

(ePub)Cover Design: WileyCover Image: © SergcyNivcns/iStockphotoPrimed in the I iiiled Slates of Americ a10 987 6 5 4321https://khothuvien.cori!Kaihy

Monetizing your data a guide to turning data into profit driving strategies and solutions

Williams Chiang:To my parents. Si and Patty Jean Williams, who have believed in me longer than anyone else.Andrew Roman Wells:lb my loving wife, Suza

Monetizing Your DataMonetizing Your DataA GUIDE TO TURNING DATA INTO PROFIT-DRIVING STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONSAndrew Wells and Kathy ChiangWILEYCopyrigh

Monetizing your data a guide to turning data into profit driving strategies and solutionsrs and a spirit of entrepreneurship.ContentsPrefacexiiiAcknowledgmentsxviiAbout the AuthorsxixSECTION IIntroduction1Chapter 1Introduction3Decisions4An

alytical Journey7Solving the Problem8The Survey Says...9 Monetizing your data a guide to turning data into profit driving strategies and solutions

Monetizing Your DataMonetizing Your DataA GUIDE TO TURNING DATA INTO PROFIT-DRIVING STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONSAndrew Wells and Kathy ChiangWILEYCopyrigh

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