IT training data mining concepts, models, methods, and algorithms (2nd ed ) kantardzic 2011 08 16

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Nội dung chi tiết: IT training data mining concepts, models, methods, and algorithms (2nd ed ) kantardzic 2011 08 16

IT training data mining concepts, models, methods, and algorithms (2nd ed ) kantardzic 2011 08 16

https://khothuvien.cori!DATA MININGConcepts, Models, Methods, and AlgorithmsIEEE Press 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway. NJ 08854IEEE Press Editorial Board La

IT training data mining concepts, models, methods, and algorithms (2nd ed ) kantardzic 2011 08 16ajos Hanzo. Editor in ChiefR. AbhariM. El-Hawary0. p. MalikJ. AndersonB-M. Haemmerlis. NahavandiG. w. ArnoldM. LanzerottiT. Sa madF. CanaveroD.Jacobso

nG. ZobristKenneth Moore. Director of /EEE Book and Information Services (BIS)Technical ReviewersMariofanna Milanova. Professor Computer Science Depar IT training data mining concepts, models, methods, and algorithms (2nd ed ) kantardzic 2011 08 16

tment University of Arkansas at Little Rock Little Rock, Arkansas, USAJozef Zurada. Ph.D.Professor of Computer Information Systems College of Business

IT training data mining concepts, models, methods, and algorithms (2nd ed ) kantardzic 2011 08 16

University of Louisville Louisville. Kentucky, USAWitold Pedrycz Department of ECE University of AIbertaEdmonton, Alberta, CanadaDATA MININGConcepts,

https://khothuvien.cori!DATA MININGConcepts, Models, Methods, and AlgorithmsIEEE Press 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway. NJ 08854IEEE Press Editorial Board La

IT training data mining concepts, models, methods, and algorithms (2nd ed ) kantardzic 2011 08 16yright © 2011 by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. All rights reserved.Published by John Wiley & Sons. Inc.. Hoboken. New Jersey.Publ

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https://khothuvien.cori!DATA MININGConcepts, Models, Methods, and AlgorithmsIEEE Press 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway. NJ 08854IEEE Press Editorial Board La

IT training data mining concepts, models, methods, and algorithms (2nd ed ) kantardzic 2011 08 16biication Data:Kantardzic. Mehmed.Data mining : concepts, models, melhtxls, and algorithms / Mehmed Kanlardzic. - 2nd ed.ISBN 978-0-470-89045-5 (cloth

https://khothuvien.cori!DATA MININGConcepts, Models, Methods, and AlgorithmsIEEE Press 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway. NJ 08854IEEE Press Editorial Board La

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