The science of science policy a handbook
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The science of science policy a handbook
TheScienceofSciencePolicyA HANDBOOKEDITED BYKAYE HUSBANDS FEALING,JULIA I. LANE,JOHN H. MARBURGER III.AND STEPHANIE s. SHIPPINNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY The science of science policy a handbook IN THE WORLD ECONOMYMartin Kenney. EditorUniversity of California. Davis/Berkeley Round Table on the International EconomyOther titles in the series:Sally H. Clarke, Naomi R. Lamoreaux, and Steven w. UsselmanThe Challenge of Remaining Innovative: Insights from Twentieth-CenturyAmerican BusinessJohn The science of science policy a handbook Zysman and Abraham Newman, eds.How Revolutionary Was the Revolution? National Responses and GlobalTechnology in the Digital EraMartin Fransman, ed.GlThe science of science policy a handbook
obal Broadband Battles: Why the U.S. and Europe Lag Behind While Asia LeadsDavid c. Mowery, Richard p. Nelson, Bhaven N. Sampat, and Arvids A. SiedoniTheScienceofSciencePolicyA HANDBOOKEDITED BYKAYE HUSBANDS FEALING,JULIA I. LANE,JOHN H. MARBURGER III.AND STEPHANIE s. SHIPPINNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY The science of science policy a handbookitories of Profit: Communications, Capitalist Development, and theInnovative Enterprises of G.F. Swift and Dell ComputerMartin Kenney and Bruce Kogut, eds.Locating Global Advantage:Industry Dynamics in the International EconomyUrs von BurgThe Triumph of Ethernet: Technological Communities and the Ba The science of science policy a handbookttle for the LAN StandardThe Science of Science PolicyA HandbookTheScienceofSciencePolicyA HANDBOOKEDITED BYKAYE HUSBANDS FEALING,JULIA I. LANE,JOHN H. MARBURGER III.AND STEPHANIE s. SHIPPINNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY TheScienceofSciencePolicyA HANDBOOKEDITED BYKAYE HUSBANDS FEALING,JULIA I. LANE,JOHN H. MARBURGER III.AND STEPHANIE s. SHIPPINNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGYGọi ngay
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