Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

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Nội dung chi tiết: Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

I Scalable Computing and CommunicationsSouravMazumderRobin Singh Bhadoria Ganesh Chandra Deka EditorsDistributedComputing in Big Data AnalyticsConcept

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications ts, Technologies and ApplicationsSpringerScalable Computing and CommunicationsSeries Editor Albert Y. ZomayaUniversity of Sydney, New South Wales. Aus

tralia More information about this senes atEditorsSourav Maztmder. Robin Singh Bhadoria and Ganesh Chandra DekaDistributed Computing in Big Data Analy Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

ticsconcepts, Technologies and ApplicationsspringerEditorsSourav MazumderBM Analytics. San Ramon. California. USARobin Singh BhadoriaDiscipline of Com

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

puter Science and Engineering. Indian Institute of Technology Indore. Indore. Madhya Pradesh. India Ganesh Chandra DekaDirectorate General of Training

I Scalable Computing and CommunicationsSouravMazumderRobin Singh Bhadoria Ganesh Chandra Deka EditorsDistributedComputing in Big Data AnalyticsConcept

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications 978-3-319-59833-8e-ISBN 978-3-319-59834-5Library of Congress Control Number. 2017947705© Springer International Publishing AG 2017This work Is subject

to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of rile material is concerned, specifically the rights of translati Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

on, reprinting, reuse of Illustrations. recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way. and transmission or informa

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

tion storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.The use

I Scalable Computing and CommunicationsSouravMazumderRobin Singh Bhadoria Ganesh Chandra Deka EditorsDistributedComputing in Big Data AnalyticsConcept

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors

and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at rile date of publication. Nei Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

ther the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the matenal contained herein or for any errors

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliati

I Scalable Computing and CommunicationsSouravMazumderRobin Singh Bhadoria Ganesh Chandra Deka EditorsDistributedComputing in Big Data AnalyticsConcept

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications stered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11.6330 Cham, Switzerland Editor’s NotesWe are today living in the world of information explosion. Fortunate

ly our human brain is reasonably fast and intelligent enough to capture relevant information from rile large volume of data we are exposed to on every Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

day basis. That helps US taking appropriate decisions and making right choices every moment in our business and personal lives However, more and more

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

, we have started facing difficulty in doing the same given that in many a case we need to take rapid decision after gathering insights from very high

I Scalable Computing and CommunicationsSouravMazumderRobin Singh Bhadoria Ganesh Chandra Deka EditorsDistributedComputing in Big Data AnalyticsConcept

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications make everyone's life easier and the decisions more accurate and effective. This aid is what we otherwise call as Analytics The Analytics Is anything b

ut new to the human world. The earliest evidence of applying Analytics in business is found in late of seventeenth century. At that point of time Foun Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

der Edward Lloyd used the shipping news and information gathered from his coffee house to assist bankers, sailors, merchants, ship owners, and others

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

In their business dealings, including Insurance and underwriting. This made Society of Lloyds the world s leading market for specialty insurance for n

I Scalable Computing and CommunicationsSouravMazumderRobin Singh Bhadoria Ganesh Chandra Deka EditorsDistributedComputing in Big Data AnalyticsConcept

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications human Civilization saw few revolutionary ideas forming side by side In the area of Analytics both from academia as well as business. In academia, Moo

re s common sense proposition gave rise to the idea of Analytic Philosophy' which essentially advocates extending facts gathered from common place to Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

greater Insights. On the other hand, in rile business side of the world, Frederick Winslow Taylor detailed out efficiency techniques in his book, The

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

Principles of Scientific Management, in 1911. which were based on principles of Analytics. Also, during the similar time frame, the real life use of A

I Scalable Computing and CommunicationsSouravMazumderRobin Singh Bhadoria Ganesh Chandra Deka EditorsDistributedComputing in Big Data AnalyticsConcept

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications g.However, the Analytics started becoming more main mainstream, which we can refer as Analytics 1.0, with the advent of Computers In 1944, Manhattan P

roject predicted behavior of nuclear chain reactions through computer simdations. in 1950 first weather forecast was generated by ENIAC computer, in 1 Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

956 shortest path problem was solved through computer based analytics which eventually transformed Air Travel and Logistics industry, in 1956 FICO cre

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

ated analytic model for credit nsk prediction, in 1973 optimal pnce for stock options was derived using Black-Scholes model, in 1992 FICO deployed rea

I Scalable Computing and CommunicationsSouravMazumderRobin Singh Bhadoria Ganesh Chandra Deka EditorsDistributedComputing in Big Data AnalyticsConcept

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications 90 s onwards, we started seeing major adoption of Web Technologies. Mobile Devices and reduction of cost of computing infrastructures That started ge

nerating high volume of data, namely Big Data, which made the world thinking about how to handle this Big Data both from storage and consumption persp Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

ectives. Eventually this led to the next phase of evolution in Analytics. Analytics 2.0. In the decade of 2000. There we saw major resurgence in the b

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

elief in potential of data and Its usage through the use of Big Data Technologies These Big Data Technologies ensured that the data in any volume, var

I Scalable Computing and CommunicationsSouravMazumderRobin Singh Bhadoria Ganesh Chandra Deka EditorsDistributedComputing in Big Data AnalyticsConcept

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications Big Data based Analytics, commonly called as Big Data Analytics or Analytics 3.0 Big Data Analytics is essentially about the use of Analytics in ever

y aspect of human needs to answer the questions right in time, to help taking decisions in immediate need and also to make strategies using data gener Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

ated rapidly in volume and variety through human interactions as well as by machines.The key premise of Big Data Analytics is to make insights availab

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

le to users, within actionable time, without bothenng them of the ways the data is generated and the technology used to store and process the same. Th

I Scalable Computing and CommunicationsSouravMazumderRobin Singh Bhadoria Ganesh Chandra Deka EditorsDistributedComputing in Big Data AnalyticsConcept

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications f Big Data (and hence to Big Data Analytics) - ability to scale (with respect to processing and storage) with increase in volume of data and ability t

o use tow cost hardware. These promises are highly profound in nature as they reduce the entry barrier for anyone and everyone to use Analytics and it Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

also creates a conducive environment for evolution of analytics in a particular context with tine change In business direction and growth.Hence, to p

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

roperty leverage benefits out of Big Data Analytics, one cannot undermine the importance of hff ns'//khoth u vip n com principals of Distributed Compu

I Scalable Computing and CommunicationsSouravMazumderRobin Singh Bhadoria Ganesh Chandra Deka EditorsDistributedComputing in Big Data AnalyticsConcept

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications lytics possible vwthin stipulated cost a human and machines. However, the current literatures available in Big Data Analytics world do not cover the u

se of key aspects of Distributed Processing in Big Data Analytics in an adequate way which can highlight the relation between Big Data Analytics and D Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

lstnbuted Processing for ease of understanding and use by the practitioners This book aims to cover that gap in the current space of bookS'lterature a

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

vailable for Big Data Analytics.The chapters in ths book are selected to achieve the afore mentioned goal with cowrage from three perspectives - the k

I Scalable Computing and CommunicationsSouravMazumderRobin Singh Bhadoria Ganesh Chandra Deka EditorsDistributedComputing in Big Data AnalyticsConcept

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications ted Processing in Big Data Analytics world, and finally popular Applications of Big Data Analytics highlighting how principles of Distributed Computin

g are used in those cases. Though all of the chapters of this book haw the underlying common theme of Distributed Computing connecting them togetiier. Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

each of these chapters can stand as independent read so that the readers can decide to pick and choose depending on their individual needs.Ths book w

Distributed computing in big data analytics concepts, technologies and applications

ill potentialy benefit the readers in the following areas. The readers can use the understanding of the key concepts and patterns of Distributed Compu

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