Power, glamour and angst inside australias elite neighbourhoods

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Nội dung chi tiết: Power, glamour and angst inside australias elite neighbourhoods

Power, glamour and angst inside australias elite neighbourhoods

THEILAN WIESELPOWER, GLAMOUR AND ANGSTInside Australia's Elite Neighbourhoods“L-1 TinS 3 - 1,.'llL=11F^r.-W• . --1t.'T\ troV,i_ \ -A—- L.L.g-kFwrv 1 ■

Power, glamour and angst inside australias elite neighbourhoods■* • *•https://khothuvien.cori!The Contemporary CitySeries EditorsRay Forrest Lingnan UniversityHong KongRichard Ronald University of Amsterdam Amster

dam, Noord-Holland The NetherlandsIn recent decades cities have been variously impacted by neoliberalism, economic crises, climate change, industriali Power, glamour and angst inside australias elite neighbourhoods

zation and postindustrialization and widening inequalities. So what is it like to live in these contemporary cities? What are the key drivers shaping

Power, glamour and angst inside australias elite neighbourhoods

cities and neighborhoods? To what extent are people being bound together or driven apart? I low do these factors vary cross-culturally and cross natio

THEILAN WIESELPOWER, GLAMOUR AND ANGSTInside Australia's Elite Neighbourhoods“L-1 TinS 3 - 1,.'llL=11F^r.-W• . --1t.'T\ troV,i_ \ -A—- L.L.g-kFwrv 1 ■

Power, glamour and angst inside australias elite neighbourhoodsspective. With editors based in Amsterdam and Hong Kong, rhe series is drawn on an axis between old and new cities in the West and East.More informati

on about this series at WieselPower, Glamour andAngstInside Australia's Elite Neighbourhoodspalgravemacmil Power, glamour and angst inside australias elite neighbourhoods

lanIlan WieselSchool of GeographyUniversity of MelbourneMelbourne, VIC, AustraliaThe Contemporary CityISBN 978-981-13-1366-0 ISBN 978-981-13-1367-7 (e

Power, glamour and angst inside australias elite neighbourhoods

Book)hups:// of Congress Control Number: 2018949925© Tie Editor(s) (if applicable) and Tie Author(s) 2019Illis

THEILAN WIESELPOWER, GLAMOUR AND ANGSTInside Australia's Elite Neighbourhoods“L-1 TinS 3 - 1,.'llL=11F^r.-W• . --1t.'T\ troV,i_ \ -A—- L.L.g-kFwrv 1 ■

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Power, glamour and angst inside australias elite neighbourhoods

mply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for

THEILAN WIESELPOWER, GLAMOUR AND ANGSTInside Australia's Elite Neighbourhoods“L-1 TinS 3 - 1,.'llL=11F^r.-W• . --1t.'T\ troV,i_ \ -A—- L.L.g-kFwrv 1 ■

Power, glamour and angst inside australias elite neighbourhoodscurate al the dale of publication. Neither (he publisher nor die authors or the editors give a warranty’, express or implied, with respect to rhe mate

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blished maps and institutional affiliations.

THEILAN WIESELPOWER, GLAMOUR AND ANGSTInside Australia's Elite Neighbourhoods“L-1 TinS 3 - 1,.'llL=11F^r.-W• . --1t.'T\ troV,i_ \ -A—- L.L.g-kFwrv 1 ■

THEILAN WIESELPOWER, GLAMOUR AND ANGSTInside Australia's Elite Neighbourhoods“L-1 TinS 3 - 1,.'llL=11F^r.-W• . --1t.'T\ troV,i_ \ -A—- L.L.g-kFwrv 1 ■

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