The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

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Nội dung chi tiết: The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

Harm G. SchrốterEditorThe EuropeanEnterpriseHistorical Investigationinto a Future Species AH. G. SchrõterEditorThe European EnterpriseHistorical Inves

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future speciesstigation into a Future Species0 SpringerProf. Dr. Harm G. Sch rotor University of Bergen Department of History Oysleinsgale I N-5007 Bergen Norwayhan

n.seholcr@hi.uib.noISBN: 978-3-540-74036-0 e-lSBN: 978-3-540-74038-4Library of Congress Control Number: 2(X)79375O2© 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heide The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

lberg’Ulis work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of t

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

ranslation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or in any other way. and storage in data banks. Du

Harm G. SchrốterEditorThe EuropeanEnterpriseHistorical Investigationinto a Future Species AH. G. SchrõterEditorThe European EnterpriseHistorical Inves

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species version, anti permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Violations are liable to prosecution under the German Copyright Law.The use o

f general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.Cover Design: cStudio Calamar S.L.. E Stcin

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

cn-Broo. Pau/Girona. SpainPrinted on acid-free paper9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1springer.comForewordThis book offers a broad overview of the topic of the Europea

Harm G. SchrốterEditorThe EuropeanEnterpriseHistorical Investigationinto a Future Species AH. G. SchrõterEditorThe European EnterpriseHistorical Inves

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future speciesbe discerned or not. To indicate the results just briefly already: There is definitely a movement in that direction, one which has accelerated during

the past few years; however, there is not a large numbers of firms which are taking part in this movement yet. and the movement is also characterized The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

by cases of backlash and phases of stagnation.There is probably only one characteristic of Europe on which all persons - readers as well as contributo

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

rs - would agree: Diversity. Europe is more diverse than any other region of the world of the same size. The same holds true, naturally, for views on

Harm G. SchrốterEditorThe EuropeanEnterpriseHistorical Investigationinto a Future Species AH. G. SchrõterEditorThe European EnterpriseHistorical Inves

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species, the volume was designed as an effort of many: Its 20 different contributions were written by 26 different persons, representing 13 different nationa

lities, including the United States of America and Japan. As a counterbalance to this diversity, the introduction provides a general focus and the con The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

clusion the common results of the combined efforts.The issue of European enterprise is taken up using various approaches, means and levels: as single

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

enterprise, as a group of firms during co-operation or merger, as branch of industry and so on. The impact of EU law-making is studied, as are institu

Harm G. SchrốterEditorThe EuropeanEnterpriseHistorical Investigationinto a Future Species AH. G. SchrõterEditorThe European EnterpriseHistorical Inves

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future speciesuropean enterprise are provided and applied, since there is of course no single definition suitable for all purposes.The book is the result of several

conferences, meetings and presentations (Copenhagen [two times]. Frankfurt am Main [two times]. Glasgow. Helsinki, and Milan) as well as benefiting f The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

rom various discussions with many colleagues and students. Here we take the opportunity to thank all of them! While unfortunately not all contribution

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

s to these conferences could be included, others have been specially commissioned to close strategic gaps. We also want to thank the organizers of the

Harm G. SchrốterEditorThe EuropeanEnterpriseHistorical Investigationinto a Future Species AH. G. SchrõterEditorThe European EnterpriseHistorical Inves

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future speciesress (2006), for the opportunity to lest our results in a broad public made up of criticalVForewordcolleagues. We thank Ray Stokes, Director of the Ce

ntre for Business History in Scotland, Glasgow, for the improvement of our English, as well as the Norwegian Research Council and the Faculty of Histo The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

ry and Philosophy at the University of Bergen for providing financial means. Last hut not least we want to thank Franco Amalori. Director of the Insti

The european enterprise historical investigation into a future species

tute of Economic History Università Bocconi, Milan, for so generously accommodating our starting conference.University of Missouri Saint Louis July, 2

Harm G. SchrốterEditorThe EuropeanEnterpriseHistorical Investigationinto a Future Species AH. G. SchrõterEditorThe European EnterpriseHistorical Inves

Harm G. SchrốterEditorThe EuropeanEnterpriseHistorical Investigationinto a Future Species AH. G. SchrõterEditorThe European EnterpriseHistorical Inves

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