➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM
X0T4Page 1 of 43CLASS NAMES AND THE INTERN ATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FOOD ADDITIVES 1SECTION 1FOREWORDBackgroundThe International Numbering System MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM for Food Additives (INS) has been prepared by the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC) for tile purpose of providing an agreed international numerical system for identifying food additives in ingredient lists as an alternative to tlie declaration of the specific name which is MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM often lengthy and a complex chemical structure. It has been based on the restricted system already introduced successfully within the EEC.The need forMÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM
tlie identification of food additives on food labels arises from the provisions of tlie Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged FoodsX0T4Page 1 of 43CLASS NAMES AND THE INTERN ATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FOOD ADDITIVES 1SECTION 1FOREWORDBackgroundThe International Numbering System MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM f ingredients."4.2.23. For food additives falling in the respective classes and appearing in lists of food additives permined for use in foods generally, the following class titles should be used together with the specific name or recognised numerical identification as required by national legislati MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM on."As required by this provision, the identification numbers are for use only in conjunction with class titles which are meaningful to consumers as dMÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM
escriptions of the actual functions of food additives. As an example, tartrazine when used as a colour in food could be declared as either "colour (taX0T4Page 1 of 43CLASS NAMES AND THE INTERN ATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FOOD ADDITIVES 1SECTION 1FOREWORDBackgroundThe International Numbering System MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM se)" or "thickener 466".The 18th Session (July 1989) of the Codex Alimentarius Commission adopted the INS as a Codex Advisory Text on tlie basis that tlie list would be an open one and that proposals for inclusion of further additives would be considered (ALINORM 89 40, para 297).Composition of the MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM INSThe INS is intended as an identification system for food additives approved for use in one or more member countries. It does not imply toxicologicaMÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM
l approval by Codex but is a means of identifying food additives on a world-wide basis. The list extends well beyond those additives currently clearedX0T4Page 1 of 43CLASS NAMES AND THE INTERN ATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FOOD ADDITIVES 1SECTION 1FOREWORDBackgroundThe International Numbering System MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM a Codex Advisory Text on the basis that the list would be an open one and that proposals for inclusion of further additives would be considered (ALINORM 89.40. para 297).X0T4 Page 2 of 43The INS does not include flavours since the Codex General Standard for Labelling does not require these to be spe MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM cifically identified in the list of ingredients. Further. it does not include chewing gum bases, and dietetic and nutritive additives.Enzymes which fuMÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM
nction as luod additives arc included in the INS along with the technological functions they perform. Il was not possible to insert these enzymes in tX0T4Page 1 of 43CLASS NAMES AND THE INTERN ATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FOOD ADDITIVES 1SECTION 1FOREWORDBackgroundThe International Numbering System MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM an 1100 series.Explanatory notes on the lay-out of the IN’SI he INS in numerical order (Section .3) is set out in three columns giving the identification number, the name of the food additive and the technological functions. The identification number for labelling purposes usually consists of three MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM or four digits such as 100 for Curcumins and 1001 for Chlorine salts and esters. However in some instances the number is followed by an alphabetical sMÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM
ubscript for example 150a identifies Caramel 1-plain. 150b identifies Canunci H-eauslic sulphite process, and so on. Therefore, the numbers including X0T4Page 1 of 43CLASS NAMES AND THE INTERN ATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FOOD ADDITIVES 1SECTION 1FOREWORDBackgroundThe International Numbering System MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM erical subscripts, such as (i), (ii). etc. For example. Curcumins are subdivided into (i) Curcumin and (ii) Turmeric. These identifications are not for labelling purposes but simply to identify- sub-classes (in Illis case of Curcumins) which are covered by separate specifications.The various technol MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM ogical functions performed by the food additives are included in the INS in a third column. The functions listed are indicative rather than exhaustiveMÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM
and are not intended for labelling purposes.For labelling purposes, tire technological functions are grouped under more descriptive functional class X0T4Page 1 of 43CLASS NAMES AND THE INTERN ATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FOOD ADDITIVES 1SECTION 1FOREWORDBackgroundThe International Numbering System MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM nty-three class titles given in Section 2 have been endorsed by the Codex Committee on Food Labelling and were adopted by the 19th Session (July 1991) of lire Codex Alimentarius Commission (ALINORNI91 40. para 181).A single food additive can often be used for a range of technological functions in a MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM food and it remains the responsibility of the manufacturer to declare the most descriptive functional class in lire list of ingredients.l or example,MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM
sulphur dioxide may function as either a preservative or an antioxidant in foods and may therefore be declared in the list of ingredients as "preservaX0T4Page 1 of 43CLASS NAMES AND THE INTERN ATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FOOD ADDITIVES 1SECTION 1FOREWORDBackgroundThe International Numbering System MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM nctions together in line with the previous procedure used with II c numbers. However, because of the extension of the list and its open nature most of the three digit numbers have already been allocated. Consequently, the positioning of a food additive in the list can no longer be taken as an indica MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM tion of the function, although this will often be the case.It should be noted that a few of tile numbers previously allocated within the EEC have beenMÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM
changed to facilitate grouping of similar additives in a more effective layout. This applies particularly to tlie diphosphates and polyphosphates whiX0T4Page 1 of 43CLASS NAMES AND THE INTERN ATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FOOD ADDITIVES 1SECTION 1FOREWORDBackgroundThe International Numbering System MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM expected and would beXOT 4 Page 3 of 43made only under exceptional and justified circumstances such as in order to prevent tire confusion of consumers or avoid undue difficulties for industry.The open nature of the listBecause of its primaiy purpose of identification, the INS is an open list subjec MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM t to the inclusion of additional additives or removal of existing ones on an ongoing basis. Similarly, the CCFAC will maintain an ongoing review. in cMÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM
onjunction with the Codex Committee on Food Labelling, of die functional class titles specified for use in food labelling.In line with the above purpoX0T4Page 1 of 43CLASS NAMES AND THE INTERN ATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FOOD ADDITIVES 1SECTION 1FOREWORDBackgroundThe International Numbering System MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM food additives for which an international identification number can be justifiedadditional functional class titles for use in food labelling in conjunction with the INSthe deletion of food additives or class titlesProposals should be dữected in die first instance to die Chief. Joint FAO WHO Food Sta MÔ tả CHỨC NĂNG CAC LOAI PHU GIA THUC PHAM ndards Programme. FAO, 00100, Rome, ITALY.X0T4Page 1 of 43CLASS NAMES AND THE INTERN ATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FOOD ADDITIVES 1SECTION 1FOREWORDBackgroundThe International Numbering System X0T4Page 1 of 43CLASS NAMES AND THE INTERN ATIONAL NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR FOOD ADDITIVES 1SECTION 1FOREWORDBackgroundThe International Numbering SystemGọi ngay
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