Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies

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Nội dung chi tiết: Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies

Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies

SCALEThe Universal Laws of Growth,Innovation, s u s t a i n a b i I i ty, and thePace of Life, in Organisms, Cities,Economies, and CompaniesThe Univer

Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economiesrsal Laws of Growth, Innovation, Sustain ability, and the Pace of Life in Organisms, Cities, Economies, and CompaniesGEOFFREY WESTPENGUIN PRESS I NEW

YORK I 2017PENGUIN PRESS An imprint of Pengum Random House LLC 375 Hudson Street New York. New York 10014 penguin, comCopyright £ 2017 by Geoffrey Wes Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies

t Penguin supports copyrẹht. Copyright fuels creativity. encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for

Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies

buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any f

SCALEThe Universal Laws of Growth,Innovation, s u s t a i n a b i I i ty, and thePace of Life, in Organisms, Cities,Economies, and CompaniesThe Univer

Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies.Library of Congress Ca la losing-in-Publk-a lion DataNames: West. Geoffrey B.» author.I (tie: Scale : rhe universal laws of growth. innovation. susta

inability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies, and companies / Geoffrey West.Description: New York: Penguin Press, [2017] Ị Includes Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies

bibliographical references and index.Identifiers: LCCN 2016056756 (print) I I.CCN 2017008356(ebook) I ISBN 9781594205583 (hardcover) I ISBN 978110162

Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies

1509 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Scaling (Social sciences) Science Philosophy. I Evolution (Biology) I Evolution Molecular aspects. I Urban ecology (Socio

SCALEThe Universal Laws of Growth,Innovation, s u s t a i n a b i I i ty, and thePace of Life, in Organisms, Cities,Economies, and CompaniesThe Univer

Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economiesrecord available at https// 1ToJacqueline Joshua and Devorah andDora and AlfWith Gratitude and LoveCONTENTSTitle Page Co

pyright Dedication1THE BIG PIC TI REIntroduction. Overview. and Summary • n Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies

ter of Life and Death, • Energy. Metabolism. and Entropy • Size Really Matters; Scaling and Nonlinear Behavior • Scaling and Complexity: Emergence. Se

Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies

lf-Organization* and Resilience. • You Are Your Networks; Growth frotn Cells lữ Viales • Cities and Globa! Sustainability, Innovation and Cycles o f S

SCALEThe Universal Laws of Growth,Innovation, s u s t a i n a b i I i ty, and thePace of Life, in Organisms, Cities,Economies, and CompaniesThe Univer

Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economiesic.etíiLaỉỉi.ứLSí'ale. Superman • Orderuif Magnitude.Logarithms Earthquakes, and rhe Richter Scale • Pumping Iron and Testing Galileo * Individual Per

formance and Deviations from Scaling: Die Strongest Man in the World • More Misleading Conclusions and Misconceptions of Scale: Drug Dosages frsmLSD a Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies

nd Elephants IQ ĨYỈCỈIQỈ .and Babies. • BML Quetelet. the Average Mau, and.Social Physics • hmovation and Limits to Growth • Die Great Eastern. Wide-G

Scale the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies

auge Railways. and the Remarkable Isambard Kingdom Brune! • William Fronde and the Origins of Modeling Diẹọry • Similarity and Similitude: Dimensionle

SCALEThe Universal Laws of Growth,Innovation, s u s t a i n a b i I i ty, and thePace of Life, in Organisms, Cities,Economies, and CompaniesThe Univer

SCALEThe Universal Laws of Growth,Innovation, s u s t a i n a b i I i ty, and thePace of Life, in Organisms, Cities,Economies, and CompaniesThe Univer

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