Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods

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Nội dung chi tiết: Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods

Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods

Big Data Meets Survey ScienceA Collection of Innovative MethodsEdited by ơaig A. Hill Paul p. Biemer Trent D. Buskirk Lilli Japec Antje Kirchner Stas

Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods Kolenikov Lars E. LybergWileyBig Data Meets Survey ScienceA Collection of Innovative MethodsEdited by Craig A. Hill Paul p Biemer Trent D. Buskirk Li

lli Japec Antje Kirchner Stas Kolenikov Lors E. LybergWILEYThis edition first published 2021 © 2021 John Wiley & SonsAll rights reserved. No part of t Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods

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Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods

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Big Data Meets Survey ScienceA Collection of Innovative MethodsEdited by ơaig A. Hill Paul p. Biemer Trent D. Buskirk Lilli Japec Antje Kirchner Stas

Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods to be identified as the editorial material in this work has been asserted in accordance with law.Registered officeJohn Wiley & Sons. Inc.. Ill River S

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Big Data Meets Survey ScienceA Collection of Innovative MethodsEdited by ơaig A. Hill Paul p. Biemer Trent D. Buskirk Lilli Japec Antje Kirchner Stas

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Big Data Meets Survey ScienceA Collection of Innovative MethodsEdited by ơaig A. Hill Paul p. Biemer Trent D. Buskirk Lilli Japec Antje Kirchner Stas

Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a specialist where appropriate. Further, re

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consequential, or other damages.Library of Congress Catalogingin-Publication DataNames: Hill. Craig A., 1956- editor. I Bicmcr, Paul p.. editor. I Bus

Big Data Meets Survey ScienceA Collection of Innovative MethodsEdited by ơaig A. Hill Paul p. Biemer Trent D. Buskirk Lilli Japec Antje Kirchner Stas

Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods John Wiley &. Sons, publisher.Title: Big data meets survey science: a collection of innovative methods / edited by Craig A. Hill, Paul p. Biemer, Tren

t I). Buskirk. Lilli Japec, Antje Kirchner. Stas Kolcnikov. Lars Erik Lybcrg.Description: I loboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021.1 Includes inde Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods

x. Identifiers: LCCN 2020022652 (print) I LCCN 2020022653 (ebook) I ISBN 9781118976326 (cloth) I ISBN 9781118976333 (adobe pdf) I ISBN 9781118976340 (

Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods

epub)Subjects: LCSH: Big data. I Social survcys-Mclhodology.Classification: LCC QA76.9.B45 B5563 2021 (print) I QA76.9.B45(ebook) I DDC 001.4/330

Big Data Meets Survey ScienceA Collection of Innovative MethodsEdited by ơaig A. Hill Paul p. Biemer Trent D. Buskirk Lilli Japec Antje Kirchner Stas

Big data meets survey science a collection of innovative methods Image: Courtesy of RTI InternationalSet in 9.5/12.5pt STIXTwoText by SPi Global, Chennai, IndiaPrinted in the 1 Inited States of AmericaVContents11.1

Big Data Meets Survey ScienceA Collection of Innovative MethodsEdited by ơaig A. Hill Paul p. Biemer Trent D. Buskirk Lilli Japec Antje Kirchner Stas

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