Principles of fraud examination, 4th edition
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Principles of fraud examination, 4th edition
PRINCIPLES OF FRAUDEXAMINATIONFOURTH EDITIONJOSEPH T. WELLSWileyPRINCIPLES OFFRAUD EXAMINATIONPRINCIPLES OF FRA UD EXAMINATIONFOURTH EDITIONJOSEPH T. Principles of fraud examination, 4th edition WELLS, CFE, CPAWileyVICE PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHERGeorge HoffmanEXECUTIVE EDITORJoel HollenbeckCON li:NT EDITORBrian KatninsEDITORIAL ASSISTANTRebecca CostaminiSr. MARKETING MANAGERKarolina Zarychta HonsaSENIOR PRODUCTION MANAGERJanis SixtASStX IA I E PRODUCTION MANAGERJoel RalhinPRODUCTION EDITOREug Principles of fraud examination, 4th editionenia LeeCOVER DESIGNERKenji NgtcngCOVER Pl 10-10Í) Ihinksinck/iSlock■Riis bonk was mH ill 1 (h'l2pl limesl .TSld by I averwunis Private I .milled. ChePrinciples of fraud examination, 4th edition
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ment. ethical conduct within our Ixisiriess and aiming our vendors. and community and charitable support. For more information, please visit cur websiPRINCIPLES OF FRAUDEXAMINATIONFOURTH EDITIONJOSEPH T. WELLSWileyPRINCIPLES OFFRAUD EXAMINATIONPRINCIPLES OF FRA UD EXAMINATIONFOURTH EDITIONJOSEPH T. Principles of fraud examination, 4th editionhn Wiley Sons. Inc.. I hihoken. New Jersey. All rights reserved. No part or lilts jxiblicatiori may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or ollterwise. except as permitted under Sections 107 Principles of fraud examination, 4th editionnr HJKol the 1976 United Slides Copyright Act. without eilliet lite prior written permission of lite Publisher. or authorization through payment of thPrinciples of fraud examination, 4th edition
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