Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxes

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Nội dung chi tiết: Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxes

Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxes

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN ECONOMICSDan s. Felsenthal Hannu NurmiVoting Procedures for Electing a Single CandidateProving Their (In)Vulnerability to Various V

Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxesVoting ParadoxesMore information about this series at http://www.springcr.coin/series/8876Dan s. Felsenthal • Hannu NurmiVoting Procedures for Electin

g a Single CandidateProving Their (In)Vulnerability to Various Voting ParadoxesSpringerDan s. FelsenthalSchool of Political SciencesUniversity of Haif Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxes

aHaifaIsraelHannu NurmiDepartment of Political ScienceUniversity of TurkuTurkuFinlandISSN 2191-5504ISSN 2191-5512 (electronic)SpringcrBricfs in Econom

Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxes

icsISBN 978-3-319-74032-4ISBN 978-3-319-74033-1 (eBook) of Congress Control Number: 2017963840© The Au

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN ECONOMICSDan s. Felsenthal Hannu NurmiVoting Procedures for Electing a Single CandidateProving Their (In)Vulnerability to Various V

Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxesc reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illu

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ectronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.The use of general descriptive names,

Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxes

registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names ar

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN ECONOMICSDan s. Felsenthal Hannu NurmiVoting Procedures for Electing a Single CandidateProving Their (In)Vulnerability to Various V

Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxesssume that the advice and information in this book arc believed to be tnic and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the auth

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Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxes

This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer International Publishing AG part of Springer NatureThe registered company addres

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN ECONOMICSDan s. Felsenthal Hannu NurmiVoting Procedures for Electing a Single CandidateProving Their (In)Vulnerability to Various V

Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxesthese attributes can be and have been held, but their connection with ‘the government of the people, by the people and for the people’, as Abraham Lin

coln succinctly put it, is tenuous at best. This book focuses on the fairness part of the elections. More specifically, we aim to evaluate voting proc Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxes

edures those in everyday use and those invented but not yet employed—from the point of view of how faithfully they reflect the opinions of the voters.

Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxes

It turns out that teasing out the will of the people from the opinions expressed in voting ballots is not at all straightforward. On the contrary, se

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN ECONOMICSDan s. Felsenthal Hannu NurmiVoting Procedures for Electing a Single CandidateProving Their (In)Vulnerability to Various V

Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxesan be found in the scholarly literature and in political parlance. Indeed, the social choice theory is known for its results establishing incompatibil

ities of various desiderata that one could expect the choice rules—and voting procedures among them to satisfy.Til is book is a summary of some of the Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxes

work that has been done on voting procedures over the past decades by numerous authors including US. Ils core text is the first-named author’s extens

Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxes

ive article (Felsenthal 2012), and this book is an updated and extended version of that text. Many findings reported here are. however, based on our e

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN ECONOMICSDan s. Felsenthal Hannu NurmiVoting Procedures for Electing a Single CandidateProving Their (In)Vulnerability to Various V

Voting procedures for electing a single candidate proving their (in)vulnerability to various voting paradoxesre for the first lime.

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN ECONOMICSDan s. Felsenthal Hannu NurmiVoting Procedures for Electing a Single CandidateProving Their (In)Vulnerability to Various V

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