Project manager competency development framework
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Project manager competency development framework
^rif-ur U&MClO&AlSTANDAROPROJECT MANAGERCOMPETENCYDEVELOPMENTFRAMEWORK Third EditionProject Management InstitutePROJECT MANAGER COMPETENCYDEVELOPMENT Project manager competency development framework FRAMEWORK-THIRD EDITIONThe Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for.ISBN: 978-1-62825-091-6Project Management Institute, Inc.14 Campus BoulevardNewtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073-3299 USAPhone: +610-356-4600Fax: +610-356-4647Email: customercare@pmi.orgInternet: www.PM Project manager competency development©2017 Project Management Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.“PMI". the PMI logo, "PMP”, the PMP logo. “PMBOK", “PgMP", “Project Management JournProject manager competency development framework
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of the PMCD Framework........................................21.2Target Audience......................................................21.3What Is Por^rif-ur U&MClO&AlSTANDAROPROJECT MANAGERCOMPETENCYDEVELOPMENTFRAMEWORK Third EditionProject Management InstitutePROJECT MANAGER COMPETENCYDEVELOPMENT ^rif-ur U&MClO&AlSTANDAROPROJECT MANAGERCOMPETENCYDEVELOPMENTFRAMEWORK Third EditionProject Management InstitutePROJECT MANAGER COMPETENCYDEVELOPMENTGọi ngay
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