IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

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Nội dung chi tiết: IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

Predictive Analytics and Data MiningConcepts and Practice with RapidMinerVijay KotuBala Deshpande, PhDELSEVIERAmsterdam • Boston • Heiddherg • London

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03 New York • Oxford • Paris • San Diego San Francisco • Singapore • Sydney • Tokyo Morgan Kaufmann is an imprint of ElsevierM

ElliotEditorial Project Manager: Kaitlin HerbertProject Manager: Punithavathy GovindaradjaneDesigner Greg HarrisMorgan Kaufmann is an imprint of Elsev IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

ier 225 Wyman Street, Wallham, MA 02451, USACopyright €> 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.No pan of this publication may be reproduced or transm

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

itted in any form or by any means, elec Ironic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with

Predictive Analytics and Data MiningConcepts and Practice with RapidMinerVijay KotuBala Deshpande, PhDELSEVIERAmsterdam • Boston • Heiddherg • London

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03 arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Cojiyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our wellsite: www.elsevie

r.iom/jHTmissions.This book and die individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be note IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

d herein).NoticesKnowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

in researc h methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary.Practitioners and researchers must always rely on dieir own ex

Predictive Analytics and Data MiningConcepts and Practice with RapidMinerVijay KotuBala Deshpande, PhDELSEVIERAmsterdam • Boston • Heiddherg • London

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03thods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety7 of others, including parties for whom they7 have a professional the

fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage Io jH-r IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

sons or projierly as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

ideas contained in the material herein.ISBN: 978-0-12-801460-8British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is avail

Predictive Analytics and Data MiningConcepts and Practice with RapidMinerVijay KotuBala Deshpande, PhDELSEVIERAmsterdam • Boston • Heiddherg • London

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03ngress.For information on all MK publications visit our website at • www.bcxikaid.orgDedicationTo (he contributors to th

e Open Source Software movementWe dedicate this book to all those talented and generous developers around the world who continue to add enormous value IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

to open source soilware tools, without whom this book would have never seen light of day.ForewordEverybody can be a data scientist. And everybody sho

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

uld be. This book shows you why everyone should be a data scientist and how you can gel there. In today's world, it should be embarrassing to make any

Predictive Analytics and Data MiningConcepts and Practice with RapidMinerVijay KotuBala Deshpande, PhDELSEVIERAmsterdam • Boston • Heiddherg • London

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03improve a business outcome significantly. Consequently we have seen a dramatic change with respect to the tools supporting US to gel to this success q

uickly. Il has only been a few years that building a data warehouse and creating reports or dashboards on lop of the data warehouse has become the nor IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

m in larger organizations, technological advances have macle this process easier than ever and in fact, the existence of data discovery tools have all

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

owed business users to build dashboards themselves without the need for an army of Information technology consultants supporting them in this endeavor

Predictive Analytics and Data MiningConcepts and Practice with RapidMinerVijay KotuBala Deshpande, PhDELSEVIERAmsterdam • Boston • Heiddherg • London

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03ter to answer what is going to happen instead? This is the realm of advanced analytics and data science: moving your interest from the past to the fut

ure and optimizing the outcomes of your business proactively.Here are some examples of this paradigm shift:■Traditional Business Intelligence (Bl) sys IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

tem and program answers: How many customers did uv lose last year? Although certainly interesting, the answer comes too late: the customers are alread

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

y gone and there is not much we can do about it. Predictive analytics will show you who will most likely chum within the next 10 days and what you can

Predictive Analytics and Data MiningConcepts and Practice with RapidMinerVijay KotuBala Deshpande, PhDELSEVIERAmsterdam • Boston • Heiddherg • London

IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03e answer will only provide limited value to determine what is the best campaign for your upcoming product. Predictive analytics will show you what wil

l be the next best action to trigger a purchase action for each of your prospects individually.xi IT training predictive analytics and data mining concepts and practice with rapidminer kotu deshpande 2014 12 03

Predictive Analytics and Data MiningConcepts and Practice with RapidMinerVijay KotuBala Deshpande, PhDELSEVIERAmsterdam • Boston • Heiddherg • London

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