Evolve 4 teachers edition

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Nội dung chi tiết: Evolve 4 teachers edition

Evolve 4 teachers edition

EVOLVETEACHER'S EDITIONChris Speck, Lynne Robertson, Deborah Shannon, and Katy Simpsonwith teacher development by Craig Thaine and Alex TilburyCambrid

Evolve 4 teachers editiondge tgp UNIVERSITY PRESSACKNOWLEDGMENTSTo our student contributors, who have given US their Ideas and their time, and who appear throughout this book:

Andres Ranv'rez. Mexico. Alessandra Avebr. Brazil Nicolte Julbna Torres Sierra. Colombia: (Xftttara Nbryne Souke«r«. USA: Seung Geyong Yang, South Kor Evolve 4 teachers edition

ea: Tayra Laritza Lacayo Sanchez. Ho-idu-as.AuthorThe authors and pubkshers acknowledge the following sources of copyright material and are grateful f

Evolve 4 teachers edition

or the per missions granted. While every effort has been made, it has not atwrays boon possible to identify the sources of all the mater isJ used, or

EVOLVETEACHER'S EDITIONChris Speck, Lynne Robertson, Deborah Shannon, and Katy Simpsonwith teacher development by Craig Thaine and Alex TilburyCambrid

Evolve 4 teachers editionnd in the next update to the digital oaten, as applicable.TextStudent's Book. p. 54: Logo of Social Bite. Copynght > ’ Social 6*0 Fund. Reproduced wit

h kind permission: p 55: Logo of Wortd Wildlife Fund. Copyright ft I960 Panda symbol WWF - World wide Fund for Mature Reproduced with knd permission: Evolve 4 teachers edition

p, 55c Logoof Doctors Without Borders. Copyright ft Doctors Without BcrderS'Wdecns Sans Fronbcres (MSF). Reproduced with kind perm SSI on. p. 60. Text

Evolve 4 teachers edition

about The City Ropait Project. Reproduced with kind permission of The City Repair.Photographstoy. 8 - Betcrw. BC - Bekrw Centre. BG - Background. BL

EVOLVETEACHER'S EDITIONChris Speck, Lynne Robertson, Deborah Shannon, and Katy Simpsonwith teacher development by Craig Thaine and Alex TilburyCambrid

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EVOLVETEACHER'S EDITIONChris Speck, Lynne Robertson, Deborah Shannon, and Katy Simpsonwith teacher development by Craig Thaine and Alex TilburyCambrid

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EVOLVETEACHER'S EDITIONChris Speck, Lynne Robertson, Deborah Shannon, and Katy Simpsonwith teacher development by Craig Thaine and Alex TilburyCambrid

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EVOLVETEACHER'S EDITIONChris Speck, Lynne Robertson, Deborah Shannon, and Katy Simpsonwith teacher development by Craig Thaine and Alex TilburyCambrid

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