Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniques
➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniques
Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniques
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HA NO1UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYPHAM VAN THANHDEVELOPMENT OF REAL-TBIE SYSTEMS TO DETEC T ANDTRACK ON-DUTY I Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniquesINJURED 1 IREI IGIH ERS I SING ADVANCEDSIGNAL PROC ESSING TEC HNIỌUESDOCTORAL THESIS IN ELECCTRONICS ANDTELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERINGHa Noi - 2022VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HA NOIUNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYPHAM VAN THANHDEVELOPMENT OF REAL-TIME SYSTEMS TO DETECT AND TRACK ON-DUTY INJU Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniquesRED FIREFIGHTERS USING ADVANC ED SIGNAL processinc; TEC UNIQUESMajor: Electronic EngineeringCode: 9 52 02 03.01DOCTORAL THESIS IN ELECCTRONICS AND TELDevelopment of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniques
ECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERINGSupervised by: Assoc. Prof. Tran Due TanHa Noi - 2022DECLARATION"I hereby declare that the work contained in this thesis isVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HA NO1UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYPHAM VAN THANHDEVELOPMENT OF REAL-TBIE SYSTEMS TO DETEC T ANDTRACK ON-DUTY I Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniquesikaa University. Hanoi. Vietnam during the period from September 2017 to August 2021.The thesis has not been previously submined for a degree or diploma at this or any other higher education institution.I have duly acknowledged all the sources of information which have been used in the thesis.The th Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniquesesis content has been partly published in my list of publications as below:1.Pham Van Thanh. Tuan Khai Nguyen. Due Anh Nguyen. Nhu Dinh Dang. Huu TueDevelopment of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniques
Huynh. Due-Tan Tran*. "Adaptive Step Length Estimation Support Indoor Positioning System using Low-Cost Inertial Measurement Units”. 2020 IEEE Eighth VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HA NO1UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYPHAM VAN THANHDEVELOPMENT OF REAL-TBIE SYSTEMS TO DETEC T ANDTRACK ON-DUTY I Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniques Huynh Huu Tue. Tran Due Tan. "Multi-Sensor Dara Fusion in A Real-Time Support System for On-Duty Firefighters ", Sensors 2019 (ISSN: 1424-8220 SCI E).3.Van Thanh Pham. Due Anil Nguyen. Nhu Dinh Dang. Hong Ilai Pham. Van An I ran. Kumbesan Sandrascgaran and Due-Tan I ran, “Highly Accurate Step Count Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniquesing ar Various Balking Speeds Using Low-Cost Inertial Measurement Unit Support Indoor Positioning System ", Sensors. 2018; 18(10):3186. (ISSN: 1424-82Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniques
20 - SCIE).4.Pham Van Thanh. Due-Tan Tran. Dinh-Chinh Nguyen. Nguyen Due Anil. Dang Nhu Dinh, s. El-Rabaie and Kumbesan Sandrasegaran, ^Development ofVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HA NO1UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYPHAM VAN THANHDEVELOPMENT OF REAL-TBIE SYSTEMS TO DETEC T ANDTRACK ON-DUTY I Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniques18 (ISSN: 2191-4281 -SCIE).5.Pham Van Thanh, Anh-Dao Nguyen Thi. Quynh Tran Thi Thuy, Dung Chu Till Phuong. Viet Ho Mau and Due-Tan Tran. "A Novel Step Counter Supporting For Indoor Positioning Based On Inertial Measurement Unit”, 7th international conference on Integrated Circuit. Design, and Verif Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniquesication (ICDV), IEEE. pp. 69-74. 5-6 Oct. 2017.6.Nguyen Van Duong. Pham Van Thanh. Tran Van An. Nguyen Tuan Khai. Duong Thi Thuy Hang, Hoang rhe Hop aDevelopment of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniques
nd I ran Due Tan, "Elevator Motion States Recognition Using Barometer Support Indoor Positioning System", The 7th International Conference in Vietnam VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HA NO1UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYPHAM VAN THANHDEVELOPMENT OF REAL-TBIE SYSTEMS TO DETEC T ANDTRACK ON-DUTY I Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniquesn Thi, Huu An Nguyen. Tuan Kliai Nguyen and Tan Tran-Duc. "Aiiv dựng hệ thống xác dịnh dộ cao bên trong nhà và cõng trình sứ dụng đa cám biền áp suất", Hội nghị Quốc gia lân thứ XXI về Điện tứ, Truyền thòng vã Còng nghệ Thòng tin (The 21st National Conference on Electronics. Communications and Infor Development of real time systems to detect and track on duty injured firefighters using advanced signal processing techniquesmation Technology), 2018, pp. 193-197.Ha Noi, 161’1 January, 2022•AuthorSignature:.............................................VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HA NO1UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYPHAM VAN THANHDEVELOPMENT OF REAL-TBIE SYSTEMS TO DETEC T ANDTRACK ON-DUTY IVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HA NO1UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYPHAM VAN THANHDEVELOPMENT OF REAL-TBIE SYSTEMS TO DETEC T ANDTRACK ON-DUTY IGọi ngay
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