Postharvest handling

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Nội dung chi tiết: Postharvest handling

Postharvest handling

Chapter 1Introductory Chapter: Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural CropsIbrahim KahramanogluAdditional information IS available at

Postharvest handling the end of the chapterhup:// huge effort, natural resources, and money are spent for the production, collection a

nd/ or harvesting of produce, but on the other hand around 10 15% in developed countries itnd 20 40% in developing countries, depending on the produce Postharvest handling

, is being lost after harvest This moans that about one-quarter of what is produced never roaches the consumers. On the other hand, world population i

Postharvest handling

s increasing day-by-day and demand for food is rising. According to I AO (2015), about one in eight OÍ the world population was suffering from chronic

Chapter 1Introductory Chapter: Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural CropsIbrahim KahramanogluAdditional information IS available at

Postharvest handlingtural policies itnd climate change Since natural resources are being depleted at matchless rates, it is utmost important to protect natural resources

and provide sustainability in production systems, but at the same time, it is also important IO efficienlly handle, Slone, and ulilize producls IO be Postharvest handling

able to feed lhe world in lhe future. Al this poinl, poslharvest handling is becoming more important, which is the main determinant of I he post harve

Postharvest handling

st losses. Preventing post harvest losses would increase lhe amount of food supplied to the global market and reduce the need IO inlensify production.

Chapter 1Introductory Chapter: Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural CropsIbrahim KahramanogluAdditional information IS available at

Postharvest handlingy and quantity of a produce occurred after harvest till the consumption [2J. rhe term "quality" refers external, internal, and hidden attributes, incl

uding weight loss, changes in color, visual quality "the acceptability", occurrence of decay, changes in nutrient content, flavor, etc. And "quantity" Postharvest handling

refers to the loss of the amount of a product. Sometimes, loss in quality does not change the quantity but highly affect marketability and price of t

Postharvest handling

he product. Losses arise due to lhe fact that freshly harvested fruits, vegetables, and flowers are living things which breathe and undergo changes du

Chapter 1Introductory Chapter: Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural CropsIbrahim KahramanogluAdditional information IS available at

Postharvest handling basic process of all plant materials. It might simply be defined as the reverse of photosynthesis. It is a set of metabolic reactions lake place in t

he cells ofwww.ebook3000.com2 Postharvest Handlingorganisms to convert biochemical energy from stored food (produced during photosynthesis, i.e. starc Postharvest handling

h and sugar) into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for growth, ripening etc. During respiration, plants take oxygen from the aữ and give off carbon dioxid

Postharvest handling

e, moisture, and heat. Respiration continues until the stored starch and sugar reserves are depleted and crops would age and die. Temperature dictates

Chapter 1Introductory Chapter: Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural CropsIbrahim KahramanogluAdditional information IS available at

Postharvest handlingnment is at utmost important, while it is the primary gas used during respiration, l owering the oxygon in the air lowers the respiration rate, but if

there is not enough oxygen, and then, product goes in anaerobic fermentation and produces alcohols with abnormal flavors.•Transpiration (water loss): Postharvest handling

Most fruits and vegetables contain between 80 and 95% water by weight. 'I he loss of water in a vapor slate from living tissues is known as transpira

Postharvest handling

tion. It causes shriveling, wilting, softening, poorer texture, loss ill weight, and lower quality. It can be reduced in storage by (1) raising the re

Chapter 1Introductory Chapter: Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural CropsIbrahim KahramanogluAdditional information IS available at

Postharvest handlingaging, i.e., polyethylene film, modified atmosphere packaging etc. Furthermore, many studies conducted about the protective and anti-fungal effects of

natural extracts and/or plant and animal derived products on the post harvest quality of fruits and vegetables, l or example, propolis extract, eucal Postharvest handling

yptus oil, and /ì/(V ĨW(1 jell are reported to be successful in slowing down transpiration and having anti-fungal effects [3 5).•I Ihylcnc: Ethylene g

Postharvest handling

as (C,l l4) is a colorless, odorless, nal ural hormone produced by some fruits (climacteric) and vegetables as they ripen and promotes additional ripe

Chapter 1Introductory Chapter: Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural CropsIbrahim KahramanogluAdditional information IS available at

Postharvest handlingions within plants. It is involved in the normal ripening process in many fruits, such as apples and bananas. Ethylene can also have undesirable effec

ts on fruits, i.e premature ripening, skin damage etc. The presence of co, lack of o s. dnd low temperatures can inhibit ethylene production on fruits Postharvest handling

, while on the other hand ethylene production is higher al injured produce. Ethylene can also be produced artificially and used as an environmental fa

Postharvest handling

ctor losiimulaie ripening. An important point here is that the plants which produce ethylene, i.e. apple, should not be stored with fruits, vegetables

Chapter 1Introductory Chapter: Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural CropsIbrahim KahramanogluAdditional information IS available at

Postharvest handlings: Stored products are subject IO a variety of rots and decay caused by fungi or bacteria. Most known fungus are Penícilỉium expansum, Botrytis cinere

a, Aỉternaría aìternata, Rhizopus stokmifer, Phytophthora infestans and Fusarium spp and the bacteria are Eruinia carotovora and Pseudomona spp These Postharvest handling

diseases might cause light brown and soft spots on fruits and vegetables. Infection of diseases may start before or after harvest When products transf

Postharvest handling

erred to storage, infections continue to develop. Mechanical damages, wounds or bruises are known to be the common entry points for bacteria and fungi

Chapter 1Introductory Chapter: Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural CropsIbrahim KahramanogluAdditional information IS available at

Postharvest handling Preventing mechanical damage and harvesting the products during the cool times of the day are crucial points. Preharvest and postharvest application

of suitable fungicides, bactericides might be helpful in managing disease problems. However, it must be kept in mind that environmental conditions are Postharvest handling

highly important for the development of diseases. They usually require warm temperatureshttps://khothuvien.coniIntroductory Chapter Postharvest Physi

Postharvest handling

ology and Technology of Horticultural Crops 3 http: i/dx.doi org/10.57 72/i ntechopen 69465and high moisture. On the other hand, sanitation IS of utmo

Chapter 1Introductory Chapter: Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural CropsIbrahim KahramanogluAdditional information IS available at

Postharvest handlingichia coli 0157:117 and Salmonella.On the other hand, there are some environmental factors (temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric composition, a

nd light) which accelerate or retard deterioration by directly or indirectly influencing biological factors:•Temperature: Temperature is the most impo Postharvest handling

rtant environmental factor which influences the poslharvest life of a produce. The optimum storage temperature of commodities is differing among not o

Postharvest handling

nly commodities but for species. Typically, for every increase of 10°C, the rate of deterioration increases between 2- and 3-fold [7J. Temperature gre

Chapter 1Introductory Chapter: Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural CropsIbrahim KahramanogluAdditional information IS available at

Postharvest handlingy, freezing or heat injuries The severity of chilling, freezing and heat injuries depend on the storage duration and temperature. Among these three in

juries, chilling injury is the most known and threat for storage. The critical temperature for chilling injury is mainly below 5-13' ’C depending on p Postharvest handling

roduce and maturity stage. Chilling injury symptoms are changing among commodities but generally include brown discoloration of the skin, necrotic pil

Postharvest handling

ling, and increased susceptibility IO decay. Intermitted warming, application of some essential oils, salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, calcium chloride,

Chapter 1Introductory Chapter: Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural CropsIbrahim KahramanogluAdditional information IS available at

Postharvest handling 95% water by weight, it is utmost important to provide favorable environmental conditions IO reduce transpiration of the produce Higher relative humi

dity (85 95%) slows water loss from the commodity However, at the same time, high relative humidity (free moisture) might stimulate pathogen developme Postharvest handling

nt and might weaken the packaging materials i.e cartoon boxes.•Atmospheric composition: Respiration is the basic process causing deterioration on the

Postharvest handling

harvested produce and is mainly depend on the atmospheric composition (level of o and coJ as well as on the temperahue, ethylene and water vapor. Ther

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