Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

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Nội dung chi tiết: Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space:The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing StudiesChris Hackley, Royal Holloway Univer

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies rsity of LondonPre-publication copy of paper that was subsequently published as:Hackley, c. (2009) 'Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bif

urcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies', iQurnal Qf Marketing Management Vol. 25/7-8, 643-659.AbstractThe field of marketin Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

g studies embraces a striking contradiction. On the one hand, it originated in a spirit of critique and dissent which has since been manifest in a ric

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

h, diverse and fiercely contested outpouring of marketing scholarship and research. On the other, it is a highly packaged brand with a remarkably unif

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space:The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing StudiesChris Hackley, Royal Holloway Univer

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies universes of disciplinary space, the one characterised by a critical social scientific orientation, the other by a naive managerial orientation. Whil

e such a dialectical figure may lead to some blurring of important distinctions, this paper suggests that an investigation of the historical, politica Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

l and ideological undercurrents of this bifurcation can contribute significantly to a reorientation of the disciplinary space of marketing studies.1In

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

troductionAfter more than 100 years as a university teaching subject, originally in North America and Germany (Jones and Monieson, 1990; Bartels. 1951

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space:The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing StudiesChris Hackley, Royal Holloway Univer

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies ich have been much commented upon (Willmott, 1999; Firat and Dholakia, 2006). Marketing has boomed with the rise of popular management studies in the

1970’s, the perceived triumph of capitalism over state planning in the 1990s and the global ascent of university business and management education. It Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

has benefited from the prodigious literary, rhetorical and advocacy skills of gurus such as Peter Drucker, Philip Kotler and Ted Levitt (Aheme, 2006;

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

Brown, 2005). Today, marketing studies enjoys continued success and its web of professional associations, academic research journals and university c

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space:The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing StudiesChris Hackley, Royal Holloway Univer

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies ant theories and methods (Levy, 2003), given its status as an ideological and cultural phenomenon (Wilkie and Moore, 2003; Marion, 2006). This tension

has been regularly aired in its leading journals, as befits a vibrant and politically and intellectually engaged disciplinary subject.But, in spite o Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

f the scale of its reach and popularity, marketing studies occupies an unenviable position as the butt of the most coruscating criticism to be levelle

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

d at any2management field, and indeed at any academic discipline, not excluding gull studies and homeopathy. A perusal of its published research paper

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space:The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing StudiesChris Hackley, Royal Holloway Univer

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies by a critical social scientific spirit of inquiry. At the same time, it stands accused of being an instrument of cultural domination, and of lacking

the critical intellectual elements which would render it fit for purpose as a field of thought, and of practice (Lowe el al, 2005; Scott, 2007; Sheth Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

and Sisodia, 2005; Morgan 1992; 2003).Such diametrically opposing viewpoints can only he explained if marketing studies is two quite different things.

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

This paper posits a putative bifurcation of marketing along axiological and methodological lines. It suggests that marketing studies operates as two

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space:The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing StudiesChris Hackley, Royal Holloway Univer

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies other’s legitimacy. The paper explores the historical, thematic and political influences in this bifurcation with the aim of illuminating some of the

many contradictions which define marketing’s disciplinary space, and which will inform its orientation in the future.The paper will firstly reprise s Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

ome of the key criticisms levelled at marketing studies. ĨI will then review some points in the field’s development as a subject of academic study, dr

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

awing on historical accounts and thematic analyses. Particular interest falls on accounts of the institutional and political influence over the spread

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space:The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing StudiesChris Hackley, Royal Holloway Univer

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies etail the charge that marketing is a vehicle of managerial ideology which promotes the values of economic neo-liberalism. Finally, the paper concludes

with implications for the future of marketing’s disciplinary space. The aim, overall, is not to reinvigorate a moribund managerial agenda, nor to mov Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

e towards a manifesto for critical marketing studies but. rather, to try to pick apart some of the influences which have given rise to the disciplinar

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

y' schizophrenia of social science and managerialism in marketing studies, and to gain a sense of the kind of intellectual space which might emerge if

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space:The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing StudiesChris Hackley, Royal Holloway Univer

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies of its fiercer critics from outside the academy. Lowe et al (2005), for example, argue that marketing studies are deeply implicated in "the material e

nslavement of modern societies” (no less) because the subject legitimizes ‘amoral scientism’ as the guiding principle of marketing practice (p.198). F Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

or these authors, the failures of marketing practice can be traced to failures of marketing research and education. They suggest that a solution lies

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

in formal marketing management and administrative education which is “refocussed- away from a heavy, positivist, technical orientation and more toward

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space:The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing StudiesChris Hackley, Royal Holloway Univer

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies 000), that it wilfully neglects or marginalises ethical issues and environmental concerns4https://khothuvien.cori!in marketing training, education and

practice (Smith. 1995; Crane, 2000), and that it negatively affects children’s moral and social development by treating them as marketing means and n Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

ot as human ends (Nichols and Cullen, 2006). The intellectual standards of academic marketing studies have attracted equally forceful criticism, for,

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

example, failing to develop viable theory' (Burton, 2001; 2005), for promoting an ahistorical worldview which suppresses important strains of influenc

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space:The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing StudiesChris Hackley, Royal Holloway Univer

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies intellectual and ethical values (Thomas, 1994, 1996), for failing to address the gap between academic marketing research and marketing practice (Wensl

ey, 1995; Bolton, 2005; Katsikeas et al, 2004; Piercy, 2002; Gummesson, 2002a; Brownlie et al, 2007), and for pursuing a research agenda which is ‘aut Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

istic’ and ‘egotistical’ (Skãlen et al. 2008, p.164). In sum, marketing studies stands accused of being part of a relatively ‘homogenous’ and ‘uncriti

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

cal’ business school agenda which is incapable of ‘‘meeting the challenges of either practice or ethics” (Scott, 2007, p.7). As a result, as Scott (20

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space:The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing StudiesChris Hackley, Royal Holloway Univer

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies ibution of marketing academics to the field. “People resent Marketing. Marketing has no seat at the table at board level... Academics aren’t relevant.

And we have an ethical and moral crisis.” (Sheth and Sisodia, 2005, p.10).A further criticism has focused on the cultural fit of the marketing manage Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

ment model and the way it allegedly universalizes North American values in general (Dholakia el al, 1980) and neo-liberalism in particular (Witkowski,

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

2005). This charge seems especially5paradoxical given the success marketing has enjoyed in non-capitalist. and collectivist societies. The first mark

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space:The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing StudiesChris Hackley, Royal Holloway Univer

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies ndinavia (Gronroos, 1994; 2004; Gummesson, 2002b) there have been calls fora regional adaptation of marketing theory and practice away from the tradit

ional transaction. Mix-focused approach and toward a more relational and service-based orientation. In Asia, a reaction of ‘techno-orientalism’ (Jack, Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

2008) has been observed, with Asian cultures adapting the Western managerial model to their own ends, divested of its strains of liberal individualis

Parallel Universes and Disciplinary Space: The Bifurcation of Managerialism and Social Science in Marketing Studies

m and tailored to profoundly relational cultural values. Not only that, but Asian countries have even adapted the conspicuous consumption lifestyle to

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