LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17)

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Nội dung chi tiết: LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17)

LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17)

7HOW TO TALK ABOUT LIARS AND LYING(Sessions 14-17)TEASER PREVIEWWhat kind of liar are you if you:have developed a reputation for falsehood?are particu

LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17) ularly skillful?cannot be reformed?have become habituated to your vice?started to lie from the moment of your birth?always lie?cannot distinguish fact

from fancy?suffer no pangs of conscience?are suspiciously smooth and fluent in your lying?tell vicious lies?SESSION 14It was the famous Greek philoso LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17)

pher and cynic Diogenes who went around the streets of Athens, lantern in hand, looking for an honest person.This was over two thousand years ago, but

LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17)

I presume that Diogenes would have as little success in his search today. Lying seems to be an integral weakness of mortal character—I doubt that few

7HOW TO TALK ABOUT LIARS AND LYING(Sessions 14-17)TEASER PREVIEWWhat kind of liar are you if you:have developed a reputation for falsehood?are particu

LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17) s to theorize that language must have been invented for the sole purpose of deception. Perhaps so. It is certainly true that animals seem somewhat mor

e honest than humans, maybe because they are less gifted mentally.Why do people lie? To increase their sense of importance, to escape punishment, to g LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17)

ain an end that would otherwise be denied them, out of long-standing habit, or sometimes because they actually do not know the difference between fact

LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17)

and fancy. These are the common reasons for falsification. No doubt there are other, fairly unique, motives that impel people to distort the truth. A

7HOW TO TALK ABOUT LIARS AND LYING(Sessions 14-17)TEASER PREVIEWWhat kind of liar are you if you:have developed a reputation for falsehood?are particu

LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17) d of course be a number of interesting words to describe different types of liars.Let us pretend (not to get personal, but only to help you become per

sonally involved in the ideas and words) that you are a liar.The question is, what kind of liar are you? don’t fool even some of the peopleE LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17)

verybody knows your propensity for avoiding facts. You have built so solid and unsavory a reputation that only a stranger is likely to be misled—and t

LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17)

hen, not for long.A notorious the highest summits of artistryYour ability is top-drawer—rarely does anyone lie as convincingly or as artistic

7HOW TO TALK ABOUT LIARS AND LYING(Sessions 14-17)TEASER PREVIEWWhat kind of liar are you if you:have developed a reputation for falsehood?are particu

LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17) ys crowned with success—and you have no trouble seducing an unwary listener into believing that you are telling gospel truth.A consummate liar3.beyond

redemption or salvationYou are impervious to correction. Often as you may be caught in your fabrications, there is no reforming you—you go right on l LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17)

ying despite the punishment, embarrassment, or unhappiness that your distortions of truth may bring upon you.An incorrigible liar4.too old to learn ne

LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17)

w tricksYou are die victim of firmly fixed and deep-rooted habits. Telling untruths is as frequent and customary an activity as brushing your teeth in

7HOW TO TALK ABOUT LIARS AND LYING(Sessions 14-17)TEASER PREVIEWWhat kind of liar are you if you:have developed a reputation for falsehood?are particu

LUYỆN từ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH 7 how to talk about liars and lying (sessions 14–17) terate liar

7HOW TO TALK ABOUT LIARS AND LYING(Sessions 14-17)TEASER PREVIEWWhat kind of liar are you if you:have developed a reputation for falsehood?are particu

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