The millionaire next door

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Nội dung chi tiết: The millionaire next door

The millionaire next door

MILLIONAIRE1 >NextMWITH A NEW PREFACE FOR THE 21 ST CENTURYDoorTitoiiitiM MỂÍU1 ■<->, »111111111 ■>. ■>«<■>!«»,The Mill The Surprising Secrets of Amer

The millionaire next doorrica’s WealthyThomas J. Stanley, Ph.D.William Đ. Danko, Ph.D.rhe Millionaire Next DoorCopyright© 1996 by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. DankoPreface

copyright © 2010 by Thomas J. StanleyCover art to the electronic edition copyright © 2010 by RoscttaBooks, LLCAll rights reserved, including die righ The millionaire next door

t to reproduce this book or portions there of in any form whatsoever.This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in

The millionaire next door

regard to the subject mailer covered. ĨI is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering legal, inve

MILLIONAIRE1 >NextMWITH A NEW PREFACE FOR THE 21 ST CENTURYDoorTitoiiitiM MỂÍU1 ■<->, »111111111 ■>. ■>«<■>!«»,The Mill The Surprising Secrets of Amer

The millionaire next doorerson should be sought.All the names in the case studies contained in this book are pseudonyms.Electronic edition published 2010 by RosettaBooks LLC.

New York.ISBN Mobipocket edition: 9780795314858For Janet. Sarah, and Brad—a million Christi a trillion Fourth of Julys-T. J. StanleyFor my loving wif The millionaire next door

e, Connie, and my dear children.Christy, Todd, and David -W. D. DankoContentsTablesPrefaceIntroductionli-Meet .the Mi 1 lionaire.Next Door2: Frugal Fr

The millionaire next door

ugal Frugal3: Time, Energy, and Money4: You Aren’t What You Drive5: Economic Outpatient Care6^Aliirimli\ e Acljon,_Famil} Style7; Find A our Niche8: J

MILLIONAIRE1 >NextMWITH A NEW PREFACE FOR THE 21 ST CENTURYDoorTitoiiitiM MỂÍU1 ■<->, »111111111 ■>. ■>«<■>!«»,The Mill The Surprising Secrets of Amer

MILLIONAIRE1 >NextMWITH A NEW PREFACE FOR THE 21 ST CENTURYDoorTitoiiitiM MỂÍU1 ■<->, »111111111 ■>. ■>«<■>!«»,The Mill The Surprising Secrets of Amer

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