Sustainable transport development, innovation and technology proceedings of the 2016 transopot conference

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Nội dung chi tiết: Sustainable transport development, innovation and technology proceedings of the 2016 transopot conference

Sustainable transport development, innovation and technology proceedings of the 2016 transopot conference

Springer Proceedings in Business and Econoffl!?Michal Suchanek EditorSustainableTransport Development, Innovation andTechnologyProceedings of the 2016

Sustainable transport development, innovation and technology proceedings of the 2016 transopot conference6 TranSopot Conference0 SpringerSpringer Proceedings in Business and EconomicsMore information about this series at http://www.springer.eoni/series/11

960https://khothu vien .comMichal SuchanekEditorSustainable Transport Development, Innovation and TechnologyProceedings of the 2016 TranSopot Conferen Sustainable transport development, innovation and technology proceedings of the 2016 transopot conference

ceSpringerEditorMichal SuchanekDepartment of Economics and Management of Transportation Companies, Faculty of EconomicsUniversity of GdanskSopotPoland

Sustainable transport development, innovation and technology proceedings of the 2016 transopot conference

ISSN 2198-7246ISSN 2198-7254 (electronic)Springer Proceedings in Business and EconomicsISBN 978-3-319-51426-0ISBN 978-3-319-51427-7 (eBook)DOI 10.1007

Springer Proceedings in Business and Econoffl!?Michal Suchanek EditorSustainableTransport Development, Innovation andTechnologyProceedings of the 2016

Sustainable transport development, innovation and technology proceedings of the 2016 transopot conferencehts are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse o

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Sustainable transport development, innovation and technology proceedings of the 2016 transopot conference

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Springer Proceedings in Business and Econoffl!?Michal Suchanek EditorSustainableTransport Development, Innovation andTechnologyProceedings of the 2016

Sustainable transport development, innovation and technology proceedings of the 2016 transopot conferencefe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed Io be true and accurate at the dale of publication. Neither the publisher nor t

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Sustainable transport development, innovation and technology proceedings of the 2016 transopot conference

e paperThis Springer imprint is published by Springer Naturerhe registered company is springer International Ihtblishing AGIYjc registered company add

Springer Proceedings in Business and Econoffl!?Michal Suchanek EditorSustainableTransport Development, Innovation andTechnologyProceedings of the 2016

Springer Proceedings in Business and Econoffl!?Michal Suchanek EditorSustainableTransport Development, Innovation andTechnologyProceedings of the 2016

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