Risk management in evaluating mineral deposits

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Risk management in evaluating mineral deposits

RISK MANAGEMENTin Evaluating Mineral DepositsBy Jean-Michel RenduPUBLISHED BY THESOCIETY FOR MINING, METALLURGY & EXPLORATIONSociety for Mining, Metal

Risk management in evaluating mineral depositsllurgy & Exploration (SME) 11999 East Adam Aircraft Circle Englewood, Colorado 80112 (ịoị) 948 4200 I (800) 765 5152 www.smcnct.orglhe Society for Min

ing, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) is a professional society whose more than 15,000 members represent professionals serving the minerals industry in Risk management in evaluating mineral deposits

more than 100 countries. SME members include engineers, geologists, metallurgists, educators, students, and researchers. SME advances the worldwide mi

Risk management in evaluating mineral deposits

ning and underground construction communin’ through information exchange and professional development.Copyright © 2017 Society for Mining, Metallurgy

RISK MANAGEMENTin Evaluating Mineral DepositsBy Jean-Michel RenduPUBLISHED BY THESOCIETY FOR MINING, METALLURGY & EXPLORATIONSociety for Mining, Metal

Risk management in evaluating mineral depositss been obtained by SME from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither SME nor the authors guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any inform

ation published herein, and neither SME nor the authors shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of use of this informat Risk management in evaluating mineral deposits

ion. This work is published with the understanding that SME and the authors are supplying information but are not attempting to render engineering or

Risk management in evaluating mineral deposits

other professional services. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional

RISK MANAGEMENTin Evaluating Mineral DepositsBy Jean-Michel RenduPUBLISHED BY THESOCIETY FOR MINING, METALLURGY & EXPLORATIONSociety for Mining, Metal

Risk management in evaluating mineral depositsose of the authors and are not necessarily those of SME. Tile mention of trade names for commercial products does not imply the approval or endorsemen

t ofSME.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanica Risk management in evaluating mineral deposits

l, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, with out rhe prior written permission of the publisher.ISBN: 978-0-87555-448 6eBook: 978-0-8755$ 449 $Librar

Risk management in evaluating mineral deposits

y’ of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataNames: Rendu, Jean Michel, 1944 author.1'itlc: Risk management in evaluating mineral deposits / by lean M

RISK MANAGEMENTin Evaluating Mineral DepositsBy Jean-Michel RenduPUBLISHED BY THESOCIETY FOR MINING, METALLURGY & EXPLORATIONSociety for Mining, Metal

Risk management in evaluating mineral depositsntifiers: LCCN 2017012801 (print) I LCCN 2017017792 (ebook) I ISBN 9780875554495 I ISBN 9780875554486 (print)Subjects: LCSH: Mine valuation. I Mineral

industries Risk management. I Mining engineering Risk assessment.Classification: LCC TN272 (ebook) I LCC TN272 .R465 2017 (print) I DDC 622.o68/r--dc Risk management in evaluating mineral deposits

25LC record available at 1. Introduction...

Risk management in evaluating mineral deposits

.................................1Chapter 2. Mining as a Complex and Risky Business..........7Chapter 3. Expensive Decisions: What May I lave Gone Wro

RISK MANAGEMENTin Evaluating Mineral DepositsBy Jean-Michel RenduPUBLISHED BY THESOCIETY FOR MINING, METALLURGY & EXPLORATIONSociety for Mining, Metal

Risk management in evaluating mineral depositsAssessment Using Monte Carlo Simulation......57Chapter 7. Decision Free to Evaluate Multistage Projects.....69Chapters. Modeling of Space- and Time-Re

lated Variables......79Chapter 9. Risk Tolerance and Utility Function............99Chapter 10. Project Utility and the Triple Bottom Line...121Chapter Risk management in evaluating mineral deposits

11. Variables Influencing the Three Bottom Lines.....137Chapter 12. Geology and Deposit Characterization.........165

RISK MANAGEMENTin Evaluating Mineral DepositsBy Jean-Michel RenduPUBLISHED BY THESOCIETY FOR MINING, METALLURGY & EXPLORATIONSociety for Mining, Metal

RISK MANAGEMENTin Evaluating Mineral DepositsBy Jean-Michel RenduPUBLISHED BY THESOCIETY FOR MINING, METALLURGY & EXPLORATIONSociety for Mining, Metal

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