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Nội dung chi tiết: 13494_812555_l2l3automationhfguidance


©U.S. Deportment ot TransportationNational Highway Traffic Safely AdministrationDOT HS812 555SGinQNHTSA43313Human Factors Design Guidance for Level 2

13494_812555_l2l3automationhfguidance And Level 3 Automated Driving ConceptsDISCLAIMERThis publication IS distributed by the U.S. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Sa

fety Administration, in rhe interest of information exchange. The opinions, findings and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of rhe au 13494_812555_l2l3automationhfguidance

thors and not necessarily those of the Department of Transportation or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The United States Governmen


t assumes no liability for its content or use thereof. If trade or manufacturers' names or products are mentioned, it is because they are considered e

©U.S. Deportment ot TransportationNational Highway Traffic Safely AdministrationDOT HS812 555SGinQNHTSA43313Human Factors Design Guidance for Level 2

13494_812555_l2l3automationhfguidance ufacturers.Suggested APA Format Citation:Campbell. J. L . Brown. J L.. Graving. J. $ , Richard, c. M .. Lichty. M. G.. Bacon. L. p.& Sanquist.T. (2018

. August). Human factors design guidance for level 2 and level 3 automated driving concepts (Report No. DOT HS S12 555). Washington. DC; National High 13494_812555_l2l3automationhfguidance

way Traffic Safety Administration.REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGEForm Approved 0MB No. 0704-018Ô1. AGENCY USE ONLY ueav® blank 12 REPORT DATE August 20183.


REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Human 1 actors Design Guidance lor Level 2 and Level 3 Automated Driving Conceits5. FUNDING NUMBERS

©U.S. Deportment ot TransportationNational Highway Traffic Safely AdministrationDOT HS812 555SGinQNHTSA43313Human Factors Design Guidance for Level 2

13494_812555_l2l3automationhfguidance n. Justin F. Morgan. Hong Li. Diane N. Williams. Thomas Sanquist7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS Banellc Memorial institute 505 King Ave

nue Columbus. Ohio 13201-26968. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER9. SPONSCRING'MONITCRING AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS National Highway Traffic Safety 13494_812555_l2l3automationhfguidance

Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE. Washington. DC 2059010 SPONSORING.'MONTORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER DOT HS 312 55511. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESDr. P


aul Rau was NHTSA's Contracting officer's Representatives (COR) tor this effort.12a DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABIJTY STATEMENT This document is available to t

©U.S. Deportment ot TransportationNational Highway Traffic Safely AdministrationDOT HS812 555SGinQNHTSA43313Human Factors Design Guidance for Level 2

13494_812555_l2l3automationhfguidance ncrease the safety, mobility, and efficiency of the existing road network, and lias been anticipated tor decades. It was not. however, until the devel

opment of sophisticated sensing and computing systems that such vehicles became technically feasible. Many automakers and Tier-1 suppliers are develop 13494_812555_l2l3automationhfguidance

ing or testing vehicles with some form of automation. In support of the motor vehicle automation effort. NHTSA is planning a automation driving system


(.ADS) research program in coordination with other L’SDOT agencies with the goal of improving motor vehicle safety. Driver vehicle interface (DVI) de

©U.S. Deportment ot TransportationNational Highway Traffic Safely AdministrationDOT HS812 555SGinQNHTSA43313Human Factors Design Guidance for Level 2

13494_812555_l2l3automationhfguidance d behavior under Level 2 and Level 3 automated driving. Sate and efficient operation of any motor vehicle requires that the DV1 be designed in a manne

r consistent with driver limitations, capabilities, and expectations. 1 his document is intended to assist DVI developers achieve these outcomes.14. S 13494_812555_l2l3automationhfguidance

UBJECT TERMS Automation, Automated Driving Concepts, 1 evels of Automation. Driver Vehicle Interface. DVI. Driver PerformanceIS. NUMBER OF PAGES 12716



©U.S. Deportment ot TransportationNational Highway Traffic Safely AdministrationDOT HS812 555SGinQNHTSA43313Human Factors Design Guidance for Level 2

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©U.S. Deportment ot TransportationNational Highway Traffic Safely AdministrationDOT HS812 555SGinQNHTSA43313Human Factors Design Guidance for Level 2

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