Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

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Nội dung chi tiết: Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

:// system in Vietnam has made a lot of significant changes since its first establishment on May 6 h, 1

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020 1951. Around 60 years later, in 2010, the banking system has revealed a number of flaws as a result of the global market's influence as well as the co

nsequences of the previous rapid expansion. Credit quality had deteriorated, and the system's liquidity had become more unstable than It has ever been Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

. As a result, at the beginning of 2012, the commercial banking system began the reforming process in accordance with the Project on restructuring the

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

Credit Institution System from 2011 to 2015 (Project 254). After 5 years of implementation, the project has largely met its objectives, dealt with we

:// system in Vietnam has made a lot of significant changes since its first establishment on May 6 h, 1

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020 hases with different developments and characteristics: First phase was in 2008. then the second one happened in December 2009. and the third phase las

ted from October 2010 to November 2011. The cause of liquidity risk of commercial banks during this time is due to many factors, from objective condit Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

ions to subjective factors of commercial banks, objective conditions can be mentioned as the effects of the world economic crisis and domestic macroec

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

onomic conditions. But the mam cause is still the subjective factors of the system where commercial banks do not meet the requirements on ensuring liq

:// system in Vietnam has made a lot of significant changes since its first establishment on May 6 h, 1

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020 er on affected further to the prestige and influence of the Bank's Board of Directors. With such booming evolvement rate alongside the affection of ma

croeconomic and financial market developments, there has been a huge increase in many banks overall that are exposed to liquidity risk.iiMany research Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

about liquidity in commercial banking was carried out all over the world. Some of the studies are. The management of Liquidity risk in Islamic Banks:

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

The case of Indonesia (Ismal Rifki, 2010); Liquidity risk management by Zimbabwean Commercial Banks (Laurine Chikoko. 2012); Determinants of Banks Li

:// system in Vietnam has made a lot of significant changes since its first establishment on May 6 h, 1

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020 k - Case study Rural investment credit bank Cameroon (Anye Paul Tsi. 2018) or Effect of liquidity management on the performance of commercial banks -

A case of Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited (Hillary Businge, 2017). However, these mentioned groundworks mainly talked about banks in foreign countries, no Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

t specifically referred to the current situation of the banking industry in Vietnam.This thesis emphasizes the importance of understanding and constru

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

cting comprehensive liquidity frameworks as a means of mitigating liquidity stress. The author first chose the research time within 11 years during th

:// system in Vietnam has made a lot of significant changes since its first establishment on May 6 h, 1

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020 risis had profound impacts on all aspects of economies around the world. It sparked the 2008-2010 global economic crisis. The United States and many o

ther countries were suffering heavy losses from this crisis until this days. Huge recovery’ has been witnessed for the past decade, starting from 2010 Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

, there were many positive signs and the fact that the economy has started to recover from the swamp of crisis, albeit slowly. The financial economy w

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

as stepping into a reform period, and within 11 years many fluctuations have been occurred, following by many promulgated laws and adjusted monetary p

:// system in Vietnam has made a lot of significant changes since its first establishment on May 6 h, 1

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020 experiences drawn from this crisis will hopefully help the Vietnamese economy in particular and the world in general to develop firmly in the future.i

iiSecondly, by using univariate regression model with the dependent variable representing the bank’s liquidity and the independent variables which are Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

the significant factors in the banking operations, the author is able to identify clearly the level of impacts on liquidity in commercial banks. Henc

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

e, based on the analysis of the data, readers are able to understand thoroughly the existed significant relationship between liquidity and other indep

:// system in Vietnam has made a lot of significant changes since its first establishment on May 6 h, 1

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020 The study's main goal is to determine factors making impact on liquidity in commercial bank, hence giving out suitable solutions and recommendations f

or the related parties.ivTÓM TẤTNgành ngân hàng được COI là một trong nhùng ngành đầu tiên và ra đời sớm nhất toàn cầu. qua đó thê hiện lầm quan trọng Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

của các dịch vụ tài chính mà ngân hàng mang Lại cho nền kinh tế lã không thê bàn cãi. Trong hâu hết các trường họp, ngành ngân hàng được dùng đế xác

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

định các khía canh phát triển cua một nền kinh tế. Tầm quan trọng của ngân hàng có thẻ được hiêu rò hơn khi các nhà kinh tế học luôn đật các tò chức t

:// system in Vietnam has made a lot of significant changes since its first establishment on May 6 h, 1

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020 dản các doanh nghiệp của chúng tôi trong việc huy động vốn trên thị trường vốn và tạo ra các thị trường mà nơi đó tất cá các khoản vay được trao đôi

mua bán với mục đích huy động tiền mặt nhảm tạo các khoan vay mới. " (Peter Rose và Sylvia Hudgins. 2013. trang 19)Trong quá trinh toàn cầu hóa. dặc b Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

iệt dưới bối cành xu thế hội nhập ngày càng được quan tâm và chú trọng, các sự kiện kinh tế được xem Là diêm nhân cho sự thay doi của nên kinh tế. Noi

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

bật nhất có thê kê đến sự kiện Việt Nam chinh thức trờ thành thành viên cua Tô chức Thương mai Quốc te (WTO). Vào ngày 30 9 2019. Việt Nam và Hiệp hô

:// system in Vietnam has made a lot of significant changes since its first establishment on May 6 h, 1

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020 c phê chuân Hiệp định này vào năm 2020. Do đó. nền kinh tế liên tục có sự thay đòi vả những biến dộng àr thị trường tâi chính khiến ngân hàng phái đối

mặt với nhiều loại rủi ro khác nhau. Những rủi ro này bao gồm rủi ro thị trường, rủi ro lãi suất, rủi ro thanh khoán, rủi ro hoạt động và nil ro tín Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

dung (Sensarma and Jayadev. 2009). Ngoài những rủi ro cốt lõi như rủi ro tín dụng trong hệ thống ngân hàng (Fatemi and Fooladi. 2006), rủi ro thanh kh

Factors affecting the liquidity of commercial banks in vietnam 2010 2020

oản Là một trong những diêm chinh yêu cần được giám sát chặt chè. Ngoài ra. nguồn lợi nhuận mà các ngân hàng thương mại mang lại hàng năm luôn Lì tâm

:// system in Vietnam has made a lot of significant changes since its first establishment on May 6 h, 1

:// system in Vietnam has made a lot of significant changes since its first establishment on May 6 h, 1

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