Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

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Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CORPORATECAPITAL STRUCTURE IN VIETNAMLINH. DOAN NGOC DƯY1 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil Unive

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan ersity. KoreaABSTRACTThe purpose of the study is to examine the influence of firm characteristics (profitability, investment opportunity "market-to-bo

ok ratio", tangibility, size, growth) and industry effect to capital structure of stock companies in Vietnam. The study uses OLS regression method to Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

analyze a data set consisting of 522 non-financial companies listed in the two stock exchanges Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HSX) and Ha Noi Stock Excha

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

nge (HNX) during the period from 2008 to 2011.The aggregate market-based leverage ratio in Vietnam is about 0.29. Despite the differences in business

EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CORPORATECAPITAL STRUCTURE IN VIETNAMLINH. DOAN NGOC DƯY1 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil Unive

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan r.Email address: doạmigoc_dụyhub£yạhpọ.com- 1 -aggregate market-based leverage ratio has been about 0.32".The empirical results show that profitabilit

y. tangibility, and grow th arc the major three determinants to debt ratios, rhe strong negative correlation between profitability and all debt ratios Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

supports the prediction of rhe pecking order theory' and it is considered as a serious delect of the trade-oil’ theory-. Tangibility has a strong pos

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

itive correlation with long-term debt ratio but it has a negative correlation with short-term debt ratio. I llis result IS consistent with the maturit

EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CORPORATECAPITAL STRUCTURE IN VIETNAMLINH. DOAN NGOC DƯY1 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil Unive

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan tangibility are expected to have high long-term debt ratio but low short-term debt ratio". The strong positive correlation between growth and all deb

t ratios is consistent to the statement of Jensen and Mecklmg, 197Ớ “Debt disciplines managers and mitigates agency problems to free cash flow since d Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

ebt must be repaid to avoid bankruptcy". However, the fact that firms that have cash on hand actually issue debts is considered a serious problem of t

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

he pecking order theory (Frank and Goyal, 2007).As per the empirical results the corporate capital structure of the whole data is dominated by short-t

EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CORPORATECAPITAL STRUCTURE IN VIETNAMLINH. DOAN NGOC DƯY1 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil Unive

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan 1997) "Industry' leverage is used as a proxy for target capital structure". According to llovakimian et al. (2001). firms actively adjust their debt r

atios towards the industry average. And similar persistence al linn level is reported in Lemmon cl al. (2007). The differences of corporate capital st Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

ructure at industry level and the- 2 -similar persistence of capital structure at firm level reflect the role of industry effect as the crucial determ

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

inant of the target debt ratios.- 3 -CHAPTER 1: Introduction1.1 IntroductionTo finance then business operations, companies have to use either equity c

EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CORPORATECAPITAL STRUCTURE IN VIETNAMLINH. DOAN NGOC DƯY1 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil Unive

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan d Miller (1958; 1963) set a foundation for implementation of empirical research and development of alternative theories on capital structure. These th

eories have been tested through a series of empirical studies to identify which determinants have a major role on capital structure decision. This stu Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

dy is the first empirical test of the capital structure theories in the Vietnam market. Since it IS the first empirical work on the capital structure

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

in Vietnam, this study introduces capital structure theories and provides empirical evidences for managers and investors of companies in Vietnam which

EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CORPORATECAPITAL STRUCTURE IN VIETNAMLINH. DOAN NGOC DƯY1 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil Unive

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan . industry median leverage, profitability, tangibility. markel-lo-book ratio, size, and inflation arc six core factors which account for more than 27%

of the variation in leverage. 1 hat is the reason why the study examines the effect of firm characteristics (profitability, tangibility, investment o Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

pportunity, size, and growth) on debt ratios al firm level and then expanding into industry level in order to examine the industry effect. The empiric

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

al results are reliable because they are based on the raw data of 552 firms listed in the- 4 -Stock Exchanges in the period from 2008 to 2011.The stud

EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CORPORATECAPITAL STRUCTURE IN VIETNAMLINH. DOAN NGOC DƯY1 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil Unive

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan s then divided into two essays (chapter 2 and chapter 3). Chapter 2. which examines the effects of a firm’s characteristics, consists of four sections

: section 1 develops hypotheses between a firm's characteristic factors and leverage; section 2 discusses data collection and designs model; section 3 Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

presents empirical results; and section 4 presents the conclusion of the chapter. Chapter 3. which examines the industry effect, consists of four sec

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

tions: section 1 summarizes industry groups in Vietnam; section 2 designs model; section 3 presents empirical results; and section 4 presents the conc

EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CORPORATECAPITAL STRUCTURE IN VIETNAMLINH. DOAN NGOC DƯY1 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil Unive

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan big change in the concept of an economy that transformed the command economy to a market economy. The privatization program was rhe key issue in the

process of economic transformation at that time. In the process of economic transformation, the government promoted private ownership and launched the Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

privatization program which transformed the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) to joint stocks companies. There has been an impressive reduction in the n

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

umber of SOEs from 12.000 SOEs in 1991 to 1.200 SOEs in 2010 (IMF. 2010; WB. 2012). As a result, a lot of Slock companies were created in the market a

EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CORPORATECAPITAL STRUCTURE IN VIETNAMLINH. DOAN NGOC DƯY1 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil Unive

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan s a bank-centered financial system. According to the National Financial Supervisory Committee, up until 2009. 80% of the capital of the national econo

my was bank loans (Nguyen. H.. 2010). According to Manh Quan Nguyen, deputy general director of HDBank. most of the capital in the bank is short-term Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

funds, while the demand from the market for longer term loans is increasing rapidly (MHB. 2009). The capital market, which is overly dependent on bank

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

finance, reflects the lack of stable long-term financing channels and underdevelopment of the capital market in Vietnam.1.2.2 The equity market in Vi

EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CORPORATECAPITAL STRUCTURE IN VIETNAMLINH. DOAN NGOC DƯY1 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil Unive

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan ectively. From the beginning in 2000. there were only 5 companies with market capitalization, accounting for 0.2% GDP listed in the equity market. Ten

years later in 2010. there were 600 companies With market capitalization of USD 35 billion, accounting for 45% GDP, listed tn the equity market.The b Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

ooming of the equity market has offered a long-term financing channel to reduce the burden on the banking system. It has also offered an effective cha

Empirical studies on coroorate capital structure in viet nan

nnel to attract foreign investment capital.- 6 •

EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CORPORATECAPITAL STRUCTURE IN VIETNAMLINH. DOAN NGOC DƯY1 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil Unive

EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CORPORATECAPITAL STRUCTURE IN VIETNAMLINH. DOAN NGOC DƯY1 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil Unive

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