Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirement
➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirement
Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirement
VIETNAM NATIONAL I NIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STI DIES *********************LÊ THỊ NT Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirementTNON-ENGL1SII MAJOR STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE USE OF THE TOEIC LISTENING AND readinc; TESI AS A GRADUATION REQUIREMENT(.X'hậít thúc và thái độ của sinh viên không chuyên tiêng Anh về việc sá dụng bài kiêm tra TOEIC hai kỹ nâng nghe vồ dục hiên him diên kiện tốt nghiệp)M.A. MINO Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirementR THESIS (Type I)Field: English Teaching MethodologyCode: 8140231.01Hanoi-2019VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATINon english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirement
ONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STI DIES *********************LÊ THỊ NTNON-ENGL1SII MAJOR STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS AND ATTITUDES TOM ARDS HIE ISE OFVIETNAM NATIONAL I NIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STI DIES *********************LÊ THỊ NT Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirementa TOEỈC hai kỳ nàng nghe và đọc hiếu làm điều kiện tot nghiệp)M.A. MINOR THESIS (Type I)Field : English Teaching Methodology( ode : 8140231.01Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Nguyễn HòaHanoi - 2019DECLARATIONI hereby certify the thesis entitled “non-English major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards th Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requiremente use of the TOEIC Listening and Reading Test as a graduation requirement" is the result of my own research in fulfillment of the requirements for theNon english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirement
degree of Master of Ans at Faculty of Postgraduate Studies. University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University. Hanoi. ThVIETNAM NATIONAL I NIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STI DIES *********************LÊ THỊ NT Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirementhi NuACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFirst and foremost. I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to my supervisor. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hoa. for his inspiring me to do this research. If it had not been for his invaluable guidance or insightful comments, my thesis would not have been accomplished.My special th Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirementanks also go to all the professors and lecturers of Faculty of Postgraduate Studies al University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam NatiNon english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirement
onal University. Hanoi for their valuable lectures, which have laid the foundation for this thesis.I am deeply appreciative to the participants of thiVIETNAM NATIONAL I NIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STI DIES *********************LÊ THỊ NT Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirementarch took place.f inally, I am indebted to my friends, my colleagues and my family who have encouraged me in numerous ways to complete this study.11ABSTRACTThis mixed methods study investigated non-Engỉish major students’ perceptions of and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC Listening and Readin Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirementg Test as a graduation requirement in some Vietnam s HE institutions. Data were collected from 197 participants through survey questionnaires and eighNon english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirement
t semistructured interviews at a TOEIC preparation center in Hanoi. The findings revealed that students generally hold positive attitudes towards the VIETNAM NATIONAL I NIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STI DIES *********************LÊ THỊ NT Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirementnguage proficiency and future employment prospects. The TOEIC test scores are also perceived favorably by rhe respondents as having relatively high levels of reliability and validity; however, the cut-off scores set by some universities might be too low to motivate their students to study English ha Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirementrder. The results further indicated that test-takers with heller listening and reading skills as measured by the TOEIC tests have a significantly stroNon english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirement
nger preference for the requirement of an adequate level of speaking and writing proficiency before graduation, provided that tertiary-level English cVIETNAM NATIONAL I NIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STI DIES *********************LÊ THỊ NT Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirementholders who define the context of the test use but also provides empirical evidence to support the use of the TOEIC test as a high-stakes standardized test for university exit requirement in Vietnam.Keywords: Perceptions, attitudes, high-stakes tests, English language proficiency, TOEIC, test impact Non english major students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of the TOEIC listening and reading test as a graduation requirement, higher education in Vietnam, graduation requirementiiiTABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION............................................................iVIETNAM NATIONAL I NIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STI DIES *********************LÊ THỊ NTVIETNAM NATIONAL I NIV ERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STI DIES *********************LÊ THỊ NTGọi ngay
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