The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the few
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The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the few
HI Lfcir M D__HHÍ C-L1 AHOflATiriTHE MAKING OF AMIE min II ALIM.I hLII*■ -IIBiLII II lllSSIIIMJiUI* °Praise for The Making of a Democratic Econo “Kell The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the fewly and Howard offer the insight that our democratic principles and our economic vitality don’t need to be in constant contradiction. For the future health of our planet and its citizens, we need to democratize our market-driven economy by creating ownership structures that, by theữ very nature, lead The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the few to more sustainable, generative outcomes. Illis powerful book shines a light on the practical paths so many are searching for today.” —Dan Wolf, CEO,The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the few
Cape Air. and former Massachusetts Stale Senator“We call The Laura Flanders Show the place where the people who say it can't be done lake a backseat HI Lfcir M D__HHÍ C-L1 AHOflATiriTHE MAKING OF AMIE min II ALIM.I hLII*■ -IIBiLII II lllSSIIIMJiUI* °Praise for The Making of a Democratic Econo “Kell The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the fewng die economy and shifting power. Illis important survey, from two who have been instrumental to much of diis work, paints a picture not simply of a mosaic of experiments but of a newly emerging system dial lies within our reach. Can we change our culture to cherish people over capital? it won't be The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the few easy, but it can be done. We need deep long-term diinking and immediate action steps. Lucky for us, diis deeply considered book offers bofli.”—LauraThe making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the few
Flanders, Host mid Executive Producer. The Laura Flanders Show“Marjorie Kelly and Ted Howard remind US that it's not enough to light against an unjustHI Lfcir M D__HHÍ C-L1 AHOflATiriTHE MAKING OF AMIE min II ALIM.I hLII*■ -IIBiLII II lllSSIIIMJiUI* °Praise for The Making of a Democratic Econo “Kell The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the fewg of a Democratic Economy lift up the hard and vital work of the people creating die institutions of the next economy.’’—Kat Taylor, cofoimdcr mid CEO, Beneficial State Bank“As champions of worker and community ownership, Kelly and Howard remind US that economic democracy is essential to political d The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the fewemocracy and a viable human future.” —David Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World and Change theStory, Change the Future“This book offersThe making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the few
a practical path of radical hope for system change. Models like those here are being copied across the world. Scores of the ideas here make clear senHI Lfcir M D__HHÍ C-L1 AHOflATiriTHE MAKING OF AMIE min II ALIM.I hLII*■ -IIBiLII II lllSSIIIMJiUI* °Praise for The Making of a Democratic Econo “Kell The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the few widi ideas and models dial are working and ready to be tried in your town, this book is for you."—Kevin Jones, cofotuider of Social Capital Markets and The Transform Series“This is an important book. It builds on growing recognition that systemic transformation is needed, providing a road map to un The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the fewderstanding dial democracy is al die core of building flourishing economies needed for a flourishing future. We all need to deeply learn from die mainThe making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the few
- examples and lessons of diis book and work logedier to create whole systems change, The Making of a Democratic Economy provides an invaluable guide HI Lfcir M D__HHÍ C-L1 AHOflATiriTHE MAKING OF AMIE min II ALIM.I hLII*■ -IIBiLII II lllSSIIIMJiUI* °Praise for The Making of a Democratic Econo “Kell The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the few an impact investor and activist has given US another gem, on the critical need for democracy not just in our political system but in our economy.’’—Morgan Simon, Founding Partner, Candido Group, and author of Real impact“Hie call for an economy that works for all is heard in Washington and even on The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the fewWall Street- but how will the change take place? Marjorie and Ted offer a map. Tliey share stories of a different kind of enterprise one that puts theThe making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the few
human interest al the heart of success. These community-based enterprises are not only hopeful but replicable—they illuminate the design for an econoHI Lfcir M D__HHÍ C-L1 AHOflATiriTHE MAKING OF AMIE min II ALIM.I hLII*■ -IIBiLII II lllSSIIIMJiUI* °Praise for The Making of a Democratic Econo “Kell The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the fewoward have given US the road map toward ecuiium IV ucinuuavy. But they don’t just show the interstates and the major landmarks—they show the byways and small towns where real change comes from. In this moment when greater and greater numbers of people are realizing that the rules of capitalism must The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the fewbe rewritten, the stories in these pages, and the strategies that Kelly and Howard share, will guide our way forward.”—Lenore Palladino, Assistant ProThe making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the few
fessor of Economics and Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Amherst; former Vice President for Policy & Campaigns, Demos; and former Campaign DHI Lfcir M D__HHÍ C-L1 AHOflATiriTHE MAKING OF AMIE min II ALIM.I hLII*■ -IIBiLII II lllSSIIIMJiUI* °Praise for The Making of a Democratic Econo “Kell The making of a democratic economy how to build prosperity for the many, not the fewOWARD OFTHE DEMOCRACY COLLABORATIVEBKBerrett-Koehler Publishers. Inc.HI Lfcir M D__HHÍ C-L1 AHOflATiriTHE MAKING OF AMIE min II ALIM.I hLII*■ -IIBiLII II lllSSIIIMJiUI* °Praise for The Making of a Democratic Econo “KellGọi ngay
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