The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context

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Nội dung chi tiết: The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context

The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context

UGAUniversité Grenoble AlpesTHESEPour obtenir le grade deDOCTEl'R DE LT NIVERSĨTE GRENOBLE ALPESspeciality : Sciences (le GestlonArrẽté miuistẽriel: 2

The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context 25 mai 2016Prẻsentée parPhuong-Thuy VUONGThese dirigẽe par Isabelle GIRERD-POTIN, Professeur des Universités à runiversité Grenoble Alpes, etCo dirige

e par Nathalie GONTHIER-BESACIER, Professeur des ưniversités à rưniversité Grenoble Alpespréparée au sein du Laboratoire Centre d’Etudes et de Recherc The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context

hes Appllquées à la Gestiondans 1'Ecole Doctorale Sciences de Gestion (ED 275)The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and s

The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context

tock price informativeness. Empirical studies in a Vietnamese contextThese soutenue publiquement le 8 mars 2021 devant le jury compose de :Madame Gera

UGAUniversité Grenoble AlpesTHESEPour obtenir le grade deDOCTEl'R DE LT NIVERSĨTE GRENOBLE ALPESspeciality : Sciences (le GestlonArrẽté miuistẽriel: 2

The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context rgne (Rapporteur)Monsieur Radu BURLACUProfesseur des Universités à rumverstté Grenoble Alpes (President)Monsieur Jean-Francois GAJEWSKIProfesseur des

Universités à rUniversité de Lyon (Exanũnateur)Madame Isabelle GIRERD-POTINProfesseur des Universités à rUiũversité Grenoble Alpes. Directrice de thỏs The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context

eMadame Nathalie GONTHIER-BESACIERProfesseur des Universités à rumversité Grenoble Alpes. Co-Directnce de theseAcknowledgementsThere are no words able

The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context

to explain my feeling when writing these acknowledgements. Doing Ph.D was a hard choice because I had to trade off many valuables things. Thus. I dee

UGAUniversité Grenoble AlpesTHESEPour obtenir le grade deDOCTEl'R DE LT NIVERSĨTE GRENOBLE ALPESspeciality : Sciences (le GestlonArrẽté miuistẽriel: 2

The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context pective. I would like to take here the opportunity to express my gratitude to all those supporters.Foremost, I would like to thank the Vietnam Interna

tional Education Development (VIED) and Campus France who granted me a scholarship for this PhD time. I also highly appreciated the supports of the di The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context

fferent members of the VIED and Campus France who took care of me from my arrival in France until now. Those supports made my life in France easier an

The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context

d brighter.This thesis wouldn't have been done without tire support of my supervisors. Prof. Isabelle Girerd-Potin and Prof. Nathalie Gonthier Besacie

UGAUniversité Grenoble AlpesTHESEPour obtenir le grade deDOCTEl'R DE LT NIVERSĨTE GRENOBLE ALPESspeciality : Sciences (le GestlonArrẽté miuistẽriel: 2

The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context g to me when my feelings went down and for your help in solving my Ph.D troubles. There are no words to show my appreciation.I would like to give spec

ial thank my home university : the University of Economics-tire University of Danang. which has been in particularly very helpful in buying some data The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context

for this tiresis.This tiresis is dedicated to my two kids and my husband, who I have been apart from during most of my PhD time. Your love and sharing

The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context

have been tire greatest motivation throughout my Ph.D study. I would also wish to express my deepest love and gratitude to my parents and parents-in-

UGAUniversité Grenoble AlpesTHESEPour obtenir le grade deDOCTEl'R DE LT NIVERSĨTE GRENOBLE ALPESspeciality : Sciences (le GestlonArrẽté miuistẽriel: 2

The relationship between corporate governance, earnings management and stock price informativeness empirical studies in a vietnamese context d Grenoble Alpes University, as well as the PhD community in Grenoble for making all of this possible.1Table of contents

UGAUniversité Grenoble AlpesTHESEPour obtenir le grade deDOCTEl'R DE LT NIVERSĨTE GRENOBLE ALPESspeciality : Sciences (le GestlonArrẽté miuistẽriel: 2

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