natural english reading and writing skills elementary

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Nội dung chi tiết: natural english reading and writing skills elementary

natural english reading and writing skills elementary

naturalEnglishran 11 IfVillilifelementary resource bookTheresa clementsonwww.oupxom/ek/teacher/naturalenghshOXFORDnaturalEnglishreading writingelement

natural english reading and writing skills elementary tary resource book Theresa ClementsonOXTORDUNIVERSITY PRESSintroductionThis resell ice book is designed 10 be used alongside the natural English eleme

ntary student's book to give students at this level extra reading and writing practice. However, the materials are freestanding and can be used in any natural english reading and writing skills elementary

order as a dip-in resource for the teacher.The materials and tasks have beet) chosen fol the general English user who wants to improve their reading

natural english reading and writing skills elementary

and writing skills and also for the student using English (or their studies or lor work purposes. Il also covers skills useful for public exams such a

naturalEnglishran 11 IfVillilifelementary resource bookTheresa clementsonwww.oupxom/ek/teacher/naturalenghshOXFORDnaturalEnglishreading writingelement

natural english reading and writing skills elementary eacher's notes Each unit is linked thematically Io the corresponding unit in the student’s book.approach to reading and writingAl elementary level, ma

ny students are (bunted by hr reading and writing components of their English courses. This hook aims to encourage students to gain cotifideiKV and en natural english reading and writing skills elementary

joy both the reading and writing process. I he topics, text types, and task types have been selected ill wk'r to engage students' inieirsi. and to be

natural english reading and writing skills elementary

relevant and achievable tor a wide range oi students.The lessons aim to 'ualn' snidents In the sk Ik they need to improve their reading and writing, a

naturalEnglishran 11 IfVillilifelementary resource bookTheresa clementsonwww.oupxom/ek/teacher/naturalenghshOXFORDnaturalEnglishreading writingelement

natural english reading and writing skills elementary levant skill on the students' pages, e g- t-xidquidd) ora.wr/Jcdi. This will help raise students awareness (if the aims ol cadi task.The lessons arc d

esigned to be liexiblc so that the material is appropriate for monolingual and multilingual (lasses, and can cater tor stronger and weaker students (s natural english reading and writing skills elementary

ee teacher's notes}.of the use of language, e.g. linking words (hronoe. (OTrf. inti}. reference words út. liny), culloiations, style, and appropriacy.

natural english reading and writing skills elementary

Most of the model texts arc written by elementary and pre-intermediate students drawn from both ELI. and ESOL backgrounds, and as such Oiler elementa

naturalEnglishran 11 IfVillilifelementary resource bookTheresa clementsonwww.oupxom/ek/teacher/naturalenghshOXFORDnaturalEnglishreading writingelement

natural english reading and writing skills elementary mply dunging details as necessary to complete the writing tasks, l or more confident students, the models offer examples of genre and vocabulary in co

ntext, to use as a springl»oard for their own ideas., y.spell check This focuses on key points as they arise in the model texts. e.g. sound / spelling natural english reading and writing skills elementary

correlation. evunnor I spelling patterns e.g. words ending in -inland -id, plurals. common dusters c.g. igh. double letters. and silent letters.writi

natural english reading and writing skills elementary

ng tasks The tasks cover a range of text types, e g. e-mails, shod fuiiua) < senr.-iormal letters, messages, articles, autobiographies, tuid stories.

naturalEnglishran 11 IfVillilifelementary resource bookTheresa clementsonwww.oupxom/ek/teacher/naturalenghshOXFORDnaturalEnglishreading writingelement

natural english reading and writing skills elementary students can produce longer texts, then they should be encouraged to do so. Writing tasks arc designed lo be done in class to allow students IO refor

mulate thru ideas with input from von and their peers.extension activities These are often built into the writing tasks to give students a real reason natural english reading and writing skills elementary

foi writing and IO ex])loit students' work for both skills and language work. e.g. peers may have lo respond IO an e-mail or invitation addressed lo

natural english reading and writing skills elementary

them, or assess a liver's work. Students arc usually given an added incentive to write, e.g. for the class magazine, or lor display on the classroom w

naturalEnglishran 11 IfVillilifelementary resource bookTheresa clementsonwww.oupxom/ek/teacher/naturalenghshOXFORDnaturalEnglishreading writingelement

natural english reading and writing skills elementary paper articles and xioricx. The tasks encourage students to engage with tile texts. IO think about the language and to talk about the topics with thei

r peels in Older to aid understanding. They also aim to raise awareness of the skills (many of which are transferable I rum 1.1) which help 10 improve natural english reading and writing skills elementary

reading and to develop those skills so students can feel confident about progressing to longer texts. There is a glossary for most texts to help stud

natural english reading and writing skills elementary

ents understand key words: alongside this, the vocabulary tasks aim to build independence by. c.g. developing skills such as guessing tuvaning from co

naturalEnglishran 11 IfVillilifelementary resource bookTheresa clementsonwww.oupxom/ek/teacher/naturalenghshOXFORDnaturalEnglishreading writingelement

natural english reading and writing skills elementary y taught in the corresponding student's book unit, particularly in the first hall of the book. The lessons develop a number of different skills while

offering the necessary scaffolding to prepare students lor the writing task.The writing lessons include a number of key features:model texts Each writ natural english reading and writing skills elementary

ing lesson includes one or two model lexis. These aim IO engage students interest and raise awarenessteacher's notesThe teacher's notes give a clear p

natural english reading and writing skills elementary

rocedure for working through the exercises aud an answer key In addition, they offer guidance notes with explanations of rationale and solutions for a

naturalEnglishran 11 IfVillilifelementary resource bookTheresa clementsonwww.oupxom/ek/teacher/naturalenghshOXFORDnaturalEnglishreading writingelement

natural english reading and writing skills elementary offer alternative procedures for stronger and more confident students, IO help teachers adapt rhe material lo suit their students different needs.

naturalEnglishran 11 IfVillilifelementary resource bookTheresa clementsonwww.oupxom/ek/teacher/naturalenghshOXFORDnaturalEnglishreading writingelement

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