The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

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Nội dung chi tiết: The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

PALGRAVEHANDBOOKSTHE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF SUSTAINABILITYCase Studies and Practical SolutionsEdited by Robert Brinkmann and Sandra J. GarrenRobert Brin

The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutionsnkmann • Sandra J. Garren EditorsThe Palgrave Handbook of SustainabilityCase Studies and Practical SolutionspalgravemacmillanEditorsRobert BrinkmannHo

fstra UniversityI Icmpstcad, NY, USASandra J. Garren Hofslra University Hempstead, NY, USAISBN 978-3-319-71388-5 ISBN 978-3-319-71389-2 (eBook)https:/ The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

/ of Congress Control Number: 2018936352© Hie Editor(s) (if applicable) and Hie Audior(s) 2018Hiis work is sub

The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

ject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part ol the material is concerned, specifical

PALGRAVEHANDBOOKSTHE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF SUSTAINABILITYCase Studies and Practical SolutionsEdited by Robert Brinkmann and Sandra J. GarrenRobert Brin

The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutionsnd transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or h

ereafter developed.Ihc use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, ere. in this publication does nor imply, even in The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

rhe absence of a specific statement, that such names arc exempt from rhe relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore f ree for general use

The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

.Hie publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at th

PALGRAVEHANDBOOKSTHE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF SUSTAINABILITYCase Studies and Practical SolutionsEdited by Robert Brinkmann and Sandra J. GarrenRobert Brin

The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutionsd herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made, ihc publisher remains neutral wirh regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps

and institutional affiliations.('over illustration: Yuri_Arairs/gcnyimagesPrinted on acid-free paperIhis Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by rh The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

e registered company Springer International Publishing AG part of Springer Nature.I he registered company address is: Gewerbesrrasse I 1,6330 ('ham, S

The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

witzerlandThis book is dedicated to everyone ivho tries to make the world a better place through sustainability efforts in their home, their community

PALGRAVEHANDBOOKSTHE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF SUSTAINABILITYCase Studies and Practical SolutionsEdited by Robert Brinkmann and Sandra J. GarrenRobert Brin

The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutionsinformation about practical and real-world examples of sustainability efforts from around the world. We were inspired by people like Wangari Maathai w

ho worked hard in her own community' yet stirred the world to think about local and global sustainability connections. It was our goal to showcase how The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

people around the world were finding ways to come to terms with their sustainability challenges to not only inspire US but to teach US. We believe we

The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

have accomplished this goal. We hope the book will be of interest to anyone who wants to learn about ways that sustainability is addressed throughout

PALGRAVEHANDBOOKSTHE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF SUSTAINABILITYCase Studies and Practical SolutionsEdited by Robert Brinkmann and Sandra J. GarrenRobert Brin

The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutionss are motivated to get engaged in the field of sustainability if they can learn about real-world situations. As a result, each chapter of this book no

t only has significant background about a particular sustainability topic, it also has a case study to provide context for the issue ar hand.While def The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

ining sustainability can be problematic, we rook a traditional approach in framing sustainability within the venerable three E’s of the field: environ

The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions

ment, equity, and economy. The first three parts of the book are roughly divided into these three areas. Bur we also attempted to obtain distinct regi

PALGRAVEHANDBOOKSTHE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF SUSTAINABILITYCase Studies and Practical SolutionsEdited by Robert Brinkmann and Sandra J. GarrenRobert Brin

The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutionsook. We tried to be comprehensive in scope throughout all four parts. However, any attempt to be comprehensive in a book like this will be Hawed at rh

e end. It is just impossible to capture all areas of sustainability in a rime like this. The field and the world is just too vast. Please forgive any The palgrave handbook of sustainability case studies and practical solutions


PALGRAVEHANDBOOKSTHE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF SUSTAINABILITYCase Studies and Practical SolutionsEdited by Robert Brinkmann and Sandra J. GarrenRobert Brin

PALGRAVEHANDBOOKSTHE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF SUSTAINABILITYCase Studies and Practical SolutionsEdited by Robert Brinkmann and Sandra J. GarrenRobert Brin

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