The fate of the west the battle to save the worlds most successful political idea

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Nội dung chi tiết: The fate of the west the battle to save the worlds most successful political idea

The fate of the west the battle to save the worlds most successful political idea

FATE0 fWESThe Battle to Save the World’s MostSuccessful Political IdeaTHEFATEofTHE WESTThe Battle to Save the Worlds Most Successful Political IdeaBIL

The fate of the west the battle to save the worlds most successful political ideaLL EM MOTTlheEconomist BootePUBUCAHsMBS Nnw Yi*kThe Economist in .Association with Profile Books Ltd. and PublicAffairs™Copyright Ồ 2017 by Bill Emmot

tFirst published Hl 2017 by Profile Books Ltd. m Great Britain.Published m 2017 m lire United States by Public Affairs. an imprint of Perseus Books. L The fate of the west the battle to save the worlds most successful political idea

LC. a subsidiary of Hachelte Book Group. Inc.All lights reserved.Printed in the United Stales of America.No part of this book may Ise reproduced. stor

The fate of the west the battle to save the worlds most successful political idea

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FATE0 fWESThe Battle to Save the World’s MostSuccessful Political IdeaTHEFATEofTHE WESTThe Battle to Save the Worlds Most Successful Political IdeaBIL

The fate of the west the battle to save the worlds most successful political idean critical articles and reviews, lor information, address PublicAflairs, 1290 Avenue of rhe Americas, New York, NY 10101.The greatest care lias been t

aken in compiling this Ixiok. I lowever. no I responsibility can be accepted by the publishers or compilers for the accui acy of the information prese The fate of the west the battle to save the worlds most successful political idea

nted.Where opinion is expressed ứ is that of tile author and does not necessarily coincide will the editorial views of The Economist Newspaper.While e

The fate of the west the battle to save the worlds most successful political idea

very effort has been made to contact copyright-holders of material produced or cited in tliis book, in tlie case of those It lias not been possible to

FATE0 fWESThe Battle to Save the World’s MostSuccessful Political IdeaTHEFATEofTHE WESTThe Battle to Save the Worlds Most Successful Political IdeaBIL

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epartment at Perseus Books. 2300 Chestnut Street. Suite 200. Philadelphia.PA 19103. call (800) 810-4145. ext. 5000. or e-mail specialrnaikets@peiseu$b The fate of the west the battle to save the worlds most successful political idea

ooks comLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2017930978ISBN 978-1-61039-780-3 (hardcover)ISBN 978-1-61039-781-0 (e-book)For CarolContents1

FATE0 fWESThe Battle to Save the World’s MostSuccessful Political IdeaTHEFATEofTHE WESTThe Battle to Save the Worlds Most Successful Political IdeaBIL

FATE0 fWESThe Battle to Save the World’s MostSuccessful Political IdeaTHEFATEofTHE WESTThe Battle to Save the Worlds Most Successful Political IdeaBIL

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