ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hoc

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Nội dung chi tiết: ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hoc

ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hoc

Copyrighted MaterialECGS FORBEGINNERSAntoni Bayés de LunaCopyrighted MaterialWiley BlackwellECGs for BeginnersAntoni Bayés de LunaEmeritus Professor o

ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hocof Cardiology, Autonomous University of Barcelona Senior Investigator, Institut Català Cicndes Cardiovasculare Hospital Sam Pau Senior Consultant, Hos

pital Quiron Barcelona, SpainWILEY BlackwellCopyright o 2014 by John Wiley fl Sons, Inc. All rights reservedPublished by John Wiley & Sons, Ini., Hobo ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hoc

ken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in CanadaNo part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted tn any f

ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hoc

orm or l*y any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted tinder Section 107 or IOS of the 19

Copyrighted MaterialECGS FORBEGINNERSAntoni Bayés de LunaCopyrighted MaterialWiley BlackwellECGs for BeginnersAntoni Bayés de LunaEmeritus Professor o

ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hoccopy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Im., 222 Rosewood Drive. Danvers, MA 01925, (978) 750-8400. fax (978) 750-4470. or on the web al www.copyr

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eneral scientific research, understanding, and discussion only and arc not Intended and should not lie relied upon as recommending or promoting a spec

Copyrighted MaterialECGS FORBEGINNERSAntoni Bayés de LunaCopyrighted MaterialWiley BlackwellECGs for BeginnersAntoni Bayés de LunaEmeritus Professor o

ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hocor warranties with respect lo the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without li

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information provided In the package Insert or Instructions for each medicine, equipment, or device for. among other things, any changes In the Instru

Copyrighted MaterialECGS FORBEGINNERSAntoni Bayés de LunaCopyrighted MaterialWiley BlackwellECGs for BeginnersAntoni Bayés de LunaEmeritus Professor o

ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hocanization or Website Is referred to m this work as a citation and/or a (xxential source of further information does not mean that the author or the pu

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xtended by any promotional statements for this work. Neither the publisher nor the author shall lie liable (ot any damages arising herefrom.For genera

Copyrighted MaterialECGS FORBEGINNERSAntoni Bayés de LunaCopyrighted MaterialWiley BlackwellECGs for BeginnersAntoni Bayés de LunaEmeritus Professor o

ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hoc0) 762-2974. outside the United Slates al (517) 572-5995 or fax (517) 572-4002.Wiley also puldlshes Us Ixxiks In a variety of electronic foimats. Some

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com.Library Iff cattgrrsi Cataloging-itt-Piiblkaiian Data:Hayẻs de Luna, Antoni. 1956- author.ECGs for beginners / Antoni Hayes de Luna, p.; an.Includ

ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hoc

es bltillographlcal references and Index. ISBN 978-1-118-82151-2 tpbk.)I. Title.ỊDNLM: I. Elecircxardlography-meihods. 2. Heart Diseases-diagnosls. WG

Copyrighted MaterialECGS FORBEGINNERSAntoni Bayés de LunaCopyrighted MaterialWiley BlackwellECGs for BeginnersAntoni Bayés de LunaEmeritus Professor o

ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hoc The Normal Electrocardiogram, 11Anatomical and Electrophysiological Bases, 32The ECG Curve: What Is It and How Does It Originate?, 113Recording Devic

es and Techniques, 334ECG Interpretation, 40Part II: Morphological Abnormalities in the ECG, 59 ECGs for beginners khotailieu y hoc

Copyrighted MaterialECGS FORBEGINNERSAntoni Bayés de LunaCopyrighted MaterialWiley BlackwellECGs for BeginnersAntoni Bayés de LunaEmeritus Professor o

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