BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

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Nội dung chi tiết: BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

Western 9 (ỉrad uate& PostdoctoralSt lid iesWestern UniversityScholarship^) WesternElectronic "Thesis and Dissertation Repository42767BIM Assisted Des

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB sign Process Automation for Pre-Engineered Buildings (PEB)Mohammad DelavarTiif University 1>J Western OnfiinoSupervisorGirina T. Bitsuamlak, John K. D

ickinsonThe University of Western OntarioGraduate Program in Civil and Environmental EngineeringA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requi BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

rements for the degree in Doctor of Philosophy© Mohammad Delavar 2017Follow this and additional works at:Ó* Part of the Const

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

ruction Engineering and Management Commons, Industrial Engineering Commons, Other Computer Engineering Commons, Robotics Commons, Structural Engineeri

Western 9 (ỉrad uate& PostdoctoralSt lid iesWestern UniversityScholarship^) WesternElectronic "Thesis and Dissertation Repository42767BIM Assisted Des

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB dings (PEB)" (2017). Ehvtwiri Thesis <1'1 J Dissertation Repository. 4391.http: '.'* Dissertation/Ih&M w brought to you tor fre

e and open x-ccss by SchcLutlupg’Wntcm. It has been accepted tor indutlon in Electronic Thesis and IXsscrtXion Repository by an authorized administrat BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

or of Scholarship# W:»tcm fxir more information, plcaw contact tadam>?uwoca.AbstractThe effective adoption and implementation of Building Information

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

Modeling (BIM) is still challenging for the construction industry. However, studies and reports show a significant increase in the rate of B1M impleme

Western 9 (ỉrad uate& PostdoctoralSt lid iesWestern UniversityScholarship^) WesternElectronic "Thesis and Dissertation Repository42767BIM Assisted Des

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB lized construction system which provides a very efficient approach for construction of primarily industrial buildings, has not seen the same uptake in

BIM implementation and adoption. The thesis reviews the benefits and the main applications of BIM for the PEB industry as well as challenges of its p BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

ractical implementation. To facilitate the implementation of BIM in the PEB industry, a BIM framework is adapted from Pre-fabrication (Pre-fab) indust

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

ry and new workflows, process maps, and data-exchange strategies are developed. As the PEB industry traditionally makes significant use of automation

Western 9 (ỉrad uate& PostdoctoralSt lid iesWestern UniversityScholarship^) WesternElectronic "Thesis and Dissertation Repository42767BIM Assisted Des

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB rocess. Two new BIM concepts. "Planar Concept” and "Floating LOD", are (hen developed and implemented as a solution to these challenges. To define the

proper input/output criteria for automated BIM design processes, a numerical study was performed to identify an “Optimum LOD”.A software implementati BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

on embodying the research outcomes was developed to illustrate the feasibility of the results. Ils step-by-step deployment is analyzed and discussed u

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

sing an example industry PEB design project. Further, the impact of this work is extended by integrating the developed BIM framework and automated des

Western 9 (ỉrad uate& PostdoctoralSt lid iesWestern UniversityScholarship^) WesternElectronic "Thesis and Dissertation Repository42767BIM Assisted Des

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB mework could significantly address existing issues in project design through to operation processes found in the PEB industry. Also, the results indic

ate the developed concepts have the potential for supporting the application of automation in the other sectors of the general construction industry. BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

This thesis is written using the "Integrated Article" formal and includes various complementary studies.iiKeywordsPre-Engineered Buildings (PEB). Meta

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

l buildings. Cold-formed steel system. Building Information Modeling (BIM). B1M implementation. B1M adoption. B1M framework. B1M interoperability. B1M

Western 9 (ỉrad uate& PostdoctoralSt lid iesWestern UniversityScholarship^) WesternElectronic "Thesis and Dissertation Repository42767BIM Assisted Des

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB turn on investment (ROD of B1M. frequency and benefits of B1M uses. Application Based Classification Approach. Design Customization Haws. BLM design c

ollaboration, BIM Engineering Integration, BIM integrated process for Wind Engineering, Material Quantification. MTO, BOM. 5D BIM. 5*D BIM modeling, B BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

IM Coordinated Procurement System. BỈM LOD, Purchase RequisitioniiiCo-Authorship StatementThis thesis was completed under the supervision of Dr. John

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

K. Dickinson and Dr. Girma T. Bitsuamlak. six articles were written and coauthored, the extent of the collaboration of the co-authors is stated below.

Western 9 (ỉrad uate& PostdoctoralSt lid iesWestern UniversityScholarship^) WesternElectronic "Thesis and Dissertation Repository42767BIM Assisted Des

BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB SCE - Journal of Construction Engineering and Management". January 2017.Mohammad Delavar: Coordinated the study and contributed to the writing, editin

g, and correction of the manuscript.John K. Dickinson: Assisted in the editing and correction of the manuscript. He is also the corresponding author o BIMAssistedDesignProcessAutomationforPre EngineeredBuildingsPEB

f this article.

Western 9 (ỉrad uate& PostdoctoralSt lid iesWestern UniversityScholarship^) WesternElectronic "Thesis and Dissertation Repository42767BIM Assisted Des

Western 9 (ỉrad uate& PostdoctoralSt lid iesWestern UniversityScholarship^) WesternElectronic "Thesis and Dissertation Repository42767BIM Assisted Des

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