Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam

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Nội dung chi tiết: Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam

Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam

MEIHO UNIVERSITYGraduate Institute of Business and ManagementMASTERS THESISFactors affecting Effective Supervision of Payment of State-funded Projects

Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam s at the State Treasury of Binh Thuan Province,Vietnamm-Ờ-______12. offi , ___________In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ofMast

ers of Business AdministrationAdvisor: Dr. Ching-Wen MoCo-advisor: Dr. Ta Xuan TeGraduate Student: Iran Xuan I.anhDecember, 2010Mciho UniversityGradua Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam

te Institute of Business and Management Master Thesis Committee Members Signature FormStudent:__________TRAN XU AN LANH____________________Title of Ma

Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam

ster Thesis:Factors affecting Effective Supervision of Payment of State-funded Projects at the State Treasury of Binh ThuanProvince, VietnamAcceptance

MEIHO UNIVERSITYGraduate Institute of Business and ManagementMASTERS THESISFactors affecting Effective Supervision of Payment of State-funded Projects

Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam D u 4 H♦w(Tran Xuan Lanh) #X*Ẫ a : Factors affecting Effective Supervision of Payment of State-funded Projects at the State Treasury of Binh Thuan Pro

vince, Vietnam99 #■ 12 fl 29 aACKNOWLEDGMENTSI want to say thank to the Board of Rectors of Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry. Vietnam and Board Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam

of Rectors of Mcilio University. Taiwan for giving me opportunity of participating this MBA program. Much thanks to Associate Prof. Dr. I.e Van l an

Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam

- Vice Rector. Associate Prof. Dr. Nguyen Minh Tuan - Dean of Department of Business Administration. Associate Prof. Dr. Vo Phuoc Tan - Dean of Postgr

MEIHO UNIVERSITYGraduate Institute of Business and ManagementMASTERS THESISFactors affecting Effective Supervision of Payment of State-funded Projects

Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam s to Dr. Ching Wen Mo, Graduate Institute of Business and Management. Mciho University, and Dr. la Xuan 1c. Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry. f

or valuable instruction and advice given me during the whole peiiod of time of conducting this research.Sincererily thank to professors, lecturers and Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam

staff of Postgraduate Department and Department of Business Administration, the F.MBA2 classmates at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry for supp

Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam

orlsgkcn inc during tire .past two years. I've learned a lot of new knowledge and kills. A deeplyyhahkĨ of Meiho University, Prof. Dr.Slian-Da Liu and

MEIHO UNIVERSITYGraduate Institute of Business and ManagementMASTERS THESISFactors affecting Effective Supervision of Payment of State-funded Projects

Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam tudents al Mciho Univ ersily. for useful guidance, warmly greetings and friendly cares given US when we were in Taiwan. Such behaviour and emotion wer

e very impressive and certainly not easy to forget. Bffl r\The great thanks to other closed people as my family members, my colleagues and friends al Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam

the Slate Treasure of Binh Ihuan province and other Stale Treasures for great helps as providing information, convenient conditions, reference materia

Factors affecting effective supervision of payment of state funded projects at the state treasury of binh thuan province, vietnam

ls, advice and suggestions during the time 1 was conducting the research: espcciall for those sincere encouragement. Thank you very much’Factors affec

MEIHO UNIVERSITYGraduate Institute of Business and ManagementMASTERS THESISFactors affecting Effective Supervision of Payment of State-funded Projects

MEIHO UNIVERSITYGraduate Institute of Business and ManagementMASTERS THESISFactors affecting Effective Supervision of Payment of State-funded Projects

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